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From Richard Lasken

From: NEN, Vol. 6, No. 4, Aug. 1998, pp. 13-15.
New Energy News (NEN) copyright 1997 by Fusion Information Center, Inc.
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To whom it may concern:

It is no mystery that in our modern day the rules are made by those who write the biggest checks. The time has come for the people to join together and take a stand as a people.

October 24, 1998 will mark the date for an international movement. The March for Peaceful Energy will take place on the mall in Washington, DC in front of the capitol building. This march will be the biggest environmental event ever, making a statement to the public that we need to start to put an end to the use of nuclear and fossil fuels and convert to alternative energy sources. Not only will this event help to clean up our environment, but it will put an end to many of the wars going on around the world over energy resources and profit. We have the potential to stop oil wars all over the world, and stop the dumping of nuclear waste on places like Tibet and other native soils.

We are attempting to have at least one million people to attend this event, however this number is only fantasy unless all groups help to get the people in their area to the march. We are also trying to reach this quota by having a panel of major speakers as well as popular music groups.

Other events are being planed around the world in places like New York, San Francisco, Australia and Vienna, Austria. There are rumors of other marches being organized in London and Sydney. People from around the globe have shown interest in this project, and I am encouraging groups to form their own rallies on the same date in their countries. Together we can make a global statement that it is time for change. We can not wait for our governments and corporations to decide that we are ready, for this will not help. Taking it to the streets has always proven effective when all else fails.

Current speakers/musicians to appear in Washington are: Scott Sklar, Brian O'Leary, Dennis Weaver, John Nolt, 17 year old Daniel who converted a Volvo from a gasoline engine to a hydrogen engine, Eugene Mallove, Jeane Manning, David Hilliard, Chief Arvol Looking Horse, Hazel Henderson, Helen Caldicott, Roy McAlister, Hal Fox, Bonnie Reiss, Gaylord Nelson, Peace Pilgrim, Remy Chevalier, the Robert Charels Blues Band, Project Exodus, the David Marks Band and Sharon Perez-Abreu. We are currently speaking with other major rock bands and political figures, but because they have not been officially confirmed I will not be disclosing them in this letter.

We need more individuals and organizations to help in many areas. We need more information sent out (networking), donations, housing arrangements and possible other keynote speakers and entertainers. Currently we are looking for individuals or organizations to be the delegates to mobilize people in their area.

You may contact Richard Lasken, the Executive Director of the March for Peaceful Energy at (301)345-3454

If you have concerns about the credibility of this project please contact: Kathy at the American Hydrogen Society (602)827-7915.

If anyone would like to send a donation please make checks payable to DC Solar at:

DC Solar

c/o University of Maryland College Park

Stamp Student Union Box 73

College Park, MD 20742 USA

We are asking all renewable energy companies to donate $100.00 to the march. They are great in number and if we all cooperate we can make this happen in a big way. Any organizations interested in being a title sponsor should contact DC Solar for details.

If we have a surplus of money after paying for the event, all proceeds will go to the purchasing of a renewable energy generator (or generators depending on the budget) for 3rd world nations.

Subscribe to the march forum to receive progress updates. Info for reserving table space is also available on the webpage

Regards, Richard Lasken

Please forward this message to any potentially interested parties

[Also, from the Meetings Section in the same NEN issue, pp19-20:]

October 24, 1998

Organized in support of the "Million Solar Rooftop" promise President Clinton made at the last Earth Summit, the March for Peaceful Energy has been embraced by a wide range of solar, new energy and anti-nuclear coalitions.

The March for Peaceful Energy aims to hold President Clinton to his promise and pressure Congress in creating a similar program to the one which gave birth to the microchip in the 50's, massively reducing cost of production.

The March is being organized by students at the University of Maryland College Park. They have taken full advantage of the Internet by designing a terrific website. The word has quickly gotten around, building strong grassroots support. Already an impressive list of speakers and performers have lent their names to the rally. A dozen other alternatives energy events are being planned for October 24th around the world. The DC March organizers plan to bring focus to all of them via comlinks and teleconferencing.

America has become complacent about energy issues. We have been lulled into a false security by low oil prices and a moratorium on nuclear plant construction. But the urgent need to retrofit the existing energy infrastructure still lies ahead. A recent air quality crisis in Europe and India's nuclear tests have rekindled a spirit of activism. Taking it to the streets has always proven effective when all else fails.

Energy is at the root of increased standards of living for all. The development of safe and clean power providing electricity to suburban homes and remote locations alike should be priority in Washington.

Contributions to the march should be made out to SC Solar. We are still looking for additional sources of sponsorship. Currently we are in need of organizations or individuals to help the cause by mobilizing people in their specific areas. Richard Lasken, President of DC Solar
c/o University of Maryland College Park
Box 73
College Park, MD 20742
(301) 345-3454

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Sep. 8, 1998.