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By Donald Reed

From: NEN, Vol. 6, No. 1, May 1998, pp. 22-24.
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Donald Reed, "New Concepts for SpaceTime and Corroborating Evidence from Torsion Field Research."

A bold new theory has surfaced pertaining to the structure of microscopic nature which, in junction with the recent findings of Russian research on torsion fields [1], has potential astounding implication for not only clarifying our understanding of the operation of vacuum-energy devices, but might shed fresh insight into many of the counter-intuitive features of quantum theory, such as the aspect of non-locality which accompanies quantum "entanglement"[2].

The theory in question is the brain-child of physicist Mark Hadley, who has taken a truly maverick position, claiming that contrary to widespread belief, quantum theory is a consequence of the Einstein theory of gravity, instead of vice-versa [3]. Expanding on the Wheeler-Misner theory [4] of charged particles conceived as wormholes -- distortions in the topology of space -- Hadley has taken this approach one important step further. Positing sub-atomic particles as kinks in the topology of space and time, this new theory views elementary particles as a region of space-time so intensely warped that it bends back upon itself like a knot. Such a knot necessarily contains a "closed time-like curve". This time-loop, which is also one of the puzzling features of general relativity, enables a particle to interact with other particles not only in its past but in its future. Consequently, a new way of looking at entanglement is that sub-atomic particles, by virtue of the time machines they contain, are not constrained by time. There is nothing to prevent instantaneous interactions between particles, no matter the distance between them.

This has been clearly demonstrated in the new discovery of quantum teleportation. Here, the quantum state of a photon has been successfully translocated and reconstructed. This has proved possible specifically with the aid of an auxiliary pair of entangled particles produced by parametric down-conversion inside a non-linear crystal. For more details on this fascinating development, see references [5, 6].

Hadley's work is also validated by research into torsion fields which, likewise, are apparently not bounded by time or space. Also, much like dual entangled particles, torsion fields possess two choral states which are inextricably entwined due to super-luminal transmission of torsion potential. Moreover, there is evidence to suggest that these modes possess a vortical topology [7]. In addition, torsion fields cannot be shielded by conventional fields, evidence no attenuation when propagated arbitrary distances, and possess a "memory" ghost field which exists in the massless vacuum upon the annihilation of particle-antiparticle pairs [7]. All the former characteristics indicate a possible strong association of torsion fields to "temporal" fields, such as Hadley's time-loop structures. In fact, it is possible that the current Russian research in this area, is actually an outgrowth of N. Kozyrev's original work demonstrating that time has an energy effect which can be manifested in the spin of elementary particles or macroscopic rotating bodies [8]. See also Bruce DePalma's work [9].

However, unlike the mechanism attributed to quantum spin effects, the torsion fields involve the use of long-range (Pauli) classical spinners to describe such interactions. Here, focus is not on the Dirac equation to describe fermion spin, but on a classical analogue, the Bargmann-Michel-Telegedi (BMT) equation to account for spin effects [10]. BMT follows from a quasi-classical extension of the Dirac equation with an added Pauli term, and has been responsible for accounting for the anomalous magnetic moment of the electron, and confirms the effect of radiative self-polarization, both without the necessity for the standard application of quantum electrodynamics.

As pointed out by A. Akimov [7], empirical exhibits of torsion fields have possibly been found previously in conventional scientific research, but not yet recognized as due to such. Typical examples are the spin-polarization effect in proton beams [11], change in angle of polarization of gamma rays emitted in the aftermath of positron-electron annihilation [12], possibly the recent discovery of the anomalous rotation of radio waves in an astrophysical context [ 13], and the quantum non-locality phenomenon, which can be attributed to super-luminal transmission of torsion potential. Torsion fields also have the seemingly bizarre characteristic of being affected by the specific topology/geometry of macroscopic objects and biological fields [ 7], a feature which has been corroborated by the work of Glen Rein on DNA irradiated by non-Hertzian energy emanating from various geometric patterns [14].

Certain experimental work in the non-conventional area of new energy has also demonstrated the possible coupling of torsion fields to electromagnetic field configurations. Notable among these are the Hutchison lift and disruption effect [15], topological alteration of vacuum field impedance by caduceus coils which is sustained even when the coil is turned off [16], Chernetsky's discovery of self-generating discharge in plasmas [17], the anomalous inertial effects evident with the Biefield-Brown effect [18] and the Rudolf Zinsser apparatus [19], etc.

Moreover, the works of T. Bearden [20], H. Bateman [21], V. DeSabbata and M. Gasperini [22], as well as others, have specifically focused on the codification of novel electromagnetic waves that might actually signify a coupling to torsion fields. Along the same lines, the existence of both super-luminal and sub-luminal helically-polarized electromagnetic waves has been experimentally verified by W. Rodriques and J.Y. Lu [23] and R. Kiehn [24]. Unlike standard Hertzian radiation, one important feature of these spiral waves is a longitudinal field component. This, in turn, implies a non-zero value for the Lorentz Field Invariants [25] (i.e., E Dot B Not-Equal-To 0, which is also the case for another type of unique EM wave in which the E and B vectors are parallel [26]. This latter E // B wave has been realized in the "twisted mode" technique for obtaining uniform energy density in a laser cavity [27]).

Unfortunately, Mark Hadley's visionary theory cannot yet point to a specific solution of general relativity that corresponds to his hypothetical knot in space-time with the properties of an elementary particle. However, by incorporating into his model the new insights gleaned from torsion field research, as well as the ground-breaking work on non-Hertzian wave forms, and the evidence of over-unity power production from various energy devices, it is possible that the long sought-for unified field theory of space, time, energy and matter might emerge to synthesize both physics and metaphysics.

[1] A. Akimov, G. Shipov, "Torsion Fields and Their Experimental Manifestations," Proc. Internat. Conf. on New Ideas in Natural Sciences, St. Petersburg, June 1996, p. 221, see also: J. New Energy, vol 2, no 2, Summer 1997, pp 67-84.
[2] B. Spasskii, A. Moskovskii, "Non-Locality in Quantum Physics," Sov. Phys. Usp., vol. 27, no. 4, p 273, 1984.
[3] M. Chown, "All the World's a Time-Machine," New Scientist, p. 38, 7 March 1998.
[4] J. Wheeler, C. Misner, Geometredynamics, Academic Press, New York, 1962.
[5] T. Sudbery, "The Fastest Way from A to B," Nature, vol. 390, 11 Dec 1997, p. 551; D. Boumeester et al., "Experimental Quantum Teleportation," Nature, vol. 390, p. 575, 11 Dec 1997.
[6] M. Buchanan, "Beyond Reality," New Scientist, p. 27, 14 March 1998.
[7] A. Akimov, V.. Tarasenko, "Models of Polarized States of the Physical Vacuum and Torsion Fields," Sov. Phys. J., p. 214, March 1992.
[8] N. Kozyrev, "Possibility of the Experimental Study of the Properties of Time," JPRS Pub., no. 45238, 2 May 1968; N. Kozyrev, "An Unexplored World", Soviet Life, p. 27, Sept. 1965.
[9] B. DePalma, "Understanding the Dropping of the Spinning Ball Experiment," New Energy News, p. 6, Nov. 1997.
[10] V. Bagrov et al., "Possible Manifestations of the Torsion Field," Sov. Phys. J., p. 208, March 1992; V. Bagrov, V. Bordovitsyn, "Classical Spin Theory," Sov. Phys. J., p. 128, Feb. 1980.
[11] A. Krish, "The Spin of the Proton," Sci. Amer., May 1979.
[12] C. Wu, I. Shaknov, Phys. Rev. A, vol. 77, p. 136, 1950.
[13] B. Nodland, J. Ralston, "Indication of Anisotropy in Electromagnetic Propagation over Cosmological Distances," Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 78, no. 16, p. 3043, 21 April 1997.
[14] G. Rein, "A Bioassay for Negative Gaussian Fields Associated with Geometric Patterns," Proc. of the 4th Int. Symp. on New Energy, Denver, p.225, May 1997.
[15] J. Hutchison, "The Hutchison Effect Apparatus," Proc. of the 1st Int. Symp. on New Energy, Denver, p. 191, May 1994.
[16] S. Inomata, Complexified EM, Gravity, and Energy, Hungarian Psychotronic Conference, April 1993; W. Smith, The New Science, FernGraphic Pub., Mississauga, Ontario, 1964.
[17] A. Samokhin, "Vacuum Energy - A Breakthrough?" Novosti Press Agency, Moscow, no. 03NTO-890717CIM04; Spec. in Sci. and Technol., 1989.
[18] T. Valone, Electrogravitics Systems, Integrity Research Institute, Washington, DC, 1994.
[19] W. Peschka, "Kinetobaric Effect as Possible Basis for a New Propulsion Principle," Raumfahrtforschung, Feb. 1974; trans. by D. Reed, In: T. Valone (ed), Mechanical Energy from Gravitational Anisotropy, Integrity Research Institute, Washington, DC, 1996.
[20] T. Bearden, Gravitobiology, Tesla Book Co., 1991.
[21] H. Bateman, The Theory of Electrical and Optical Wave Motion, Dover, NY, 1955.
[22] V. DeSabbata, M. Gasperini, "Torsion Production by Electromagnetic Fields," Lett. Nuovo Cimento, vol. 30, no. 12, p. 363, March 1981.
[23] W. Rodrigues, J.Y. Lu, "On the Existence of Undistorted Progressive Waves (UPWs) of Arbitrary Speeds 0 [24] A. Schultz et al., "Lifting of the Four Fold EM Degeneracy and PT Asymmetry," Phys. Lett. A, vol. 74, p. 384, 1979, R. Kiehn, "Coherent Structures in Fluids are Deformable Topological Torsion Defects," unpublished work, 1997.
[25] R. Kiehn, "Topology and Topological Evolution of Electromagnetic Fields and Currents," unpublished work, Jan. 1998; R. Kiehn, "Electromagnetic Waves in the Vacuum Which have Torsion and Spin," unpublished work, Jan. 1998; R. Kiehn, "The Choral Vacuum," unpublished work, Jan. 1 998; see also Ref. 23. Internet website:
[26] C. Chu, T. Ohkawa, "Transverse Electromagnetic Waves with E / / B," Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 48, no 3, p 837, 1982.
[27] V. Evhutov, A. Siegman, "A 'Twisted Mode' Technique for Obtaining Axially Uniform Energy Density in a Laser Cavity," App. Optics, vol 4, no 1, p. 142, 1965.

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