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From: NEN, Vol. 6, No. 11, September 1999, p. 1.
New Energy News (NEN) copyright 1999 by Fusion Information Center, Inc.
COPYING NOT ALLOWED without written permission.


NOTICE: Sponsored by Institute for New Energy and co-sponsored by the Journal of New Energy, Hal Fox, editor, and by Trenergy, Inc. (developer of methods to stabilize radioactive materials). This Symposium is also being cosponsored by: Alternative Energy Institute, Inc., Phone/Fax: 530-546-5612,

Friday, August 27, 1999 Room 255A, Salt Palace Convention Center

8:00 a.m. Registration and Meeting Guests

9:00 Welcome by Dr. Patrick Bailey, President, Institute for New Energy

9:10 Tom Valone - Breakthroughs in ZPE and Remaining New Energy Problems

9:45 Prof. Ruggero M. Santilli - New Energies and Fuels

10:45 Break

11:00 Leon Toups, Pres. TTL, Inc. - MagneGas Excess over Chemical Fuel Value

11:30 Dr. Lawrence B. Crowell - The New Maxwell Electromagnetic Equations.

12:30 - 2:00 Lunch on your own but hurry back.

2:00 Mark McLaughlin - Goals and Objectives of Alternative Energy Institute.

2:15 Professor Domina Spencer - Criteria for Electrodynamics in the next Millennium

2:45 Prof. Panos T. Pappas - Na-K Nuclear Transmutation Inside the Living Cell & The Lost Unified Theory, The Ring Model of the Electron of 1915.

3:30 Break

3:45 Dr. Dan Sewell Ward - Inertial Field Theory, A Radical Change of Pace

4:30 Tom Bearden's Paper - The AIAS Group Achievements

5:00 Moray King - Transforming the Planet

5:30 Don Reed - Torsion Field Research and Implications for New Physics and Energy Technologies

Saturday, 28 Aug 99

8:00 Jin-Fox - Particle Accelerator Using High-Density Charge Clusters

8:20 Dr. Edward G. Price - Reaching New Power Density and Efficiency in Magnetic Materials

8:50 Prof. D. Spencer - Development of the Universal Time Postulate on the Velocity of Light & The Development of the New Gaussian Equation for the Force between Moving Charges.

9:30 Break

9:45 David Faust - Corona Discharge Photography Insights into Study of Charge Clusters.

10:30 Ed Pangman - The Process of Existence

11:00 Oleg Gritskevich - to be announced

11:30 Rowe's Paper - The Rowe Effect and Transmutation

12:00 Lunch

1:30 Swartz Paper - Importance of Non-Dimensional Numbers in Cold Fusion

2:00 Dr. David Yurth - Variations on the Maharishi Model: an Integration of Consciousness and the Unified Field.

2:30 Aspden's Paper - The Aspden Effect

2:45 Toby Grotz - Increased Efficiency Gas Discharge Lighting Circuit

3:15 Conference Wrap Up - New Energy Opportunities

3:45 Break

4:00 INE Business Meeting - Conducted by Dr. Patrick Bailey, President, INE Board of Advisors INE's New Energy News to be e-mailed?

5:00 Shareholders Meeting for Trenergy, FIC, Nu OmniComm Technologies - Conducted by Hal Fox, President & Chairman. Note: The following qualify for Press Releases:

Toups Technology Licensing - New MagneGas Press Release has been prepared by Geoffrey Plank of TTI

AIAS - Press Release on the Development and Announcement of the New Maxwell Electromagnetic Equations. Prof. Lawrence Crowell, one of the INE-99 keynote speakers available for interview. Writing a book with Myron W. Evans as coauthor.

Presentation by Dr. Jin on the potential of a new type of particle accelerator which is analytically shown to be one million times more effective.

SPEAKERS - PLEASE NOTE: Each speaker will be asked to sign a release allowing the video-taping and future sale of the video presentation.

Times of presentation will be strictly followed. Please allow time for questions (5 to 10 minutes) at the end of your presentation. We will have Power Point computer-to-screen display equipment available. We will also have an overhead projector suitable for displaying transparencies. Please use transparencies, slides or Power Point for your presentation.

Friday evening has been reserved for informal discussion groups, and possible talk show interviews.


At the close of the conference, the INE members will have an annual meeting to select members for the INE Board of Directors. Also, there will be a business item in changing the format of New Energy News to become an Internet publication to be sent periodically to all members via email.

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Sept., 1999.