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From: NEN, Vol. 4, No. 6, October 1996, pp. 7-8.
New Energy News (NEN) copyright 1996 by Fusion Information Center, Inc.
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It was reported on page 2 of the British newspaper The Sunday Telegraph, September 1, 1996, that the world's first anti-gravity device, now being taken seriously by NASA, is to be the subject of a paper accepted for publication by the Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, one of the main periodicals published by the Institute of Physics in U.K. The discovery is that of scientists in Finland.

The newspaper article gives the details and shows the constructional features of the device. It even says that objects high above the device lose weight - even the air pressure on every floor level above the laboratory decreased! It is said that this discovery "has been rigorously examined by scientists," which one cannot doubt, given that the strict peer-review of that particular British periodical would be very hostile to the notion of anti-gravity.

Note that the article envisages the prospect of the discovery extending to power generation as well as space travel.

Note also the fact that the core principle depends upon spinning a conductor in a magnetic field, which is the theme I pursue when I refer to "vacuum spin." The aether phase-lock which I discuss around p. 24 of my new book Aether Science Papers is induced either by concentrating charge in a plasma ball to set up a radial electric field in that conductive plasma or by spinning a conductor in a magnetic field to induce the radial electric field. One gets "free energy" drawn in from the aether and that means an out-of-balance force and we go from there into anti-gravity.

I am tempted now to suggest that the Finnish anti-gravity device is developing and shedding "vacuum spin" or, rather "aether spin" in the form of weak ghostly versions of thunderballs which levitate above the device and reduce the mass of the object they pass through in their homeward journey to a destiny in which they remerge with the aether of enveloping space.

Hopefully, the world of science may now see sense in revising their opinions on the Hayasaka-Takeuchi Experiment, which I refer to in my anti-gravity paper, the penultimate of the 14 papers reproduced in Aether Science Papers.

/s/ Harold Aspden

[Picture from the Sunday Telegraph. See that INE web page.]

More on Anti-Gravity

Following the news of the anti-gravity discovery from Finland, and just in case some NEN readers wonder how this may fit in with what they may have heard about the Biefield-Brown effect, I add the following to my earlier note.

Like most scientists, I am not willing to believe all that is claimed about strange phenomena involving levitation and "free energy." I therefore paid little attention when I read about the discovery of Townsend Brown. The story is that he constructed a kind of saucer-shaped aluminum canopy and set up an electrode underneath it. Then he applied some 50 kV of electric potential between the canopy and the electrode, whereupon the whole device lost weight!

I sat up and took more notice when I saw, quite recently, a T.V. program here in U.K. and there the device was demonstrated as trying to float upwards in defiance of the laws of physics that I had been taught at school. One imagines corona discharge producing some heat and then convection performing the levitation function, but I then took another look at John Davidson's book The Secret of the Creative Vacuum (ISBN 0 85207 202 3), page 194 and saw that the U.S. Navy had decided it was all due to "ion-momentum transfer" or "electric wind" and that later research in Paris proved the device did work in a vacuum.

Note then my argument. A weak radial electric field in a conductive medium or a strong radial electric field in a vacuum produces "aether spin" and brings aether energy into the act, which involves an out-of-balance linear force. The lower electrode would involve a corona-type ball of charge centered on the lower electrode but with no arc-over to the canopy. That plasma ball becomes the seat of action nucleating the "aether spin" and shedding those levitating weak versions of thunderballs. There is spin combined with the inevitable precession, which is a link to the Laithwaite gyroscopic levitating devices, but the Biefield-Brown effect had a saucer-like canopy which provided a boundary surface for an upper section of the hemisphere bounding that "aether spin" activity. If then this means a thrust by the aether on the underside of the canopy, with no downside, then one can see how levitation occurs. [Alternatively, if the aether has a net downward force, the lessening of the downward "push" would result in an effective lessening of gravity. Ed.]

In the spinning superconductor device invented in Finland there are solenoids wrapped around the superconducting ring. These can activate precession of any "aether spin" set up about the vertical axis. I conclude with the remark that "aether spin" brings in "aether energy" and precession of "aether spin" has a way of accelerating "spin-off" and weakening the gravity force on coextensive matter. The aether cannot be ignored in such research.

/s/ Harold Aspden


Robert Matthews, "Antigravity machine weighed down by controversy", New Scientist, September 21, 1996, page 7.


It was previously reported that a paper carrying the names of Eugene Podkletnov and Petri Vuorinen of Tampere University in Finland was accepted for publication is Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics after proper peer review. According to Matthews, the paper has now been withdrawn. It appears that this work was done in the early 1990s and has only recently received a flurry of attention. Tampere University denies any knowledge of the work and Vuorinen stated that he had never worked on the paper with Podkletnov. Podkletnov appeared surprised and suggested that it must have been another Petri Vuorinen who worked with him -- but no such other Petri has been located.

When Podkletnov withdrew his paper on September 9, 1996, he stated: "This is an important discovery and I don't want it to disappear", he told New Scientist. Meanwhile, the mystery deepens. It is reported from other sources that NASA is very interested and is performing experiments. A caller to this editor also reported that the effect had been replicated in the U.S. by a person who bought the parts from the Edmund's Scientific catalog. This editor asked to be put in touch with whomever had replicated the antigravity effect so that we could tell our NEN readers how to repeat the experiment. We are all very interested in any working antigravity devices because rocket propulsion is the most inefficient method of moving an object every used extensively by man (It takes millions of pounds of fuel to put a relatively few pounds into orbit.) We expect that we will hear more about antigravity.

Sorry that we can't bring you more exciting news.

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Oct. 23, 1996.