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Courtesy of Harold Aspden
November 5, 1996


From: NEN, Vol. 4, No. 7, November 1996, pp. 6-7.
New Energy News (NEN) copyright 1996 by Fusion Information Center, Inc.
COPYING NOT ALLOWED without written permission.

The above heading was on an anouncement sent to 78 invitees specially chosen to hear inventor "Stanley Meyer from Ohio, USA" deliver a paper about his work and answer questions. To those of us who are interested in the coming age of new energy technology, the announcement of an event having such a title was really something to applaud, because it showed that there are those in high places who really care about the mounting problems on the energy front. The choice of venue for that meeting was endorsement enough, it underlined the importance of the occasion. The meeting was to be at the premises of the British Parliament, inside the House of Lords, thereby facilitating attendance by those at the very seat of government.

The Rt. Hon. Lord Strathcona and Mount Royal was to introduce Stanley Meyer but, in this event, that honourable lord found he had to issue a cancellation notice on the eve of the meeting and convey his apoligies to those who came totally unaware of that cancellation. Some had travelled hundereds of miles expressly to hear about that "energy revolution" from an inventor so acclaimed. But it was not to be. The letter of cancellation was short. It simply said that "owing to unforeseen reasons, it has been necessary to postpone the meeting. This is greatly regretted." The twenty or so privileged invitees who did arrive were left to harbour their suspicions that the idea of "free energy," and the prospect of an "energy revolution," is just a mere myth after all. The voice of experience that was scheduled to speak about the new energy future was not there! This was, indeed, a missed opportunity, and one which cannot help our cause. For the record, the time and date of the meeting that was never held was from 5-7 pm on Thursday the 31st October 1996. Stanley Meyer was to speak about his "Water Fuel Cell" and the prospect of generating hydrogen from water with a "free energy" gain.

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Nov. 19, 1996.