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INFINITE ENERGY: Papers from past issues not published in either NEN or Fusion Facts

From Infinite Energy Magazine

From: NEN, Vol. 6, No. 3, July 1998, p. 18.
New Energy News (NEN) copyright 1998 by Fusion Information Center, Inc.
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Papers from past issues not published in either NEN or Fusion Facts.

T. Benson, "A 'Micro-Fusion' Reactor: Nuclear Reactions in 'The Cold' by Ultrasonic Cavitation," Infinite Energy, vol 1, no 1, March/April 1996, pp 33-37, 11 refs, figs.

T. Mizuno, K. Inoda, T. Akimoto, K. Azumi, M. Kitaichi, K. Kurokawa, T. Ohmori (Hokkaido Univ., Sapporo, Japan), M. Enyo (Hokodata National College of Technology, Japan), "Formation of 197Pt Radioisotopes in Solid State Electrolyte Treated by High Temperature Electrolysis in D2 Gas," Infinite Energy, vol 1, no 4, Sept/Oct. 1995, pp 9-12, 3 refs, 3 figs.

J. Rothwell, "Very Hot Cold Fusion: Dr. Mizuno's Ceramic Proton Conductors," Infinite Energy, vol 1, no 1, March/April 1996, pp 14-17, 3 figs.

E. Storms, "The Nature of the Energy-Active State in Pd-D," Infinite Energy, vol 1, nos 5-6, Nov 1995-Feb 1996, pp 77-81, 8 refs, 13 figs.

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July 30, 1998.