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From: NEN, Vol. 6, No. 12, November 1999.
New Energy News (NEN) copyright 1999 by Fusion Information Center, Inc.
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Volume 4, No. 1 issue of the Journal of New Energy is entirely devoted to five papers written by Professor Ruggero Maria Santilli, President of The Institute for Basic Research. The title of this issue (book) is The Physics of New Clean Energies and Fuels According to Hadronic Mechanics. This book is expected to make some dramatic changes in the way we look at quantum dynamics.

The science of quantum dynamics is based on the concept that atoms and nuclei can be treated as point sources provided that the distance between such particles is relatively large. It has been known (and understood by some) that these fundamental concepts of quantum mechanics limits their application. For example, quantum mechanics does not adequately explain observed effects within molecules, atoms, and especially in atomic nuclei. After a total of 22 years of development work, Santilli and others have extended quantum mechanics to handle areas where quantum mechanics failed. Hadrons is the name given to subatomic particles, such as protons and neutrons. Hadronic mechanics is the name given to the extension of quantum mechanics.

Now it is possible to accurately calculate the interactions among protons, neutrons (hadrons) and predict new events, devices, and energy sources. In the fifth (and last) paper by Santilli in the special JNE issue, the author does just that. Dr. Santilli shows that new fuels can be designed and developed based on this new tool of understanding.

The first such new fuel was announced at the INE-99 symposium by Mr. Leon Toups, president of Toups Technology Licensing, Inc. of Largo, Florida. This new fuel is made from polluted water and is named MagneGas (t.m.reg.). This gas, when burned, provides over two and one-half times the energy used to produce the gas. In addition, the byproducts of gas production are bacteria-free agricultural water and a precipitate that makes a good fertilizer. Sewage, waters polluted with radiator antifreeze, waters polluted with crankcase oil, etc. can be used. There is still developing the method of mixing or selecting the best type of polluted water for maximum heat generation in the resulting MagneGas (t.m.reg.).

Another favorable factor is that the gas produced, when burned, gives excess oxygen and less carbon dioxide than natural gas or gasoline. In addition, this gas can be used for metal cutting and welding. Some gases that have been used for metal cutting are no longer being allowed due to the problems with noxious combustion byproducts.

The biggest problem, in understanding the over-unity nature of MagneGas (t.m.reg.) is to explain the source of the excess energy produced. One of the hypotheses to explain this unusual over-unity of MagneGas (t.m.reg.) is that the magnetic treatment of the input waste water causes molecular bonding of some of the molecules with the resulting additional energy, presumable due to a more complete combustion releasing the bonding energy. Another theory is that the under-water arcing produces high-density charge clusters which contribute to the excess energy. (High-density charge clusters, when properly used, can produce more electrical energy output than electrical energy used to create the charge clusters.) Obviously, there will be further experimental work to determine the nature and source of the excess energy from MagneGas (t.m.reg.).

It is an exciting and welcome development in new-energy research. We highly commend both Dr. R. M. Santilli and Leo Toups for their work and decision making that has supported and led to the development of a non-polluting new fuel (the first new-energy fuel announced since nuclear power).

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Nov., 1999.