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By Hal Fox

From: NEN, Vol. 6, No. 2, June 1998, pp. 1-2.
New Energy News (NEN) copyright 1998 by Fusion Information Center, Inc.
COPYING NOT ALLOWED without written permission.


By Hal Fox

The NPA (National Philosophy Alliance) held its annual meeting in conjunction with the annual meeting of the South Western and Rocky Mountain (SWARM) Division of the American Association for the Advancement of Science at Mesa State College in Grand Junction, Colorado, May 17 to 21, 1998.

The several sessions of the NPA conference included the following: Coping with Suppression of Innovative Thought; Special Relativity for the Open-Minded; Relativity-Related Topics; Particle Theory and Quantum Mechanics; Quantum Physics; Into Practice: New Physics, New Energy; and Astronomy and Cosmology.

Dr. John E. Chappell, Jr. presented several papers and was the leading person in the NPA to set up the conference, handle the many papers submitted, and communicate with all NPA members. For his excellent managerial work and scientific work, Dr. Chappell deserves great credit.

The NPA is considered a "dissident group" because one of their objectives is to shine the light of truth onto the blind acceptance of the Special Theory of Relativity (STR). The scientific literature constructively criticizing some of the results of Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity is voluminous. However, in the United States, such criticism is generally ignored by the bulk of the scientific community. Scientists in other countries, especially in France and Russia, wonder why the scientists of other countries are so slow to make the needed changes to the STR.

Several excellent papers on STR problems were presented at the conference. Two that were impressive to this editor, were the following: Neil E. Munch, "Inadequate Controls of Assumptions in Special Relativity"; and Professor Domina Eberle Spencer & Uma Shama's "Visualizing the Postulates on the Velocity of Light". This last paper examined the mathematical solutions of Einstein's second postulate (on the speed of light in vacuum) with two other later postulates. Only the latest version of this important STR postulate transfers into equations that are fully consistent with the latest experimental data from the array of orbiting Global Positioning Satellites. The measured time for the electro-magnetic radiation to travel from earth to the array of satellites and return to earth is different if you send the signals through these satellites in one direction around the world as contrasted with transmission in the opposite direction. Einstein's STR fails to explain the discrepancy. The latest version of the second postulate, as presented by Spencer and Shama, fully explains the experimental evidence.

So, why editorialize on the speed of light in an energy newsletter? The answer is that the resistance of the majority of the scientific community to accept new scientific experiments, models, and theories slows down scientific progress; denies employment to highly-qualified scientists (for failure to abide by accepted dogma); denies funds for dissident research; and denies publication of new discoveries in some prestigious journals. This list of denials is precisely those things that have delayed the development of several discoveries in the new-energy area (such as cold fusion). Therefore, any organization that can help to overcome the scientific prejudice to new technology is worthy of support and can help the new-energy community.

Here is one approach that was presented at the conference: PUT YOUR MOUTH (MIND) WHERE THE MONEY IS (OR WILL BE)! The concept is that new technology, as it is proven, will be able to provide money for those who are willing to devote their minds, talents, and innovation to further the development of the new technology. By using the brain power that exists in this one organization, the development and commercialization of new technology can be accelerated. A group of scientists who can both understand and correct the inadequacies of Einstein's work can provide a much-needed insight into new-energy technology. In return, the monies that flow from such new technologies can support the hiring, the experiments, the publications, and the patent applications that will come from such intellectual effort.

We know that some members of the NPA have directed their efforts into helping new technology grow and prosper. We have reason to believe that several more members of the NPA will become involved in solving some of the difficult scientific problems involved in transmutation, tapping space energy, and developing new-energy sources.

For further information about the NPA, write to NPA or John E. Chappell, Jr., PO Box 14014, San Luis Obispo, CA 93406. Membership is $30 per year.

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Jun. 19, 1998.