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By Hal Fox, Editor, NEN Editor

From: NEN, Vol. 5, No. 1, May 1997, p. 1.
New Energy News (NEN) copyright 1997 by Fusion Information Center, Inc.
COPYING NOT ALLOWED without written permission.

One of the heartening aspects of the development of the technology of cold fusion has been the willingness of most scientists to be mutually supportive in the presence of organized efforts to destroy cold fusion. It appears that greed, jealousy, or a naive idea of corporate strategy has now begun the destructive impact of hiring lawyers to attack competitive cold fusion inventions.

We greatly regret to report that the Clean Energies Technologies, Inc. has directed attorneys to file an objection to the issuance of the Pons-Fleischmann patents in Europe. What can possibly be the concept behind this technology destroying decision? The background is that almost no U.S. patents on cold fusion have issued to any inventors in the U. S. except to Dr. James Patterson. By contrast over a hundred patents on cold fusion have issued in Japan. The reported reason for the Patterson patents to issue has been that he requested special treatment due to his advanced age. In addition, it is apparent that the patents do not advertise that the patent applications were cold fusion inventions.

This editor has been among those many persons involved in the development of cold fusion technology and other enhanced-energy systems who have helped build a consortium of mutual support among many inventors, scientists, and corporate groups. This mutual support is designed to counter the intense anti-cold fusion efforts funded by U.S. scientists whose careers have been supported by taxpayer funds. The end result has been that the group seeking to destroy cold fusion has been successful in preventing the patent office from processing the over 300 patent applications and also successful in preventing the use of government funds to be allocated to cold fusion. An additional result of this attack against cold fusion has been the reduction of funds to hot fusion research by over 250 million dollars per year. Had this same group made the suggestion that just five percent of the fusion budget be applied to investigate cold fusion, there would have been great progress made by the combination of both scientific groups working in harmony. Jealousy and greed is seldom a win-win combination.

This editor suggests that the decision by CETI management will end up being just as disastrous to the success of the Patterson Power CellTM as the misguided efforts of the hot fusioneers to try to destroy cold fusion. It is forecast that the CETI group will be lambasted and severely criticized in every publication and every group meeting of new-energy adherents except where CETI advertising dollars compromise editorial comments. Of course, those who have been attacking cold fusion will rejoice at this schism in the ranks of the cold fusion adherents. What better can the hot fusioneers ask for than that the minuscule amount of funds available to the development of cold fusion be devoured by senseless internecine fighting.

The decision by CETI has come at the same time that new discoveries and new inventions have been announced, or are being readied for announcement, that are highly competitive to the CETI technology. CETI by their action is destined to become roadkill on the road to the development of new-energy technology. Meanwhile, we are devoted to the combined success of all new-energy groups who continue to strive to solve the world's energy problems.

[This Editorial was faxed to the President of CETI, and he was invited to respoond in writing, to be published with this Editorial. As yet, he has not responded. Ed.]

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May 11, 1997.