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Courtesy William Patrick Bourne

From: NEN, Vol. 4, No. 10, February 1997, p. 8.
New Energy News (NEN) copyright 1997 by Fusion Information Center, Inc.
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William Patrick Bourne, "A Possible Reconciliation of Theosophical Occult Chemistry With Modern Physical Science", The Theoscientist, vol 3, no 1-2 (1996), 11 manuscript pages, 2 figs, 17 refs.


In 1908 Annie Besant and C.W. Leadbeater published the first edition of their book Occult Chemistry, which recorded their investigations, utilizing specialized clairvoyant faculties capable of high powers of magnification, into the fundamental structure of matter. The earliest investigations had first been published in the magazine Lucifer in 1895, and the first edition of the book was a summation of the work to 1908. A second edition, with new material, followed in 1919. The third enlarged, and final, edition was published in 1951. The third edition contains transcripts of sessions in which Leadbeater attempted to directly perceive the electron, discovered by English physicist J.J. Thomson in 1897, as well as to discern the true nature of electromagnetism and the origin of the positive and negative charges on atomic and subatomic particles. Leadbeater died (1934) before he was able to complete this aspect of his work.

The book mainly deals with the structures of the elements, each atom being described and diagramed. Leadbeater and Besant began their investigations by observing the Hydrogen atom. Modern physical science says that the Hydrogen atom consists of a single proton surrounded by an orbiting electron. In 1911 British physicist Ernest Rutherford found that the mass of an atom is located in a small region called the nucleus, and discovered the proton in 1919 as the product of the disintegration of the nucleus. But when Leadbeater and Besant began their investigations there was no real notion of protons or neutrons (discovered in 1932), or the nature of the interior of the atom. They described the Hydrogen atom as composed of 18 smaller units, called "Anu" in the third edition of the book. Their descriptions of the elements are strictly in terms of the numbers and the configurations of these Anu. It is also not clear if they were observing the total atom, including the electron shells, or just the nucleus.


For those who are interested in the author's paper and do not have access to the publication, you may want to contact the author at 456 44th Street, #1, Oakland, CA 94609, or phone him at 510-655-5457, or email: The many years spent by Annie Besant and C.W. Leadbeater to study the structure of all of the available elements is a fascinating story. However, until the concept is accepted by Science that some humans can learn to perceive objects in the ultra-miniature size, this type of investigation will be deemed as not natural or as supernatural and, therefore, denied to the official study of science. Remember that much of the advancement of science has occured since there was an agreement to use only natural phenomena to explain experimental results. Assuming that there is truth in the supernatural, it is not an accepted part of the study of nature. However, the more we learn about nature, the more we extend the boundaries into the unknown, perhaps someday, into parts of what today is considered to be the supernatural.

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Feb. 8, 1997.