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By Heinrich Hora, J.C. Kelly, and G.H. Miley

From: NEN, Vol. 5, No. 3, July 1997, p. 4.
New Energy News (NEN) copyright 1997 by Fusion Information Center, Inc.
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Heinrich Hora, J.C. Kelly (Sch. Phys., U. of NSW, Sidney, Australia), G.H. Miley (Fusion Studies Lab., U. Illinois), "Energy Gain and Nuclear Transmutation by Low-Energy P- or D-Reaction in Metal Lattices," Infinite Energy, vol 2, no 12, Jan-Feb 1997, pp 48-52.


Since reproducible experiments with varying amounts of energy production from nuclear fusion and nuclear transmutations by protons or deuterons in high concentrations in host metals have been shown, some conceptual problems are discussed. We underline here the steps how the experiments for using the swimming electron layer for reduction of the Coulomb repulsion were motivated with using nickel or palladium-nickel single or multiple layers. In support of this, we evaluate the experiments by Arata et al. and confirm on the basis of our earlier derived power law that the reaction distance of the deuterons (or protons) is in the range of few pm. We further evaluate the measured distributions at transmutations of the elements on the atomic number Z and find an exponential law for the decay of the maxima on Z. The result of transmutation of the host metals is generalized by actively adding other nuclides into the near surface or interface for inducing desired transmutations. These reactions with added materials may be used for a low cost elimination of long-lived nuclear waste and of the abolition of plutonium.

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August 7, 1997.