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TEXAS - ENERGY SECURITY Courtesy of Gordon B. Moody

Gordon B. Moody (Publisher/Editor), "Editorial", Global Energy Outlook, August 1996, Vol 1, no 7, page 1.

From: NEN, Vol. 4, No. 6, October 1996, p. 11.
New Energy News (NEN) copyright 1996 by Fusion Information Center, Inc.
COPYING NOT ALLOWED without written permission.


Offshore exploration activity is growing at a feverish pace worldwide. The U.S. drillers, plagued for nearly a decade by oversupply, have suddenly found that their industry has been reborn. Utilization of available rigs is now above 90 percent in the offshore arena, and onshore rigs are likely to reach the same utilization rate within a year or two. Natural gas demand is threatening to outpace supply. The rapid growth of industry along the Pacific Rim will tax the ability of producers worldwide to meet energy demands of the 21st century. Only a handful of countries in the Middle East have the capability to expand their capacity to produce the oil to fuel the rapid growth of the world's developing countries.

Boxed Text:

The United States needs to reexamine its energy policies and look to its neighbors both to the north and to the south for a hemisphere solution toward its energy security.

End of Boxed Text.


Gordon Moody lives in Utah but commutes to Arlington, Texas to publish the Global Energy Outlook. Moody visits our office and is gradually adding new-energy information to his publication. One of the articles in this issue of Global Energy Outlook is titled, "Asia-Pacific to Replace North Sea as Leading Offshore Region by Year 1999." Another article is "Worldwide Oil Demand Expected to Grow 1.7 Million Barrels per Day During 1996." In this article Kenneth L. Bird, President of the Illinois Association of Railroad Passengers, is reported as follows: "U.S. policy makers maintain troops in the Middle East to protect the artificially low-priced oil supply that fuels the urban-sprawled, four-wheel drive society of the United States. Gone is any semblance of conservation or alternative fuel programs. ... politicians have demonstrated their lack of courage in facing our lack of energy independence."

Global Energy Outlook's address is P.O. Box 13830, Arlington, Texas 76013. Fax 817-457-8224.

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Oct. 23, 1996.