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By Gene Mallove & Infinite Energy

From: NEN, Vol. 5, No. 12, Apr. 1998, pp. 1-2.
New Energy News (NEN) copyright 1998 by Fusion Information Center, Inc.
COPYING NOT ALLOWED without written permission.

Courtesy of Gene Mallove & Infinite Energy

By Hal Fox, Editor, and S-X Jin, Chief Scientist, Trenergy Inc.

Crystal Energy, Inc. of Stamford, Connecticut, is the licensee of U.S. Patent 4,668,247, issued May 26, 1987 [1]. The basic patent covers the use of selected materials that, when added to fuel in a combustion chamber, can augment the energy of the fuel being burned by adding nuclear reactions [2]. Lithium seems to be the basic element that is needed for these nuclear reactions [3].


Here is one of the reasons as stated by Harry Taplin [2], "Unfortunately, this laboratory was closed in 1990 when our investors were informed by a noted professor, who was consulting to the project, that our laboratory findings notwithstanding, conventional quantum mechanics did not support the probabilities of a chaining phenomenon." In other words, if the experimental data doesn't fit current theories, IGNORE THE DATA!

Crystal Energy also applied this technology to internal combustion engines. As reported by Harry Taplin [2], "For reasons unknown, the [positive] results never drew comment or curiosity from the SCAPCD [a government group] committee monitoring the projects. . . .come from a Ph.D. connected with the program: 'It is impossible to improve vehicle performance with fuel additives and this has been thoroughly investigated in the past with no results.'" Sure! And no one ever run the four-minute mile until it was accomplished and now it is done at every world track meet.

Dr. S-X. Jin, chief scientist for Trenergy, Inc., provided the following modern nuclear physics example of the type of reaction that could occur (under proper conditions).

(1) proton + lithium-6 --> helium-4 (1.7 MeV) + helium-3 (2.3 MeV),
where lithium-6 represents 7.5% of natural lithium.

(2) proton + lithium-7 --> 2 helium-4 (17.3 MeV) or
proton + lithium-7 --> beryllium-7 + neutron - 1.6 MeV (consumes energy).

The first reaction is expected 20% of the time.
The second reaction with Li-7 is expected 80% of the time.
Lithium-7 constitutes 92.5% of naturally-occurring lithium.

(3) deuterium + helium-3 --> helium-4 (3.6 MeV) + proton (14.7 MeV).
Note that deuterium is about one part per 6,000 of hydrogen in water.

The above is a more complete description of the type of nuclear reactions that can occur with lithium and a proton source provided that there is sufficiently-high energy. The above is classical nuclear physics and accepted by the scientific community without any problem. The difficulty is that current scientific models do not allow for these reactions to occur except at very high energy levels.

The measured augmented energy shown in many experiments [2] is an anomaly -- unexpected experimental results. The next step is to find out why these reactions can occur in the experiments that have been conducted. More experiments and more sophisticated instrumentation may be needed. The end result may be a major step forward in the understanding of nuclear reactions. This is the process by which new science replaces old science. We are indebted to the persistence of groups like Crystal Energy, Inc. who continue in the face of professorial decrees that "it can't happen."

[1] Eugene Mallove, "Nuclear Augmented Combustion Emerges", Infinite Energy, Vol 3, No 18, 1998, pp 11-13.
[2] Harry R. Taplin, "Augmented Combustion: A brief History and Assessment", op cit, pp 15-22.
[3] William D. Gwinn, "The Lithium-Fast Proton Nuclear Reaction Light Element Fission Description and Comments", op cit, pp 23-24.

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May 31, 1998.