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By Chuck Bennett

From: NEN, Vol. 5, No. 1, May 1997, p. 6.
New Energy News (NEN) copyright 1997 by Fusion Information Center, Inc.
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In a newly released article by Moon [1], the author introduces the label of "cold fission" to describe the transmutation reactions associated with recent "table-top" experiments manifesting mass-energy release. Einstein would have welcomed this discovery as something different and better, because to the average person he is credited with a naive transition from E = mc2 to the atom bomb. And he certainly was a compassionate pacifist who would rather see his postulate of mass-energy harnessed in a small table-top environment that is useful rather than an insidious device that can flash a city to oblivion in a split second.

Einstein [among others] reasoned that rest mass, m0, must have energy, m0c2. This was later proven to be true from the initial discovery of isotopic mass change in beta decay all the way to modern mass-energy changes in fission and fusion. More recently, we have seen the discovery of how low-temperature fusion and transmutation releases subtle mass-energy within the lattices and electrolytes of new hydrogen energy systems. Some of these transmutation reactions have the characteristics of traditional fission, i.e., a splitting of atoms to lower atomic numbers having an overall loss in mass, and the subsequent release of excess mass-energy to account for the loss in mass.

The sequential triad of energetic triggers consisting of a conventional activation such as chemical or electromagnetic, that triggers a fission reaction that, in turn, triggers a fusion reaction is the exact formula for the hydrogen bomb. But to have this reduced to a micro-scale that can be controlled in the laboratory to produce useful energy is a major step in the goal to safely harness the use of mass-energy. And the resulting fusions do not necessarily have to be d-d type fusion of pairs of identical isotopes. We have seen the release of energy in fusions of protons colliding into larger nuclei that produce benign isotopes that also result in the release of excess energy to account for an overall loss of mass of the sum of the constituents [e.g., Neal-Gleeson Process].

Thus in summary, all types of known and newly discovered mass-energy reactions are emerging from low temperature table-top experiments, including a new type of fusion consisting of collisions with protons or deuterium ions into larger atoms in lattices and/or electrolytes. Then we have a whole new system that is not in any textbook anywhere. This is why the application of known traditional fusion systems fails to explain the results of table-top mass-energy experiments in terms of the "Coulomb barrier" postulate.

New theories, new aethers, and new particles [2-12] have established a new science that goes back to where Einstein left off following the publication of groundbreaking and historical articles in 1905 [13,14]. In the interest of peace and "infinite energy," Einstein would have wanted it this way.


1. D. Moon, "Excess Heat Versus Transmutations," to be published, March 1997.
2. D. Moon, "Gentlemen, Start Your Bubbles!" Infinite Energy, vol 3, no 11, March 1997.
3. M. Twain, "Aether Workshop," preparation for Workshop, (to be held at Stanford University, July 18-20, 1997). Plasmatronix, Intl., P.O. Box E, Menlo Park, CA 94026, Phone 415-569-3299.
4. K. Shoulders, S. Shoulders, "Observations on the Role of Charge Clusters in Nuclear Cluster Reactions," J. New Energy, vol 1, no 3, Fall 1996.
5. S-X Jin, H. Fox, "Characteristics of High-Density Charge Clusters: A Theoretical Model," J. New Energy, vol 1, no 4, Winter 1996.
6. H. Fox, R. Bass, S-X Jin, "Plasma-Injected Transmutation," J. New Energy, vol 1, no 3, Fall 1996, pp 222-230.
7. R. Bass, R. Neal, S. Gleeson, H. Fox, "Electro-Nuclear Transmutations: Low Energy Nuclear Reactions in an Electrolytic Cell," J. New Energy, vol 1, no 3, Fall 1996.
8. C. Bennett, "Tiny Bubbles," Infinite Energy, vol 2, no 7, March-April 1996, p 7.
9. C. Bennett et al., "The Connection Between the Particle and the Wave," Cold Fusion, #18, August 1996, pp 26-29.
10. C. Bennett, "An Electrodynamic Theory of Inertia and Gravitation," Cold Fusion, issue 19, October 1996, p 36.
11. C. Bennett, "A Quantized AEther," New Energy News, Nov. 1996, vol 4, no 7, p 7.
12. C. Bennett, "Einstein's Mass Dilation as AEther Drag," to be published, March 1997.
13. A. Einstein, "On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies," Annafen Derphysic, vol 17, no 5, September 26, 1905, pp 891-921.
14. A. Einstein, "Does the Inertia of a Body Depend Upon its Energy?" Annafen Derphysic, vol 18, no 3, November 21, 1905, pp 639-641.

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May 11, 1997.