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By Hal Fox

From: NEN, Vol. 6, No. 12, November 1999.
New Energy News (NEN) copyright 1999 by Fusion Information Center, Inc.
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By Hal Fox, Editor

There is still a group of wealthy persons who desire to weaken the Colonies and get them back under control. The so-called "roll program", where large amounts of U.S. dollars are traded in a manner to strongly benefit a few insiders, was designed to weaken the American dollar by increasing the dollars in circulation without any agreement with the U.S. agencies that control the money supply. Over the past twenty years this activity, among others, has decreased the value of the American dollar by about one half in Europe as based on the "Big Mac" monetary measure.

Why hasn't this combined effort for power and greed destroyed the American economic system? There is one proper answer: Computers and the Internet. The ingenuity of American inventors and entrepreneurs have increased American wealth faster than those who are destroying the monetary value of those impudent Colonialists.

Aided and abetted by the unwitting spendthrifts in Washington, D.C., the American dollar is again under threat of collapse. A collective action, such as a run on the banks for emergency funds to weather over Y2K, could be the trigger for an economic collapse. However, there is another offsetting factor: New Energy Sources.

At least three new-energy technologies are now being commercialized. The first is Dr. Randell Mills' invention that obtains energy from the collapse of the hydrogen atom below its ground state. (See The second is various aspects of high-density charge clusters, first discovered by Kenneth Shoulders (see U.S. Patent 5,018,180). The third is the culmination of over 22 years of work by Dr. Ruggero Maria Santilli in which he uses the discovery of magnetic bonding strengths to create MagneGas (t.m.reg.). MagneGas (t.m.reg.) is being commercialized by Toups Technology Licensing (Largo, Florida). (For detailed information see the special issue of the Journal of New Energy, Vol 4, No 1, Summer 1999. This issue is a book by R.M. Santilli, The Physics of New Clean Energies and Fuels According to Hadronic Mechanics.)

What do these new developments mean to the economy of the United States? Unless there is some great, overwhelming, negative event in process, the economic value to the U.S. and to the world, of the development of the new-energy technologies will create new wealth for the United States (first) and then by transmission of products, information, and knowledge, to the rest of the world. The annual world's expenditure on energy is estimated at $3 to $5 trillion. The size of this market is second only to food expenditures. Although there was (and still is) a misbegotten attack on cold fusion by lobbyists for the hot fusion community, there is no similar attack on new-energy sources. New-energy products are being patented, funded, and commercialized.

Neither funding nor significant intellectual support for new-energy products has come from either university or government sources. (An exception may be Dr. Miley's work at the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana.) The sources of funding have been from small corporations or from private funds. The result is that an enormously important change in the way the world produces and distributes energy is happening. The unusual aspect is that this fundamental change is almost entirely unknown, unstudied, and unfunded by government agencies or by the major universities of the world.

However, in the United States of America, there are inventors, intelligent investors, numerous business persons, and many customers who have the collective ability and desire to make the new-energy revolution happen. The economic impact of this collection of technical and business talent is the force that will again defeat those who are anxious to regain economic control over the impudent colonists of the new world. This publication is dedicated to help spread the word about the new-energy revolution.


An editorial in the New York Times, January 13, 1920 had the following statement about Professor Goddard and his waste of time playing with rockets: "...Professor Goddard ... does not know the relation of action to reaction, and of the need to have something better than a vacuum against which to react -- to say that would be absurd. Of course he only seems to lack the knowledge ladled out daily in our high schools. But there are such things as intentional mistakes ..."

The problem in 1920 appeared to be "the knowledge [or lack of it] ladled out daily in our high schools". Unfortunately, the same is true today! The exception is that it is the knowledge ladled out in many of our scientific academic institutions. The Journal of New Energy is a publication that is peer-reviewed. However, the peers are not chosen from major academic institutions (who, in some cases, appear to be dedicated to preservation of the status quo rather than advancement of science). Here are some examples:

An official in the Washington office of the American Physical Society delights in sending to his vast E-mail list, including many DOE officials, his highly misinformed and emotion-laden criticisms of cold fusion. The facts are that over 600 technical reports from over 200 laboratories in 30 countries have replicated or extended cold fusion. This person claims to be a scientist but his actions are those of a lobbyist.

Panos T. Pappas has challenged the traditional explanation of the well-known excess production of potassium, especially in the human body. Now Pappas has shown the excess potassium comes from a transmutation of calcium in some selected body cells. (His paper was presented at the recent INE-99 Symposium.) Pappas has measured the intercellular membrane potential and found that in terms of a voltage gradient (volts per cm.) it is very high and is probably the gradient required for nuclear transmutation.

One of the most important papers and announcements in the recent INE-99 symposium, was the technical paper by Dr. R. M. Santilli and the announcement by Leon Toups of Toups Technology Licensing company in Largo, Florida. The announcement is of a process that produces a new type of fuel from polluted water. The polluted water is treated with controlled and pulsed underwater arcing. The end product is a gas that burns and outputs more than 250% of the electrical energy used to produce the gas. The explanation of how this can possible occur is still being discussed. [This editor suggests that the controlled under-water arcing is producing charge clusters which return a higher-than-expected amount of gas production.]

Another paper (by Dr. S-X. Jin and given at INE-99) presents analytical information of making a particle accelerator in which a combination of high-density charge clusters and positive ions can be accelerated and controlled to bombard a target material with protons (or other positive ions) at ion densities up to one million times larger than current particle accelerators.

Another INE-99 paper marks the beginning of a modest revolution with the introduction of the first significant changes to the Maxwell-Heaviside electromagnetic equations in over 100 years. The New Maxwell Electromagnetic Equations now explain over 20 serious deficiencies in the currently-used Maxwell-Heaviside equations. Consider the impact on society made by electric power, radio, communications, television, computers, and the Internet using the old, less-effective Maxwell-Heaviside equations. What will be the future effect of new technologies of these new equations. It is predicted that entire new technologies will be developed. (This paper was written and presented by Dr. Lawrence B. Crowell.)

The problem now is to make the transition from current technology to the adoption and use of the New Maxwell Electromagnetic Equations. To help make that transition, the Journal of New Energy will publish a special issue (Vol 4, No 3) which will include over thirty papers discussing various aspects of these new equations. The changes appear to be modest but the impact is expected to be huge.

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Nov., 1999.