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INE NEW-ENERGY SYMPOSIUM - August 14-15, 1998

By NEN Staff

From: NEN, Vol. 5, No. 11, Mar. 1998, p. 1.

INE NEW-ENERGY SYMPOSIUM - August 14-15, 1998

Call For Papers

Please submit abstracts by May 15, 1998 to the NEN office.

Deadline for papers July 15, 1998.

Meeting will be held at the University of Utah Union Building on Friday and Saturday, August 14-15, 1998. Cost, if paid by 1 August1998, is $100 for members and $125 for non-members ($150 at the door).

All papers accepted for presentation will be published in the Journal of New Energy. The journal will be available immediately after the conference.

Author's are encouraged to send their abstracts immediately. The editorial staff of the Journal of New Energy will select the papers to be presented. Author's will have from 30 minutes to one hour for their presentation depending on the number of papers that qualify for presentation. If excess papers are offered, new-energy experimental papers will be given preference.

[Note: As the IANS has just recently closed its operations, it is our intention to continue the publishing of advanced energy conversion information, as has been done with the past International Symposiums of New Energy as published by the IANS, with this conference and the JNE Proceedings. PB.]

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Apr. 7, 1998.