By Toby Grotz
Electrical Engineer Robert Achzehner visited T.H. Moray in his Salt Lake City Laboratory during the summer of 1957. Mr. Achzehner was on his way from Indianapolis to the I.R.E. convention on the West Coast. (The convention is held yearly and is now known as WESCON.) Moray demonstrated a new metal that he had invented. He gave Robert a drill with a 1/4" high speed drill bit and asked him to drill a hole in a piece of metal. It was impossible to drill the metal and after several attempts, both the dill bit and the metal remained cool. There was no heating due to friction.
Moray makes reference to transmutation technology in several places. The process of transmutation was described as "...not a case of splitting the atom, but merely of addition, multiplication, division and subtraction of the combinations of the atoms, but not the breaking into the chain of the universe. It is plain evolution of matter and evolution of forces, and there is no need in highly over estimating the accomplishment under misinterpretation of the facts". (from Radiant Energy, compiled for the Layman in 1926 1945 &1946 by T.H. Moray)
The mechanism of elemental transmutation held by T. Henry Moray was similar to that proposed by Walter Russell. Russell stated that "All dimension is an illusion, an appearance, due to rising potential, which must disappear into its inevitable sequence of lowering potential and again appear in endless cycles of appearance, disappearance and re-appearance... The efforts of man to transmute one element to another must be governed by this principle, and not upon the theory that another substance will be obtained by "knocking out one electron." Russell was able to demonstrate the transmutation of gases in the Bloomfield, New Jersey research laboratory at the Westinghouse Lamp Company on Sept. 30, 1927. Transmutation of hydrogen and oxygen to nitro- gen, and, nitrogen to oxygen and hydrogen was accomplished.
Those who pursue the transmutation of elements would be wise to study the words and work of those who paved the way. Do not expect to create a new paradigm by using the theories of the old paradigm.
[Editor's Comment: It has been many decades since any educated person would seriously consider transmutation by "knocking out one electron." However, we are achieving low energy transmutation by adding one or more protons to the nucleus.]
Mar. 17, 1997.