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Courtesy of Don Kelly

From: NEN, Vol. 4, No. 10, February 1997, p. 7.
New Energy News (NEN) copyright 1997 by Fusion Information Center, Inc.
COPYING NOT ALLOWED without written permission.

The editorial of the latest (December 1996) issue talks about two potential projects that are seeking funding. Although not explicitly stated, one of the projects appears to be similar to the Papp engine. Papp died from apparent neutron radiation from his engine. At least three groups have attempted to develop the engine further. A Utah group took the technology to China. It is believe that at the heart of the Papp engine is the development of charge clusters which provide the energy to expand the gases. The gases used are a mixture of noble gases so that no chemical combination takes place. The second device for which funds are being sought has an available video. In the video, the inventor passes a magnet through a coil (to operate a magnetic switch?) and then the coil provides power to illuminate light bulbs.

The article by Needy, "Energy Suppression" reports on a collection of a number of inventors and devices that appeared to be of commercial importance but never made it to the market place. There may have been suppression of some of these devices. During the almost eight years that the Fusion Information Center has been in business, we have not been contacted by any person (directly or indirectly) to indicate that there was any opposition to our work in spreading the word (world wide) on cold fusion and other enhanced energy developments. By contrast we have been encouraged by persons at high levels of government and corporate America.

There may be good reasons why projects are not funded. An example: On page 8, Chris Needy tells about Joseph Papp and his "highly-regarded" Papp engine. Needy does not tell how one person was killed and another injured in a demonstration of the Papp engine to representatives from the Stanford Research Institute, nor that Papp is believed to have been killed by harmful radiation from the engine. Needy reports, "The idea has gotten nowhere amid accusations of suppression by the media."

Ed Skilling reports on "A Story of Free Energy - Hendershot's Fuelless Generator". These are interesting stories about inventions that almost made it. With the great freedom in America and the high-level of our standard of living, it is interesting to speculate as to why in seventy years (since this invention) no one has demonstrated a version of this remarkable device.

Keith Johnson provides a circuit diagram for a device which is reported to help alleviate ailments of man and beast. A copy of Tesla's patent on "System of Electrical Distribution" is in this issue. E.E. Richards, "Earth Power Spectrum and its Potential as a Usable Energy Source" reports on attempts (and successes) of tapping earth or cosmic energy and includes 16 references. Shadow Hawk (sounds like a pseudonym), in "The Resonant Gravity Field Coil" suggests that we may be able to alter "the spatiotemporal continuum as one desires". Tom Bearden and Bill Ramsay discuss the construction and use of the Rodin Coil. Wingate Lambertson's essay, "Timing is Important" urges the development of political clout to get more government funds allocated to new-energy development. The most information article that has a bearing of what can be accomplished, here and now, by living people is the report on "The Adams-Aspden Motor Patent" by Harold Aspden. Those interested should get a copy of Harold Aspden's latest publication: Power From Magnetism: Over-Unity Motor Design, Energy Science Report No. 9, available for $25 (U.S. check) from Sabberton Publications, P.O. Box 35, Southampton, SO16 7RB, England. [See book report in New Energy News, Jan 1997, pages 14-16.]

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Feb. 8, 1997.