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By Hal Fox

From: NEN, Vol. 3, No. 6, November 1995, pp. 19-21.

New Energy News (NEN) copyright 1996 by Fusion Information Center, Inc.
COPYING NOT ALLOWED without written permission.

During his presentation at the Second Symposium on New Energy, Dr. Hal Puthoff made a succinct challenge to those working to create energy devices that will force changes to our current limited scientific models. Puthoff capsulized the problem in his challenge for any of us to demonstrate a device in which at least one-watt of excess energy is clearly produced by creating a system that will provide its input energy requirements and deliver at least one watt to an external load.


Clearly, the one-watt challenge can be met by a Patterson Power Cell (TM) producing seventy (or more) times as much thermal energy output compared with the electrical energy input. However, we must power the pre-heater (when used in the electrolyte circuit) and we must power the pump that circulates the electrolyte. It is certainly easy to provide an electric heater and to use an electric motor for powering the pump. However, it is a big challenge to design an efficient thermal-to-electric converter. The current state of the art for thermal-electric devices, operating at the relatively low temperatures currently being produced, have conversion efficiencies of about three to twelve percent.

Consider the following approach: First, it is assumed that with a pressurized cell, the temperature of the electrolyte can easily be modified by changing the flow rate of the electrolyte through the reactor bed of plated spheres. The lower the flow rate, the more the temperature of the electrolyte will be increased. Also, the design of the planned heat exchanger can be used to control the input temperature of the electrolyte. Removing less heat will provide a higher input temperature of the electrolyte and will increase the power amplification factor through the reactor. Second, instead of using electrical energy to power the electrolyte circulating pump, use a small closed-cycle turbine driven by thermal energy from the heat exchanger (such as a Sterling engine). Such use of thermal energy is more efficient than standard thermo-electric converters. Therefore, we have defined a system in which only an estimated ten percent of the excess heat need be used for the heating of the electrolyte and the pumping of the electrolyte. We still require electrical input power to operate the cell. With a power amplification factor of one hundred, we can even use a highly-inefficient thermo-electric converter to provide the required small amount of input electrical power.


The Faile-Reiter Circuit: One unexpected class of small energy devices are the non-inductive coils made of shielded wire, connected to diodes, and tucked into a metal pipe as reported by Samuel Faile and Nick Reiter [NEN, Oct. 1995, pp 7-9]. First, it is surprising that a non-inductive coil could pick up electrical energy. Second, it is more amazing that the use of shielded wire would not prevent the pickup of electrical energy. Third, why does the coil work better in a metal pipe, which would be expected to shield the coil.

The Shoulders High-Density Charge Cluster Device: Although the Shoulders device has been patented and the extensive patent information is publicly available, no groups except Kenneth Shoulders and his son Steve appear to be working on this important technology. In the U.S. Patent 5,018,180 Shoulders reports that over 30 times as much output compared to input energy has been measured .

The Magnetic Resonance Amplifier Tests: We have received copies of two official reports from independent laboratories that show power out ranging from 1.6 to over 4 times the input power to a magnetic resonance amplifier. One of the important factors in this device appears to be the type of magnetic material used as the core of the transformer. The transformer appears to be the most important component in this unusual energy-amplifying circuit.

The Lambertson Circuit: Although we have no independent tests of Dr. Wynn Lambertson's special circuit using a cermet (ceramic-metal) device, the latest reports from Lambertson appear to be very favorable.


There is no longer any reason to continue to deny the potential of new energy sources by making statements that it is against the Law of Conservation of Energy. This law has not been violated. The hypothesis (or model) of an empty space has been violated. If we accept the fact of the existence of an energetic space, then we need only to transform space energy into useful forms of energy. Therefore, one of the two major new forms of energy that is now becoming available to the world is tapping the energy of space (also known as vacuum space energy or zero point energy).

The second major new source of energy is cold nuclear fusion or as labeled by Dr. Edmund Storms, chemically-assisted nuclear reactions. The Patterson Power Cell (TM) (PPC) appears to be provide thermal power by the nuclear reactions of lithium and hydrogen (or some other form of new hydrogen energy). Regardless of the exact nature of the source of power from this new patented development, the PPC is certainly a cold fusion device.

It is remarkable that after generations of dependency on fossil-fuels as our energy sources, we have - in one decade - opened the door to two major sources of new energy. The impact that these discoveries and inventions will have on our way of producing and consuming energy will be enormous [1]. One class of devices (cold fusion) will be able to provide thermal energy for all types of processes where heat is required. The other class of devices (space energy transformers) will be able to provide direct electrical energy at any point on or off this spaceship earth.

A new age has begun, the clean energy age. Not only have we met the one-watt challenge but also we have taken the first steps to meet the megawatt challenge to provide clean, inexhaustible, and inexpensive energy for the future. This generation (especially in America) has been the greatest consumers of energy that the world has ever known. Rather than be reduced to the choices between polluting our planet or reducing our use of energy, we now have a completely rational choice: to provide our children and our grandchildren with the means to further enhance their standards of living with essentially unlimited energy. The energy sources for the next millennium and beyond have been discovered. Now our task is to make these energy sources available to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people.

[1] Hal Fox Cold Fusion Impact in the Enhanced Energy Age, c1992, published by Fusion Information Center, Salt Lake City, Utah. (The book includes a diskette with over 2500 (current to 1995) references to new energy literature.)

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