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By the Institute for New Energy Staff

From: NEN, Vol. 5, No. 8, Dec. 1997, p. 1.
New Energy News (NEN) copyright 1997 by Fusion Information Center, Inc.
COPYING NOT ALLOWED without written permission.


By the Institute for New Energy Staff

May your home be bright with intelligence and light.
May you hearth be warm with heat and charm.
May your heater be hot with new energy sought.
May you charge up your car and travel most far
With a new-energy source for which you rejoice.

There are many gifts but the greatest is love or charity. Charity comes in various forms, and often springs from love. There are those of us that, for various reasons, have devoted our minds, our funds, and our time to be numbered among those who are striving to make this world a better place for our friends, our children, our grandchildren, and ourselves. We, the staff of the Institute of New Energy, believe that our efforts coupled with yours are making a breakthrough in new energy.

Here is who we are:

Dr. Patrick Bailey, [physicist] space power engineer. Patrick is donating his own time and his own money to maintain and improve the INE web site. Pat is the president of INE.

Hal Fox, missile system engineer, research scientist, and wordsmith. Hal is the [extremely capible] secretary of INE and [very hard-working] editor of the monthly newsletter, New Energy News.

Robyn Harris, [wonderful] office manager. Robyn is the treasurer of INE, takes care of all subscribers problems and requests. Robyn also banks your checks when you subscribe.

Dineh Torres, [fantastic] desk-top publishing specialist and graphic artist. Dineh is the one that takes many of our contributors' drawings and turns them into works of art. She also serves as cartoonist, proof reader, and editorial assistant.

Most important are INE members, correspondents, contributors, and subscribers.

A financial note: Members' dues and subscription payments pay about one-third of the costs of INE. The rest is contributed by the INE staff.

A HOLIDAY GIFT FROM YOU: This is a great time to help the development of new-energy and to help someone near to you:

Give a gift of membership in INE which will deliver your friendship twelve times a year!

HOLIDAY GIFTS FROM NEN: Elsewhere in this issue, you will find several other things that you can give as special holiday gifts:

If you live in Utah or Nevada, you may be able to give some shares in TRENERGY, Inc. (ask your Utah or Nevada broker and give them NEN's phone and fax numbers as a source for further information).

COMING IN THE NEW YEAR: Plans are being made to put eight years of Fusion Facts, five years of New Energy News, and perhaps two years of the Journal of New Energy onto a high-density computer media disk. Also, NEN expects to begin a listing of public companies that are devoted to new-energy devices and systems (including their latest share prices).


The Staff of New Energy News
P.O. Box 58639
Salt Lake City, UT 84109
TEL: 801-583-6232
FAX: 801-583-2963

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Dec. 10, 1997.