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By Hal Fox

From: NEN, Vol. 4, No. 9, January 1997, p. 1.
New Energy News (NEN) copyright 1997 by Fusion Information Center, Inc.
COPYING NOT ALLOWED without written permission.


This has been a momentous year for new energy and especially for new discoveries in cold fusion. Four persons who have provided exceptional service to the advancement of new energy are two scientists and two inventors.

New Energy News is pleased to name Professor and Editor George H. Miley and Kenneth R. Shoulders as New Energy Scientists of the Year - 1996.


Professor George Miley, as Editor of Fusion Technology, an international journal of the American Nuclear Society, deserves high honors for his undaunted service to the scientific community in publishing articles on cold nuclear fusion. Until the Journal of New Energy was launched in January 1996, Fusion Technology was the only American journal to publish articles on cold fusion. However, that is not the reason that George Miley has been chosen for the honor of Scientist of the Year - 1996. This honor is bestowed on George Miley for his excellent work in the careful tracking of nuclear changes in thin films under electrolysis. (See George H. Miley and James A. Patterson, "Nuclear Transmutations in Thin-Film Nickel Coatings Undergoing Electrolysis," J. of New Energy, Fall 1996.)

For several years George Miley and associates of the Fusion Studies Laboratory, Department of Nuclear Engineering, at the University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, have been working with the electro-lysis of thin films and showing strong evidence for nuclear reactions. In an extension of Miley's thin film investigation, he has worked closely with James Patterson (who received a "Fusion Scientist of the Year 1995" award for developing the Patterson Power CellTM by using thin nickel and palladium films to achieve the first cold fusion device with commercial potential). By making extensive measurements of before and after analysis of the thin-film coated spheres that are used by Patterson, Miley was able to show dramatic elemental changes. These elemental changes can only be attributed to nuclear reactions. Miley first presented this important scientific report at the second conference on Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions, September 13, 1996 at College Station, Texas. George Miley also co-hosted this conference with Professor John O'M. Bockris (who also has been honored as "Fusion Scientist of the Year 1994").

New Energy News is pleased to honor George H. Miley as Scientist of the Year - 1996.


For several years Kenneth R. Shoulders has been an independent scientist working to unravel the secrets of high-density charge clusters. Recently, Kenneth Shoulders obtained and analyzed samples of cathode materials from different operating cold fusion cells and found evidence of many strikes by high-density charge clusters. Here is how Kenneth Shoulders explains the role of these charge clusters in cold fusion: Deuterium is loaded into a malleable palladium cathode by electrolysis. The palladium becomes stressed and hydrogen-embrittled. At some random times the palladium cracks. Trillions of ionic bonds in the metal lattice are broken resulting in a very short-duration high voltage across the crack. This cracking promotes the fracto-emission of high-density charge clusters (Ken Shoulders' "EVs") The charge cluster or clusters pick up deuterons, race across the crack, slam into the opposite wall, and the highly-accelerated piggy-back deuterons have sufficient energy to cause a nuclear reaction. The end result is the formation of many new elements and excess heat. This phenomenon is not d + d fusion but d + Pd fusion. (See K. Shoulders and S. Shoulders, "Observations on the Role of Charge Clusters in Nuclear Cluster Reactions," J. of New Energy, Fall 1996.)

Some who heard Shoulders' presentation at the second conference on Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions (Sept. 1996, College Station, Texas) were impressed with two concepts: First, the concept of fracto-emission and the resultant nuclear reactions that could be a major source of excess energy in various types of cold fusion devices. Second, the concept that it is much easier to make charge clusters directly than to create charge clusters by fracto-emission. Please note: this explanation of the source of most (or some) of the excess energy in cold fusion devices is standard textbook physics and, therefore, immediately understandable to anyone who is familiar with the formation and use of high-density charge clusters. (For further information on charge clusters see Kenneth Shoulders' U.S. Patent 5,018,180). It should be noted that as a result of the presentation of the paper by Kenneth Shoulders, at least one improvement patent application has been filed.

New Energy News is pleased to honor Kenneth R. Shoulders as Scientist of the Year - 1996.

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Jan. 12, 1997.