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By Hal Fox, Editor, NEN

From: NEN, Vol. 4, No. 3, July 1996, pp. 3-5.
New Energy News (NEN) copyright 1996 by Fusion Information Center, Inc.
COPYING NOT ALLOWED without written permission.

Written especially for the attendees at the June 19, 1996, Seventh Annual Energy Efficiency Forum.

This author was raised on energy efficiency. "Turn out the lights, we don't want to pay more than necessary to Utah Power and Light," was an oft-repeated instruction from my father. My generation was born in the twenties, struggled through the depression, served in World War II and grew to enjoy the world's most dramatic development in technology-based standard of living that the world has ever known. Now this author is dedicated to providing an even higher energy standard of living for our children and grandchildren. This objective can only be achieved by new-energy devices and systems not based on the burning of fossil fuels.

For the past seven years we have been investigating the world-wide development of new-energy technologies. Over three thousand peer-reviewed (or presented in technical conferences) new-energy papers have been obtained, read, and reviewed in our newsletters and placed in our computer database. From our trips and contacts with new-energy scientists and inventors in several countries, we can make some informed comments about the development and commercialization of new-energy systems. That is the purpose of this article.

Four new energy-related technologies are being developed. These four are "new hydrogen energy" (the Japanese name for cold fusion); solid-state electro-magnetic or plasma-type devices; super motors based on super magnets; and low-energy nuclear reactors. All four of these technologies share the same academic fate: They do not conform to the current physical science models and therefore are unacceptable to many in the scientific community. However, only two changes in scientific models are required to embrace all four of these technologies. Those changes are: First, that nuclear reactions in a metal lattice are not the same as nuclear reactions in hot plasma physics. Second, the acceptance of an energetic zero-point energy (also known as aether, space energy, vacuum energy, etc.) [1]. With these two changes, cold fusion is acceptable and other devices no longer appear to be contrary to the Law of Conservation of Energy but are merely clever energy transformers. These four technologies are briefly discussed in the following paragraphs.

Cold fusion is being commercialized in Japan (Pons-Fleischmann discovery) and in the U.S. (Patterson Power CellTM). Pons and Fleischmann, working with Japanese funding (from a Toyota affiliate), have made excellent strides in the development of the heavy-water, palladium cathode, electrochemical cells. Operated under pressure, these devices are capable of providing large amounts of thermal power. Licenses for the newer Patterson Power CellTM are being marketed by Clean Energy Technologies of Dallas. Texas. This device has been independently tested and replicated by several universities, utilities, or corporate research laboratories, but not yet by the U.S. DOE. While the Japanese have added an additional hundred million dollars to the development of cold fusion, the U.S. DOE does not recognize the technology and this mistake is echoed by the U.S. Office of Patents and Trademarks.

Solid-state and plasma-type devices have been patented and are being funded for further development. Five separate devices (two patented, one being publicly revealed in September 1996, two others being patented) are under development. Ken Shoulders' high density charge clusters (U.S. Patent 5,018,180) and Correa & Correa (U.S. Patent 5,449,989) are examples of plasma-type devices that produce from four to thirty times as much electrical power as input electrical power. An electro-magnetic device is scheduled for scientific and media presentation in Germany in September 1996. Two other devices are involved in patent applications and will be announced later. All five of these devices are being privately funded and are expected to provide energy for applications ranging from computer chips to power plants. The patent for the Shoulders' device states that the source of the energy appears to be the zero-point radiation of the vacuum continuum. The plasma device by the Correas was presented at the Third International Symposium on New Energy and is being developed in Canada. The German inventor claims that his device can be scaled up to power-plant size. No publishable information is available on the other two devices. These devices all appear to obtain their excess power from the aether.

Super magnets used in super motors provide excess mechanical power. Two separate super magnets have been developed in Japan. These developments provide magnets at least twice as strong as previously accomplished. The Takahashi motor, based on the super-strong Takahashi magnets is reported to provide sufficient energy so that a moped can be powered and still charge the battery. Obviously, claiming this type of performance would lead to ridicule in almost any engineering facility. Therefore, the Japanese inventor (with previous patents on magnetic coatings for video tapes) has delivered motor and moped for independent testing in England. Reports are expected later this summer or fall.

Low-energy Nuclear Reactors represent an important new discovery. Although not a source of energy, these reactors are energy-related because they can be used to stabilize radioactive slurries. Obviously, to stabilize a radioactive material it is necessary to change the nucleus so that the resulting new element or new isotope is no longer radioactive. In the currently-accepted scientific models, only high-energy bombardment of atomic nuclei can affect nuclear stability. Although these new reactors are energy intensive, they have proven effective in removing radioactivity from naturally radioactive thorium (demonstrated in this author's laboratory). The next step is to build and demonstrate these reactors in such a place as the Hanford Site where over 130 tanks (some of which are not leaking) of radioactive slurry are awaiting the development of adequate means of stabilizing or storing these slurries.

These are the technologies that we predict will dramatically change the way energy will be produced and distributed. Out of hundreds of proposed developments, these are the devices and/or technologies that we have selected as being the most dramatic energy developments that the world has ever seen. In this nation we have progressed from whale oil to "coal oil" to natural gas to electricity for lighting our lamps. We have progressed from wood to diesel-electric generators to move our trains. We have used electricity, steam, and progressed to gasoline- powered internal combustion engines to power our automobiles and trucks. Now we will move to an abundant, cleaner, and less expensive (essentially fuel-less) source of energy to power our future.

To our new friends at the Seventh Annual Energy Efficiency Conference we suggest your serious consideration of these new technologies. Few believed in the Wright brothers aircraft, or Goddard's rockets but now air-bases have been named after both of them. It is highly likely that these are the types of new technologies that will power our future. We quote Utah's Governor Michael O. Leavitt (who attributed the words to Ray Noorda of Novell), warning us:

          "Fight it and die,
           Accept it and live,
           Lead it and prosper!"
You are today's leaders. With proper management of the much-needed transition to these new energy technologies, you will be the leaders of tomorrow!


[1] Hal Fox, "Four New Discoveries Best Explained by an Energetic Aether", presented at the Southwestern Area Regional Meeting of the AAAS, June 5, 1996, University of Northern Arizona, Flagstaff, AZ.

Hal Fox is just completing the book, Space Energy Impact in the 21st Century. This book reports in more detail the development of space energy devices. In addition, the book reports on the strong impact that new-energy systems will have on a variety of industries. The book will be available through this publication.

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