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Patrick Bailey, President INE

From: NEN, Vol. 4, No. 8, December 1996, p. 20.
New Energy News (NEN) copyright 1996 by Fusion Information Center, Inc.
COPYING NOT ALLOWED without written permission.

Did you know that Eric Kraig has announced an "Open Offer To Validate Claims Of Free Energy?"

He says, "I offer to pay travel expenses and $1000 to anyone who can pass the following test. (Once I feel more confident of my ability to detect fraud, I'll up the prize to $10,000.) I also offer a $1000 commission to anyone who talks an inventor into submitting a winning design to me."

The details of his challenge and the test are in his web site at:, which includes the 'Terms of the Eric Kraig Free Energy Machine Test.'

He also states: "Note: as of Nov. 14, 1996, no takers - but that doesn't prove free energy impossible!"

Eric has been an avid reader and researcher of the "free-energy" field for many years, and has written several very good reviews on his insights and also on the devices that have been proposed by others. His recent, insightful, and negative review of Dennis Lee's devices is also present as a link under "Lee" on the INE WEBSITES page.

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Dec. 21, 1996.