www.padrak.com/ine/NEN_INPUT.html | Oct. 3, 2001 |
By Patrick Bailey, President of the INE
The New Energy News (NEN) is the monthly email publication of the Institute for New Energy, and publishes articles of interest to all of the INE members.
All articles within NEN are copyrighted, to keep our newsletter unique to INE.
Authors have the right to publish the same information and text anywhere else they choose, and the INE will absolutely encourage them to do that!
Articles can be as short as a few sentences or a paragraph, and as long as a few pages.
Subjects should be those that are of interest to the INE members. Examples of topics that have been reported on are listed in the SUBJECTS.html file. A review and editing process is used by myself as editor of NEN, to insure that the subject material is well documented and is of interest to the INE membership.
Submissions can be made by a simple three step process:
In my opinion, this is how momentum is created, how ideas are shared, how progress occurs, and how companies are formed.
Thank you.