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Mr. K on John R. R. Searl

Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 07:24:31 -0400
From: Mr. K
Subject: John R. R. Searl
To: "Dr Patrick G. Bailey"

Mr. K on John R. R. Searl

Re Prof. Searl

He is giving another Seminar in London on 1st June 1996. He now defines the Searl Effect as: based on magnetic fields that generate a continual motion of magnetic rollers around magnetized rings producing electrical energy and, under certain conditions, an inverse gravity effect that can be used for propulsion. Other effects include negative ionisation of the surrounding air.

Prof. Searl will be explaining the Law of the Squares, the principle which produces the effect.

For more info call Searl direct on Tel. 0181 200 0714, fax 0181 200 5932 or check the DISC Web Page:

Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 15:44:53 -0400
From: Mr. K
Subject: Prof. Searl's Energy Device
To: "Dr Patrick G. Bailey"

Reference your request for a short article on the reasons why I think one specific Isotope of Neodymium may be responsible for the energy effect.

To recap briefly, the device uses a cylinder of Neodymium enclosed in bands of Nylon, Iron and Aluminium. This unit generates 3 volts and 69 are used to attain mains voltage, rotating around magnetised bands. This voltage suggests that a pair of optically active electrons are involved, as 3 e.v. lies in the visible spectrum. Optically active electrons tend to couple to give a maximum total angular momentum. The probability density of the electrons is concentrated near to the plane perpendicular to the orbital angular momentum vector. A precise atomic orientation in the sample would therefore couple the electron energies. Because of the Coulomb repulsion of the electron pair they stay at diametrically opposite ends of their orbit. There is a relationship between the lifetime of an excited state of an electron and the width of the energy lines of the emitted spectrum, that is, the range of emitted frequencies. The spectral lines are not sharp but are broadened for many reasons. Firstly, the Zeeman effect, the splitting of spectral lines due to external magnetic fields, secondly, the broadening of spectral lines can be due to Doppler effects, frequency shifts resulting from random thermal motions, thirdly due to variations resulting from the Uncertainty Principle and lastly, and most importantly, due to the electric quadrupole moment of the nucleus. This determines the extent to which the charge distribution of the nucleus departs from spherical symmetry. This moment is greatest for 60Nd143 (12.2% abundance) and one assumes this isotope would be the most likely candiddate for an unusual effect. This would involve the anomalous broadening of of the optical absorption band of Neodymium, to such a degree that much more energy in the visual range would be collected than by normal atoms. The absorption would be enhanced by external magnetic fields and a rise in temperature.

Such is the basis of my theorising about the S.E.G. and with the other messages could form the basis of an article.

Re your request for article on the S.E.G. When Searl said the Neodymium Unit generated 3 volts I began to suspect that the optically active electrons were involved in the energy conversion process. Two such electrons tend to couple to give a maximum total orbital angular momentum. Because of their Coulomb repulsion they tend to stay at opposite ends of a diameter of their orbit. Spectral lines arising from the transitions of these electrons are not precisely sharp, firstly because of the Zeeman effect, a splitting of spectral lines due to external magnetic fields, secondly because of the nuclear magnetic moment of the Neodymium and thirdly because of
(remainder of this email was lost)

Date: Fri, 31 May 1996 11:36:12 -0400
From: Mr. K
Subject: Prof. Searl's S.E.G.
To: "Dr Patrick G. Bailey"

Another titbit of info regarding Searl's source of cheaper Neodymium, if you hadn't guessed it already, it is a fission product from U235! I have for a long time had an intuition that fission products might turn out to be commercially valuable.

If Searl's device works, the nuclear power industry may well be on to a bonanza. Perhaps you should buy some nuclear power stocks! Shares in British Nuclear power stations are just being offered on the market.

Date: Mon, 3 Jun 1996 12:38:26 -0400
From: Mr. K
Subject: Prof. Searl's S.E.G.
To: "Dr Patrick G. Bailey"

The second D.I.S.C. Seminar took place on 1st June at Mill Hill London. In the words of Prof. Searl "The success of any invention depeends upon the support which is to rally up behind it. This one is no exception to the rule. Yet so far to date there is no other technology known to me that offers so much to all mankind, as it not only reduces the pollution factor and the greenhouse effect, but it reduces the running costs on energy and motivation, which means less stress and ill-health."

Manufacture of the S.E.G. and the INVERSE-G-VEHICLE are expected to to start before the end of the year. This is the second of three Seminars for 1996. The third will be in September. I will keep you posted.

My own word of caution. Unlimited use of vacuum energy devices must create more waste heat in the environment and Global Warming. What we need is a device for converting waste heat into useful energy. Would you be interested in this kind of device?

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