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By Hal Fox

From: NEN, Vol. 5, No. 5, Sept. 1997, pp. 4-5.
New Energy News (NEN) copyright 1997 by Fusion Information Center, Inc.
COPYING NOT ALLOWED without written permission.

THE LEGACY OF COLD FUSION Truth, History, and Status

On March 23, 1989, the University of Utah hosted a press conference to announce the discoveries of Professors Pons and Fleischmann. After a flurry of media attention, cold fusion (as it was inadequately named) was attacked by an orchestrated effort led by the same scientists who were spending over $500 million per year on hot fusion. The end result of this effort by scientific lobbyists was the following:

On August 26, 1997 several newspapers announced that the Japanese Ministry of International Trade and Industry will no longer fund new hydrogen energy (euphemism for cold fusion) development. A quote attributed to University of Utah physics professor Owen W. Johnson, "It's been obvious to anyone who understands anything about physics, it's a blatant fraud."

Here is the truth and the legacy of cold fusion: The experimental work initiated by Professors Pons and Fleischmann, first in the U.S. and for several years in France (with Japanese funding) has provided the following subsequent discoveries and developments:

Various Japanese companies are showing considerable interest in one or all of these technologies. With the forth-coming rapid development of this legacy from Pons and Fleischmann, it is understandable that the Japanese Ministry of International Trade and Industry have decided to curtail funding of new hydrogen energy. The good news is that it has been predominantly U.S. inventors who have solved the problems of low-energy nuclear reactions and are now offering proven products for American industry to commercialize.

With an energy market that is approaching five trillion dollars a year, it is our forecast that America will not default on this opportunity to become the world's leading developers of new-energy devices and systems. The United States has the talent to be the world's leader in new-energy devices and systems. The United States has the capital resources. If the U.S. venture capital leaders do not get betrayed by their short-sighted view of next year's bottom line, then these leaders can greatly help U.S. industry to penetrate the world's largest integrated market: the energy market. We will either develop new-energy sources or give away the leadership to foreign companies just as we have done with the consumer electronic equipment market. Now is the time for leadership.

The opportunity to be the world's energy leaders is the legacy of Pons and Fleischmann!

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Sept. 10, 1997.