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By Harold Aspden

From: NEN, Vol. 5, No. 11, Mar. 1998, pp. 13-14.
New Energy News (NEN) copyright 1998 by Fusion Information Center, Inc.
COPYING NOT ALLOWED without written permission.

Letter from Harold Aspden

Flywheel Coupling Defies Newton's Laws:
Jan 1998 IEEE paper

Dear Hal,

I thought your readers might be interested in something Jerry Decker has drawn to my attention.

Jerry's access data are:
Jerry W. Decker:
"From an Art to a Science"
Voice : (214) 324-8741
FAX : (214) 324-3501
PO BOX 870716
Mesquite, Republic of Texas 75187

My E-mail message to Jerry:

Thanks for drawing my attention to the Harvey Morgan paper in IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems (AES) of January 1998, pages 5 to 10, "Now we can explore the Universe". I have just visited the library here at Southampton University to take a look at it.

Yes, as you say, he had two flywheels separated by 1/16 inch facing each other. When the motor was energized, it accelerated the lead flywheel toward it's top rated speed. The other flywheel, in response to the changing angular velocity and momentum of the lead flywheel, started turning briskly - in the opposite direction!

Yes, that is contrary to Newton's laws! Harvey Morgan has confirmed that there is a kind of spin field momentum that Professor Eric Laithwaite had in mind when he performed his dual flywheel tests with a separating partition between the two wheels.

Should anyone decide to research this further I would suggest that they take account of what my 'vacuum spin' theory is about. Aether rotation involves radial electric charge displacement and vice versa. So, spin a flywheel and as it builds up speed there will be charge displaced radially in aether coextensive with that wheel. If the flywheel is thin in relation to its diameter and it has the face of another metal flywheel closely adjacent, the charge displacement might be sensed across the small air gap between the flywheels. It could conceivably induce an opposite polarity charge displacement in the second flywheel, and though not itself rotating initially, this might cause the second flywheel to have, inside it, aether in spin in the opposite direction. Then that second flywheel could begin to pick up that spin and so go around in a direction opposite to that of the primary wheel.

Turn the drive power off and the first wheel stops accelerating and begins to slow down, but if that charge displacement is determined by acceleration it will subside immediately. The aether spin latent in the primary wheel will keep going for quite a while and will spread to expand into the second wheel and that, together with the air drag coupling, could account for that second wheel beginning to rotate the normal way.

As you say, in Harvey Morgan's experiment, 'When the electric motor was turned off before reaching top speed, the other flywheel stopped turning. It then started turning slowly in the same direction as the lead flywheel, urged by the collapsing momentum field and the air coupling between flywheels'.

All very fascinating! Now it needs someone to get that same experiment up and running to check it out and then see how the coupling effect can be regulated by orientation of the spin axis, how a very slow speed-up affects things, how an applied magnetic field directed along the spin axis might alter the results, etc.

My belief is that this is a good way to go forward on the free energy front, because I am sure that the 'vacuum spin' or 'aether spin' reaction is one which feeds in an inflow of 'free energy' from space. The hydrosonic type of experiment in which one gets a metal rotor rotating clockwise whilst water flows through rotor blades in a counter-clockwise sense has the ingredients for generating 'free energy' as heat output. Namely, get two aether spin systems sharing a common axis and moving in counter-spin directions and somehow get them to crash into each other.

I will put something about this on my Web pages at one of these days.

Best regards,
Harold Aspden

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Apr. 7, 1998.