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By NEN Staff

From: NEN, Vol. 6, No. 1, May 1998, pp. 20-21.
New Energy News (NEN) copyright 1998 by Fusion Information Center, Inc.
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On 31 March 1998, a U.S. patent having relevance to cold fusion was granted to Dr. Harold Aspden of Southampton in England. Dr. Aspden has posted a copy of this patent on his Web site . The patent is a continuation-in-part of an application for a patent on the cold fusion theme filed at the U.S. Patent Office on 16 February 1990 with the benefit of the priority date of a U.K. Patent Application filed on 15 April 1989, within a month of the Utah announcement that began the cold fusion saga.

The examining section of the US Patent Office which is charged with processing cold fusion inventions has obstructed attempts to secure patents in this field, but Dr. Aspden has struggled relentlessly in confronting such opposition. Even though three of Dr. Aspden's such patent applications in the US Patent Office, all linked to that initial application, have not weathered the storm, he still has kept a fourth alive and pending, and the struggle is ongoing.

He tells the story of all this in his Web pages as "Cold Fusion: My Story: Parts I and II". Part II is a record of a blow-by-blow account of the struggle. The success now in securing the grant of U.S. Patent 5,734,122 emerges because Dr. Aspden filed his application as a 'Thermoelectric Energy Conversion Apparatus.' The point of special interest is that Dr. Aspden included in the specification a very substantial Appendix concerning cold fusion.

The overall message is clear. As with the Patterson invention, if you are lucky enough to have your U.S. patent application classified for examination by a group other than that specializing in rejecting cold fusion then you may secure patent grant!

[On the Web page, the text of the patent is split between the formal portion, with 10 figures that sits in Essay No. 9A and the portion in Essay No. 9 which is the Cold Fusion Appendix that occupies 7 of the 20 columns of print of the whole patent.]

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Jun. 1, 1998.