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Originally to:
Organization: Deltona Lakes BBS * Deltona Fl.
Original Date: Fri, 21 Jun 96 00:52:00 EST


I just received this from Joe Newman today and thought you might want to re-distribute it via your net.



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ANNOUNCING the Newman-L Mailing List

A mailing list about inventor Joseph Newman and his energy invention.

This list is maintained on The Energy Machine Information System,
Sysop, Ralph Hartwell.

List Managers - Evan Soule' and Ralph Hartwell

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Why are we starting another mailing list about Joseph Newman? Well, we like to think of this list as being the "official" list for information about Mr. Newman and his inventions. Here's why...

Mr. Evan Soule', has worked with Mr. Newman for many years handling public relations and fielding many questions from folks all over the world about Mr. Newman's work, both from the technical and non technical aspects. He is in an excellent position to be able to get answers to specific technical questions directly from Mr. Newman.

Mr. Ralph Hartwell, has spent considerable time over the years working with Mr. Newman in the technical area. He has had the opportunity to run some personal tests on Newman's devices, and oversaw the complete reconstruction of the 15,000 pound machine after it was damaged during high-power testing.

Both of these gentlemen have had personal contact with most or all of the people mentioned in Newman's book, and have also had extensive conversations, discussion and arguments with Mr. Newman over the years since he first developed his energy invention. They are uniquely poised to give you the "real stuff" in answer to your questions.

This list will also allow serious experimenters a place to discuss their projects with other like-minded folks and hopefully solve their design and construction problems with accuracy.

We feel that Newman-L will be of great interest to those who are genuinely interested in Joseph Newman and his inventions. We invite you to join us.


First of all, everyone's welcome aboard: "true believers", skeptics, the inquisitive, and everyone else as well. We welcome open and free discussion of Newman and his inventions, and this generally includes almost anything that relates even peripherally to Newman's work. Discussions of applications of his inventions are encouraged, as are discussions of his theory.

It should be stated, however, that the subscriber is at a serious disadvantage if he/she has not read the fundamental book written by Mr. Newman. Over the past 20 years, Mr. Newman has grown a bit impatient with individuals asking him the same questions --- over and over again --- especially when these questions are specifically addressed in his 475 page book. He does honestly ask that the reader master the material within his book before addressing additional questions to him.

Although this is an unmoderated list, if things should happen to get too far off topic, Evan or Ralph may request that a particular topic be taken to private Email or dropped from the ongoing discussion.


Flaming and personal attacks are verbotten. The list rules are pretty specific - you'll get a copy in the welcome message when you subscribe.

Remember, this is primarily a list of folks who are pretty much in Newman's corner, so raving attacks and flames will get you yelled at pretty quick. Healthy skepticism (tempered with honest curiosity) is quite acceptable ---- after all, what Newman is saying is quite a bit unusual to anyone schooled in standard physics and engineering.

Subscribing to Newman-L

Send e-mail to LISTSERV@EMACHINE.COM. In the body of the message, put your subscription requests as SUBSCRIBE NEWMAN-L


subscribe NEWMAN-L
subscribe NEWMAN-L Pete Nelson<-- REAL NAME [OPTIONAL]

You will be sent a subscription confirmation message with instructions on posting to the list and other helpful information, including a list of all archived materials available from The Energy Machine Information System via Email FTP or by dialing direct at 504-734-0526.

P.S.Special thanks to William Beaty for his permitting the use of some of his list service's phraseology. Thanks Bill!

Check out website: Check out website: Check out website:

Also: Joseph Newman's technology is featured in the current issue of Infinite Energy Magazine and will appear on the Chuck Harter Coast-to- Coast Radio Show in July.

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