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By Hal Fox, Editor

From: NEN, Vol. 6, No. 8, March 1999, pp. 8-9.
New Energy News (NEN) copyright 1999 by Fusion Information Center, Inc.
COPYING NOT ALLOWED without written permission.

By Hal Fox, Editor

In an editorial in the Space Energy Journal (December 1998 issue), Don Kelly asks the question, "New Energy - What is it? and Where is it?" In this editorial, Don Kelly makes the following observation: "It is an appalling fact that we have not witnessed any tangible progress in electrical engineering since the turn of the century, when Faraday's induction, or the spinning of magnets past electrical coils, became the practical and accepted way to produce electricity for all applications."

Well, Don Kelly (and the rest of our readers), we have a reply to that thought-provoking statement. There has been new developments in new energy production. Please read at least the first page of U.S. Patent 5,018,180 (inventor: Kenneth R. Shoulders). The first line of the Abstract states: "Disclosed are apparatus and method for obtaining energy from high electrical charge density entities." This author has written more about "high-density charge clusters" than all other writers and can assure you that this is a new technology that may just revolutionize the way we produce and distribute energy.

Some years ago, NEN was contracted by those whom we call the "Cincinnati Group". They discovered some interesting phenomena which turned out to be due to the formation and use of high-density charge clusters in a water solution. Dr. S-X. Jin, Chief Scientist for Trenergy, Inc., has provided the best (to date) analytical description of these high-density, electron, charge clusters. This technology is new. This technology is important. We now stand on the threshold of a new method of handling radioactive wastes (the LENT reactor), and for the future handling of high-level, radioactive, spent-fuel pellets. This is the second important application of this charge-cluster technology.

Kenneth Shoulders and the Cincinnati Group are not alone in the discovery of the importance of this new technology. One scientist in the Republic of Belarus and a scientist in Russia have also rediscovered this technology. In China some work is being pursued that is very close to this technology by translation they call it pseudo-sparks.

This may not be the kind of new-energy technology that Don Kelly would like to see. Don, and many of the rest of us would like to have simple devices that we can make at home and power our houses. We are about as likely to make these charge-cluster devices at home as we are to make our own transistors. Although evidence for these charge clusters has been reported in the literature for more than 80 years, it took a laboratory genius like Kenneth Shoulders to discover the true nature of these energetic little (typical ring of charge clusters are about one thousandth of an inch in diameter) toroids of energy and to tame them.

It took while for the world to convert Faraday's studies of electromagnetic induction into useful devices. It will take a lot less time to convert Ken Shoulders' important discovery into new-energy devices and systems. Very early next century should see the commercialization of this new technology. In the meantime, Don Kelly (and the rest of you) don't give up on mankind's ingenuity and ability to solve our energy problems. Worry more about those who will deny the possibility of such an enormously important development. But those kind have always been with us and have informed the world that heavier-than-air craft, missiles, atomic energy, cold fusion, and many other new developments wouldn't fly or couldn't work. One of the frequent and least-intelligent comments is "If it were that easy, it would have already been discovered!"

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June 2, 1999.