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By Hal Fox

From: NEN, Vol. 4, No. 9, January 1997, p. 2.
New Energy News (NEN) copyright 1997 by Fusion Information Center, Inc.
COPYING NOT ALLOWED without written permission.

By Hal Fox

The Best of 1996

As demonstrated by the awards of New Energy Scientists of the Year, two of the top new energy discoveries of 1996 were the large number of nuclear reactions that are being produced in cold fusion electrochemical cells and the discovery that high-density charge clusters can produce nuclear reactions.

The development of UltraconductorsTM (see article by Mark Goldes in this issue) and their application to thermal-to-electric conversion is a significant milestone.

The data presented from Rod Neal and Stan Gleeson concerning their successes in reducing the level of radioactivity in a radioactive liquid is a strong contribution to similar previous discoveries. The discoveries relating to reduction of radioactivity now include Yul Brown's use of Brown's Gas, Roberto Monti's use of explosion, George Rabzy's work in the Ukraine, Bush and Eagleton's electrochemical method, Ron Brightsen's Clustron Theory, and James Patterson's transmutation in small plated beads.

The perpetual-motion sculpture of Reidar Finsrud must be included as one of the most unusual energy-related developments of 1996. (NEN July 1996).

The continued progress of the development of over-unity electromagnetic motors has been advanced by Dr. Harold Aspden. (See this issue, page 14, and also December 1996 NEN.)

Even NASA made a great discovery in 1996 -- however, we are not yet sure that they know what they discovered. When NASA lost a $442 million satellite by the unexpected interaction of its 12.8 mile-long tether, NEN believes that they found a dramatic evidence of the existence of anomalous energy in space. (See NEN Mary 1996.)

We predict that 1997 will bring many more unexpected new energy developments.



K.R. Rao, Samrath Lal Chaplot (BARC, Solid State Phys. Div., Trombay, India), "Computer Experiments Concerning Palladium-Deuterium and Titanium-Deuterium Lattices Implications to Phenomenon of Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions," Fusion Technology, vol 30, no 3, Dec. 1996, pp 355-362, 25 refs, 7 figs, 1 table.


Short-lived large energy fluctuations (SLEFs) in solids, proposed by Khait, are known to be responsible for several anomalous properties in a variety of materials. The study of SLEFs in palladium-deuterium and titanium-deuterium lattices via computer experiments is reported. The relevance of these large energy fluctuations in penetrating coulombic barriers in these systems is discussed. Such dynamic effects arising from the phonon bath as solids may enhance nuclear reaction probabilities leading to cold fusion. Expected cold fusion reaction rates are reported taking into account the effective changes of the deuterium atoms in the solid and SLEF frequencies.

[SLEF may be the result of charge clusters formation, acceleration, and collision. - Ed.]

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Jan. 12, 1997.