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By Hal Fox and FIC

From: NEN, Vol. 6, No. 4, Aug. 1998, pp. 1-2.
New Energy News (NEN) copyright 1997 by Fusion Information Center, Inc.
COPYING NOT ALLOWED without written permission.



New Energy News welcomes members of the Institute of New Energy to the New-Energy Symposium, Salt Lake City, Utah, August 14-15, 1998. NEN welcomes some of the top leaders in new-energy development to this important conference. A partial list of papers from well-known workers in the field of new-energy include the following: Patrick Bailey, Tom Bearden, Chuck Bennett, Hal Fox, Toby Grotz, Moray King, S.X. Jin, Eugene Mallove, Andrew Microwski, Don Reed. Other well-known energy specialists, such as Kenneth Shoulders, will be in attendance.

During the five years since the Institute of New Energy was begun (under the auspices of the International Association for New Science) the INE has published a monthly newsletter providing its members with the latest information about various international developments in new energy. In addition to the publication of New Energy News, INE has established and maintained an important new-energy WebSite (thanks to the work and financial support of Patrick Bailey, President of INE).

Among the accomplishments of the Institute for New Energy and its members has been the following:

1. Preservation of sustained interest in new-energy devices and systems.

2. Publication and dissemination of information via print and Internet.

3. The collection and storage on accessible media of over a thousand papers and reports. (To be made available on CD/ROM).

4. Participation in several energy conferences.

5. The preparation and delivery of dozens of papers.

6. The finding of financial support for a few projects.

7. Serving as an information center for students and authors.

8. Established affiliations and exchanges of information with similar organization in several foreign countries.

9. Provided encouragement for many new-energy investigators (to find that they were not alone).

10. Reduced the threat of suppression of new-energy inventions.

11. Advanced the scientific theories and experimental evidence for new-energy processes.

12. Provided a forum for information exchange and publications.

13. Provides an up-to-date source of information on commercial ventures and other information sources on new energy.

Fiscal Notice: Every member is strongly encouraged to strengthen the role of INE by getting new members to join with us. The Institute has been successful due to the financial support of its members and by special financial donations from Ben and Lee Trippett, Patrick Bailey, Hal and Joyce Fox, Fusion Information Center, and Trenergy, Inc. The estimated value of this financial support is about $3,000 per month for the past five years. We thank all of those (members and others) who have supported the important work of INE.

Video Notice: Videos will be available and rpyalities will be paid to the authors.

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Sep. 8, 1998.