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by Dr. Azarov

From: NEN, Vol. 6, No. 12, November 1999.
New Energy News (NEN) copyright 1999 by Fusion Information Center, Inc.
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by Dr. Azarov

We have presented "Interenergoresurs Ltd" a Slovakia based company dedicated to new ecological and energy saving technologies in NEN May 1999 pp 9-10, in the paper entitled "Knowledge Knows No Borders and No Limits." Recently, according to the general manager of the company, Mr. Mikhail Ya. Pavlovsky, the company is proud to announce very good energy news.

A. Ecologically clean, cavitation based energy source.

The original thermo-generator, called VIP-1 of the company which adds a high coefficient of performance and perfect controllability to the reproducibility and up-scalability of the other devices like those of Griggs, Huffman, Potapov, Pope-Perkins etc. was tested by independent official committees and clear, high percentage over-unity was attested.

The first official test, performed at Bratislava, at July 27, 1999 gave the following results: input, electrical energy: 7.41 kWh as measured with a wattmeter, output, thermal energy: 15.85 kWh (268.3 liters of water per hour, heated from 31 to 82 deg Celsius). This gives a COP of 214%, and if the thermal losses at the motor and through the insulation are taken in account, the real value of COP is 238%. The device was further improved and at September 22, values between 270% and 290% have been obtained. The next target is COP 300% a very important limit given that the reverse transformation, thermal energy in electric energy has a yield around 33%.

The author of the new generator, Engineer Gennadiy Ivanenko, has the following explanation for the generation of excess energy in the cavitation based devices: "The understanding of what happens in such a device is based on the following ideas. First of all, it was demonstrated that the walls of the cavitation bubbles and the droplets suspended in these have opposite electric charges. During the compression-collapse stage, these charges are placed at extremely low distances and, consequently the voltage is very much increased. Between the walls of the cavitation bubbles and the bubbles inside them take place electrical discharges, similar to microscopic lightnings, having very high frequency. A manifestation of this phenomenon has attracted the attention of the scientists long time ago and was called SONOLUMINESCENCE. Thus in the period of non-stable pulsations, the bubble works as a transformer of energy: during its stage of increasing, the bubble accumulates energy proportionally to its maximum volume and further, during short period of time transforms it in kinetic energy.

The vapor-gas mixture from the cavity is adiabatically compressed to pressures of the order of thousands atmospheres and is heated to temperatures of thousands of degrees Kelvin. Due to the high pressures and temperatures, we can speak about the existence of some pulsing micro-plasma formations which are able to absorb and transform the energy of the dispersed SCALAR DISCHARGES, concentrating and directing it, thus eventually transforming it in thermal energy. In principle, this process is related to the SEARL EFFECT, and is differentiated from this only by the method of attaining the conditions necessary for the transformation.

The main difficulty encountered by the researchers of similar devices is the instability of the process, due to the great number of initial factors which are not constantly managed during the experiments. After 4 years of research, the collaborators of the company have succeeded to solve this problem and are able to get a perfectly stable process, with COP above 250%, based on the determination of the critical parameters which are essential for the control of the process. There are excellent prospects for increasing significantly the COP values of the generators in the near future."

Ivanenko has creatively used the conclusions of the new literature but also of some Russian publications from the 60's and 70's in the field of cavitation.

B. Vortex tubes for freon less cooling, having matchless, increased efficiency.

The worldwide known inventor, Dr. Anatoli I. Azarov, has unique achievements in the field of vortex (a.k.a Ranque-Hilsch) tubes which are very important and inspiring for the cavitation generators too. In these tubes, which are real, Maxwell's Demons, a flux of compressed air is divided in two vortexes with high speed of rotation and the outer vortex is "extracting" energy from the inner one which is cooled down to cryogenic temperatures while the former is heated up. The vortex tube is very simple in construction but immensely complex functionally, and based on his long range studies, marked by tens of patents, Dr. Azarov has succeeded to obtain commercial ones with much increased efficiency values, e.g 62% compared to the usual 12-20% of the great majority of competitors. Azarov has performed studies of the mechanism of inner energy transfer, has determined the conditions of intensification of this process, has elaborated for the first time tubes with more chambers, has demonstrated the advantages of the plastic tubes over the metallic ones and is leading a strategic research program aiming the maximum possible performances of this interesting and useful device. Specialized tubes for a broad range of applications are produced and are offered for licensing.

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Nov., 1999.