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Courtesy of Rick Harrison

From: NEN, Vol. 6, No. 6, November 1998, pp. 11-13.
New Energy News (NEN) copyright 1998 by Fusion Information Center, Inc.
COPYING NOT ALLOWED without written permission.

Courtesy of Rick Harrison

We received an interesting solicitation from Creative Science and Research, P.O. Box 8001, New Albany, IN 47151 (phone 812-949-2394). This four-page solicitation for R&D funds is emboldened with comments: "Information our US Government & and Oil Companies do not want you to know!" "Extremely CONFIDENTIAL Material Enclosed!" "For Selected Customers Only!" The pamphlet offers to send you plans, blue prints, patents, for a variety of energy-related devices. The following are offered: "The T. Henry Moray Device. 50,000 watts of Free Energy!" "Home Made Solar Cells." "Free Energy From a DC Motor." "318% Over Unity Permanent Magnet Motor (Japanese Patent)" "The Joe Newman Motor. 800% over unity." "Anti-Gravity Sphere." "Anti-Gravity Engine." This last is T.Townsend Brown's patent.

All you have to do is to send a donation for the amount shown and you will get plans or patents or instructions or some combination. The accompanying letter states: "because we feel you are a customer we can trust..." and "We are trying our best to get this suppressed information out ..."

In over ten years of publishing information about new-energy devices and inventions this NEN office has not encountered a single incident where any group or member of a government agency or any oil company representative has warned us away from our intensive R&D and publication efforts for new-energy developments! We do believe that there have been serious incidents in the past where certain types of inventions were either bought up and shelved or where persons were warned (and perhaps damaged) by the actions of some unknown groups. It is our studied judgement that for every real act of suppression, there have been many more acts where such events were staged (such as laboratories trashed) by the inventor when he failed to fulfill promises of new-energy developments to his funders.

The power companies cannot build nuclear power plants because of intensive public disapproval. New coal-burning plants are too expensive to build and operate under the current requirements of the EPA. Oil company executives have informed us that they would sooner keep their oil in the ground and sell it later at $50 to $60 per barrel for chemical feedstocks rather than sell it under government pressure for $15 to $20 per barrel to burn in autos, trucks, and power-generating stations. No new power-generating plant has been built (at least in the Western U.S.) for over ten years. Power companies have even subsidized the insulation of homes for persons of lesser income so that there would be more power to use for the growing demands of commercial customers. Under strong government sponsorship there has been a lot of energy saving by energy conservation. However, conservation can only accomplish a limited amount of power savings. Soon we either cease to add industrial capacity in the U.S. and send our jobs offshore or we solve the energy problems. The power companies know this! There is no current suppression of new-energy concepts except for the attempted suppression of cold fusion by the hot fusion community.

None of the devices touted by Rich Harrison have commercial potential at the present time. As reported in this publication, there are devices that do have commercial potential. None of these devices are mentioned in the solicitation from Creative Science and Research. NEN is strongly dedicated to the development of new-energy systems and devices that can be commercialized. In our judgement, none of the devices listed by Creative Science are known to have commercial potential. We invite the president of Creative Science & Research to respond to our criticism of his money-raising efforts. He is not a subscriber to New Energy News. He should be!

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Jan. 11, 1999.