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From Dr. John O'M. Bockris

From: NEN, Vol. 5, No. 8, Dec. 1997, pp. 2-4.
New Energy News (NEN) copyright 1997 by Fusion Information Center, Inc.
COPYING NOT ALLOWED without written permission.


From Dr. John O'M. Bockris:

When I resided in Hamburg, Germany in 1937 and '38, I recall writing to a friend to say that, if the German paper said that the USA had been invaded by the British from Canada, - great U.S. losses in Detroit, - the Germans would believe it. There was no possibility of checking (the discovery of radios tuned to the BBC carried a Death Sentence).

A key to the technique Murray uses is outrage and anger. As you say, - I can't believe this, - you claim, - why this is absurd, - that one atom turns into another? But that is magic and Medieval Alchemy, and etc., etc., etc.

Science is a 90% game. Don't take it too seriously. There has been in this century perhaps no more utterly idiotic idea than de Broglie's suggestion that Waves accompany solid particles. Compared with the transparent lunacy of this idea, low temperature transmutation is an easy catch. But de Broglie's suggestion is now the basis of Modern Physics.

Transmutation research has been going on in modern scientific journals since at least 1937 and the first paper I could quote you is by Enrico Fermi himself, - the electrolysis of deuterated ice to give neutrons and He3.

Now, to Gleeson and Co.:

The evidence you have sent me and the descriptions sound good. Here are my worries.

(1) Of course, the removal of radioactivity from the solution is classical electrochemistry. AC is never 100% symmetrical and electrochemical processes rectify. Hence, there will be deposition on each electrode. The radioactivity will leave the solution and go to the electrodes. No big deal.

(2) The high temperature and pressure will tend to dissolve the electrodes and shower lots of stuff into the solution. This will be greatly helped by the AC which will help dissolution electrochemically. As to what gets into the solution in this classical way, -- I suggest a mass balance. Dissolve the electrodes completely in hot aqueous regia (be careful!) and have the solution completely analyzed for everything. Then, you know what you've got. Would an independent observer be able to account for the new material from what is in the electrodes?

Then I would suggest surrounding the cell with 4 to 6 Geiger counters and following the total radioactivity in the cell. The radiation should be unconcerned with screening and come out anyway. Thus, if there is no transmutation, the total of the gammas will be the same throughout the process of AC. electrolysis. Of course, transmutation will change the radiation. Use a gamma-ray spectroscope and it may be possible to detect new materials by their signal.

One last thing: Why are not transmutationists in fax and e-mail touch with Mizuno and Co.? They have such good apparatus and are very active. Reiko Notoya, too, has more reports of radioactivity in electrodes than any one. All at Hokkaido University.


Dr. Bockris has made some excellent suggestions for the Cincinnati Group experiments. Here are some possible problems: The LENT-1 reactor uses a thick-walled metal electrode which would shield most of the emissions detected by a Geiger-Mueller tube. Operations in an open beaker have been successful, however, the gradual creation of precipitate may move the radioactivity from one part of the cell to another part of the cell. Critics would immediately point out that the reduction in overall emissions were the result of change of position of radioactive materials with respect to the Geiger counters.

The chemical analytical techniques are one of the best methods available, however, the methods are very expensive. Due to the small amount of thorium currently used in the LENT-1 protocol (one-tenth of a gram of thorium), the byproducts of the expected nuclear reactions must be measured in parts per million. We have made just such measurements in replicating the LENT-1 protocols. Critics will claim contamination just as the infamous ERAB committee's report on cold fusion did.

The gamma-ray spectroscopy is, in our opinion, the best method to be used. Here are the tools required: