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From: NEN, Vol. 6, No. 5, Sept. 1998, pp. 6-7.
New Energy News (NEN) copyright 1998 by Fusion Information Center, Inc.


The latest issue of Infinite Energy is, as usual, loaded with excellent information about new developments in cold fusion and new-energy technologies. Here are the articles presented in the vol 4, issue 20 for June & July 1998:

"Do-It-Yourself CF Experiment -- "Ohmori-Mizuno Effect."
An article discussing the results: "Excess Energy Evolution and Transmutation" by Ohmori and Mizuno.
A review of the papers presented at the American Nuclear Society Annual Meeting in Nashville.
"Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions and High-Density Charge Clusters," by Fox and Jin.
A report on the meeting of the Society for Scientific Exploration.
Michael McKubre's ICCF-7 Closing Remarks.
"Rhodium-Catalyzed Fusion in Palladium," by H.C. Josephs.
"The Theory of Excess Energy in a AGD Reactor (Correa Reactor)," by Lev Sapogin.
"Formation and Properties of Hydrex and Deutex," by J.J. Dufour, et al.
"Detection of Anomalous Elements, X-Ray and Excess Heat," Iwamura, et al. (Mitshubishi-funded).
"Recent Observations that Yield Information on Catalytic Particles," by J. McKibben.
"Hydrogen Gas from Vacuum - Part III," by Paul Rowe.
"The Source of Excess Energy," by Alexander Frolov.
Plus several regular department articles and reports.

All members of the Institute of New Energy will find that Infinite Energy is a publication that will soon be received as they renew their memberships.

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Oct. 25, 1998.