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By Martin Holwerda

From: NEN, Vol. 4, No. 9, January 1997, p. 14.
New Energy News (NEN) copyright 1997 by Fusion Information Center, Inc.
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Martin Holwerda
11 Dec. 1996

On several occasions I explained that gravity is caused by an excess of horizontal, left-going ether vortices. Horizontal because those that have other angles have more chances of being absorbed by the earth. This is why I immediately saw the link between the Podklednov experiment and my vision on gravity. This was also the reason why in NEN, vol 3, no 3, August 1995, p 12, I defended Bruce Walsh. When Mr. Walsh was young, he witnessed a P.M. based on marbles that among others passed a descending helical path. I then suggested that the track, like the gravity vortex, must have been anti-clockwise as seen from the top. This because, as I then suggested, the marble would be able to absorb more gravity energy. In NEN, vol 2, no 11, March 1995, p 12, 13 and on the same grounds, I defended N.A. Reiter's experiments who, after S. Seike, measured weight losses of ring-shaped electronic circuits. In that article, titled "Space Physical Reality," I introduced the French M. Pages patent, that as a basic component employs an annular chamber.

With space as a physical reality, this means that aether (space) may be seen as an hydraulic fluid with real velocities, directions of flow, etc. In other words, when space (aether) is forced through the annular ring of the Pages patent, we may call this conduction. It is exactly this annular ring that forms the equivalent of the super-cooled ring of Mr. E. Podkletnov's experiment. By cooling matter, the excitation diminishes and there is more chance for aether currents to pass undisturbed through matter.

A fast ring-shaped flow of space (aether) is a powerful means of interacting with the incoming gravity vortex. When the planes of the absorbing ring and vortex have a small angle, absorption is more efficient than at large angles. When the angle is very large or close to ninety degrees no absorption is possible. When the anti-gravity device (whether of the Pages, Podkletnov or of the Takeutchi type) is horizontal, it's action is most effective. The Podkletnov experiment happened to be a horizontal set-up so it is best adapted to horizontal vortex absorption and as the angle of the incoming vortices increase the efficiency goes down. This is exactly what has been found in Finland.

Mr. Podkletnov told me he had no special interest or background in the field of gravity or anti-gravity, and never will have. Of course, he also had not asked for this discovery. He told me: people are afraid of the word anti-gravity. When reading my NET'93 speech he said, "You have an original and convincing approach to the mechanism of gravity and I find some confirmation in my experiments." From this it may be clear to readers that I was not too happy with the Henry F. Dart, III, article [NEN, vol 4, no 7], in which he expresses doubts about the experiment.

The truth is that journals of physics will never place publications in the field of anti-gravity because they don't want to write about something that does not exist. Scientists who write about anti-gravity encounter difficulties. I have seen an anti-gravity experiment in a scientific show donated by a technical college. When the donation to the technical exhibit was made, it was agreed upon that both the college and maker would remain confidential. This is not an ideal basis for scientific communication.

Martin Holwerda
Stg. Nieuwe Energie
Halleyweg 189
3318 CG Dordrecht, Holland
Phone: 078-651-4427

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Jan. 12, 1997.