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From: NEN, Vol. 6, No. 3, July 1998, pp. 1-2.
New Energy News (NEN) copyright 1998 by Fusion Information Center, Inc.
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In a letter from Dr. Eugene Mallove, the Ohmori-Mizuno experiment is reported along with aids for the experimenter to replicate it. Mallove cites the experiment as being both visually and audibly spectacular: brilliant glowing pink, purple and lavender with white flashes on an underwater tungsten electrode. The plasma-like underwater discharge on the electrode often manages to disintegrate or melt tungsten underwater with only about 50 to 80 watts of power. Tungsten's melting point is around 3680øK. There is also evidence for transmutation of elements.

Dr. Mallove reports the process as being totally reproducible with no "loading time." Three groups researching this technique have all gotten excess heat results. A comprehensive article about the experimental results will be published in Infinite Energy #20, due out on July 22.

In calorimetric assessment: Heating credit should be taken for the full mass of water in the cell from the initial temperature of say 80øC to the boiling point. However, you may find it difficult to push the average solution temperature up to 100øC, because the steam ejected cools the solution so rapidly. Also, the boiling point is lowered because of the electrolyte. This is wonderful, because we can use steam. The main source of the excess appears in the amount of steam produced: water vaporized requires 2268 J/gm.


Ohmori and Mizuno experienced significant apparent electromagnetic effects on their instruments during these experiments.

Note from the Editor:

In our laboratory, we have been working with and writing papers about similar experiments using aluminum and zirconium. The Ohmori-Mizuno experiment is a welcomed addition to the high-density charge cluster technology. Professor Ohmori was a participant at the Second International Low Energy Nuclear Reactions conference held at College Station Texas, in September 1996. It was a that conference that Shoulders presented his paper on high-density charge clusters and Fox presented a paper on "Electro-Nuclear Transmutation: Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions in an Electrolytic Cell." In the proceedings of that conference (Journal of New Energy, vol 1, no 3, 1996) a paper on "Plasma Injected Transmutation" by Fox, Bass, and Jin was also published (after important patent applications were filed). See also "Electron Charge Cluster Sparking in Aqueous Solutions." by Bhadkamkar and Fox in JNE, vol 1, no 4, Winter 1996.

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July 30, 1998.