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Volume 5, Number 3
Winter 2000
ISSN 1086-8259
EXPERIMENTS IN A ZPE ENVIRONMENT The name zero-point energy came from a "Gedanken", a thought experiment. The challenge was: If you went where there was no matter so that matter could not be converted to energy; and there was no radiation so that the radiation could not be converted to energy; and the temperature was zero degrees Kelvin would there be any energy there? The answer became, "Yes there would be lots of energy." That is the zero-point energy.
Some of our scientists have computed or demonstrated that there is an enormous amount of zero-point energy (space energy, vacuum energy, et al.) We are informed that there is sufficient energy in the volume of a soft drink can that if all of that energy were turned into thermal energy one could boil the Atlantic Ocean! Dr. Harold Puthoff, and others, have shown that inertia can be explained by the presence of this space energy.
Consider that many of our scientific experiments are conducted within this enormous energy field. Because it has only been recently that some scientists have recognized this energy, most scientists fervently teach and believe that you can never get more energy out of an experiment than you put into an experiment. Therefore, there is a widespread notion that any experiment including rotating machines, solid-state circuits, perpetual motion devices of all kinds, and all type of chemical experiments are limited by the energy input (including available chemical energy).
It is now time to recognize and carefully consider the potential effect of any experimental interaction with the vast energy that is in space everywhere. If there is even a tiny fraction of the available energy of space coupled into an experiment, there is the potential for considerably more energy out than energy input. The first of these types of experiments that led to a patent is the following: Kenneth R. Shoulders, "Energy Conversion Using High Charge Density", U.S. Patent 5,018,180, issued May 21, 1991.
This was the first charge-cluster (EV) patent to issue and states: "An EV passing along a traveling wave device, for example, may be both absorbing and emitting electrons. In this way, the EV may be considered as being continually formed as it propagates. In any event, energy is provided to the traveling wave output conductor, and the ultimate source of this energy appears to be the zero-point radiation of the vacuum continuum."
It is time to consider the nature of the ZPE environment in planning and conducting any experiments.
Hal Fox, editor.
Volume 5, Number 3, Winter 2000
Proceedings of Cologne Workshop "Physics as a Science"
Page, Title 2 EDITORIAL Hal Fox "PHYSICS AS A SCIENCE SYMPOSIUM PROCEEDINGS:" 4 Foreword - G. Galeczki and P. Marquardt and J. P. Wesley 5 Unwarranted Assumption Shifts in Relativity and Suggestions for Improved Controls - Neil E. Munch 16 Special Relativity's Heel of Achilles: the Units of Measurements - George Galeczki 22 Axis Calibration and the Invariants of Kinematics - Thomas E. Phipps, Jr 27 Contradictory Prescriptions for the Lorentz Transformation in 2 + 1 Spacetime - Michael H. Brill 32 The Lorentz Contraction Implies the Existence of a Privileged Inertial System - Franco Selleri 45 The Fundamental System and the Lorentz Group - Huba L. Szöcs 50 Minkowski Scalar Invariant Incompatible with any Equation of Motion - George Galeczki 56 Twenty-first Century Electrodynamics - Domina Eberle Spencer 70 Weber's Force Law for Realistic Finite-Size Elastic Particles - Charles W. Lucas and Joseph C. Lucas 90 Faraday s Law is Wrong; Changing Magnetic Flux Does Not Cause Induction - James P. Wesley 95 Transverse, Longitudinal and Mixed Electrodynamic Waves - James P. Wesley 100 Non-convertibility of Inertial Mass into Energy and Vice Versa. Conjectures Regarding an e+ e- -Pair-Cluster Atom Model in Connection with an e+e- - Cosmic Lattice - Johann Marinsek 121 A Computational Model for Nuclear Binding and Isotopic Decay Energies - Edward Boudreaux and Eric Baxter 128 Rigorous Evidence for a Nonexpanding Universe - James P. Wesley 144 An Angular Momentum Synthesis of Gravitational and Electrostatic Forces - Vivian N. Pope 152 Physics the Science of Energy - Peter Marquardt 166 Thermal Momentum in Interfacial Thermodynamics - Mahmoud A. Melehy 179 Reasons Why Serious Physics Research Is Not Funded And How To Get It Funded? - Paul Wesley 184 LETTERS: Cameron Rebigsol, Vladimir Zykov 187 International Meeting notices
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