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From: NEN, Vol. 4, No. 10, February 1997, p. 12.
New Energy News (NEN) copyright 1997 by Fusion Information Center, Inc.
COPYING NOT ALLOWED without written permission.

NEN has received information from Austria about the World Energy Efficiency Day to be held on March 6, 1997 in Wels, Austria. Speakers from five continents will give papers under the following headings:

Energy Efficiency - the gateway to our future.
Local and regional strategies for energy efficiency.
Energy efficiency in industry.
Energy efficiency in buildings.

Only one paper has any hint in the title of any type of alternative energy sources: "Job Creation Through Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Sources," by Michel Miller, European Trade Union Confederation, Brussels, Belgium.

In these days, when we are beginning to commercialize new energy sources, this conference would be equivalent to calling a conference on conservation of whale oil just before the discovery and wide-spread use of natural gas and "coal-oil" for lighting the lamps of America and Europe. In fairness, the editorial introduction to the conference does mention, "Energy efficiency and renewable energy sources are important factors in assuring our future economic development." If there is an NEN reader who would like to donate the basic costs, we will send 300 copies of a "special edition" of New Energy News to be handed out at the conference. The cost would be about $300 for paper and air mail.

For further information about this meeting the fax number is +44-732-6584-4383

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Feb. 8, 1997.