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By Hal Fox

From: NEN, Vol. 6, No. 13, December 1999.
New Energy News (NEN) copyright 1999 by Fusion Information Center, Inc.
COPYING NOT ALLOWED without written permission.


By Hal Fox, Editor-in-Chief, New Energy News

This is a first edition of New Energy News for emailing to subscribers. The cost for electronic communications is considerably cheaper than mail. Therefore, to save costs for the Institute of New Energy, New Energy News will be sent by email to subscribers from now on. If you are a subscriber from outside the United States, your subscription cost will be reduced to $35 for twelve months, the same as for subscribers in the U.S.

Since the New Energy News will change from bi-monthly to monthly, the expiration date will change. Please check at the end of your email newsletter for your new expiration date. If you are receiving a hard copy, please check on the right hand corner of your address label, which is located on the last page of the newsletter.

We congratulate the developers of the Internet. This method of low-cost, high-volume, rapid communication should bring about a closer relationship among the people of the world. The rapid exchange of information and the opportunity to communicate directly with fellow beings from foreign countries should strengthen understanding and lead to a more peaceful world. NEN will take advantage of this electronic forum to send you information faster. NEN will be sent to you monthly.


The current email address will be changed to an NEN email address. At the present time, as editor of New Energy News and of the Journal of New Energy, I receive about 30 email per day. Most of these email are multiple addressees and do not require a response. To help save the editor's time, please do not send multiple address email messages if you want a response. PLEASE USE SUBJECT: NEW ENERGY NEWS. Your contributions will be acknowledged by listing your name as a contributor of the news or article. The editor reserves the right of selection and of editing all messages received that can be resent to NEN subscribers. For multiple sources of information, we will try to thank everyone, but will be partial to the person who first sends us information on an energy topic.

NEW ENERGY, by definition, excludes wind, solar, tidal, geothermal, and biomass energy. These are older, alternative energy sources which are normally more costly than current energy sources. At the present time there are no new-energy technologies that have a product on the market. That lack of commercial new-energy devices and systems will quickly change. There are several new-energy technologies that are being developed for commercialization. Some of the future major news items for this publication will be announcements about such new-energy devices, their development, the manufacturers, and the various marketing addresses.

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Dec., 1999.