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Volume 4, Number 1
Summer 1999
ISSN 1086-8259
The Physics of Nuclean Energies and Fuels According to Hadronic Mechanics
This issue should be of special interest to the NEW-ENERGY COMMUNITY of doers and scholars Prof. Ruggero Maria Santilli (President, Institute for Basic Research; Editor-in-Chief for ALGEBRAS, GROUPS AND GEOMETRIES, HADRONIC JOURNAL, and HADRONIC J. SUPPLEMENT; and Editor of INTERN. J. PHYSICS, BALKAN J. of GEOMETRY and its APPLICATIONS) has provided this journal with a five-paper summary of his life's work.
The basic concepts of Santilli's work are: Quantum Mechanics is valid for distributed matter where elementary particles can be treated as mathematical pints but must be modified in atomic nuclei where various elementary particles cannot properly be treated as point sources. After 22 years of diligent study, Santilli and other mathematicians, scientists, and experimentalists have developed Hadronic Mechanics. The outgrowth of Hadronic Mechanics, as presented in this issue. more fully and accurately describes various nuclear and molecular processes. Especially, the complex nuclei and their forces can be described without loss of application of well-known physical laws. This achievement has led to a nuclear and molecular theory that is of great importance to the New-Energy Community. Santilli's nuclear theory, for example, predicts that under proper photon (or proton) bombardment unstable nuclei can be transmuted directly into stable nuclei. This combination of Santilli's theory and the unusual and unexpected results from Trenergy's experimental work in low-energy transmutation has resulted in the beginnings of mutual cooperation among Dr. Santilli and his staff and the work of Dr. S-X Jin (chief scientist for Trenergy, Inc., Salt Lake City, Utah) and his associates (including this editor). Santilli's work is not limited to transmutation.
Dr. Santilli and his colleagues, with their development of Hadronic Mechanics, have provided the FIRST theory for the understanding of new energies. This theory is mathematically and physically consistent, verifies existing physical laws (e.g., Pauli's principle, etc.) so that the theory will survive academic challenges and detailed study. This work provides the basis for the evaluation and further development of a considerable body of experimental discoveries of new energies and new fuels, and most important, this theory has specific predictions of practical concepts for the actual construction of efficient new-energy producing machines.
The Journal of New Energy is pleased to provide, in one volume, these five summary papers by Professor Santilli, on Hadronic Mechanics, as a rational basis for understanding the important role of both nuclear and molecular-level processes in new-energy developments. Please note that this work will be included in the next issue of the CD-ROM, The Science of the Future Began Yesterday. This CD-ROM will contain the full text of all issues of the Journal of New Energy including this issue; the Proceedings of the 1999 INE Conference (August 27-28, 1999, Salt Lake City, Utah); and a special issue on the New Maxwell Electromagnetic Equations; and, in addition, complete bibliographic references and the complete text of all articles or reviews printed in Fusion Facts and in New Energy News for the past ten years.
Please note the important announcement, for the first time, that MagneGasTM, a new fuel, has a coefficient of performance (COP) of 1.69. (See Paper V, Section 3.12, page 286.) MagneGasTM is a combustible gas produced using a specially-controlled D.C. arc within liquid wastes (such as spent radiator coolants and other polluting materials). This gas would normally be expected to have a COP of 0.2 or 0.3, however, as an application of Hadronic Mechanics this gas has achieved a COP of 1.69. This achievement by the use of Hadronic Mechanics is expected to improve the efficiency of other new-energies. This new fuel has been developed by Dr. Santilli and the technical staff of Toups Technology Licensing, Inc., a public company located in Largo, Florida. This exciting new product is the forerunner of other new fuels and new energy sources that will be developed in the future, based on use of Hadronic Mechanics.
For further information about this new fuel, please contact Mr. Leon Toups, president of Toups Technology Licensing, Inc. at 727-548-0918 or by fax at 727-549-8138 or visit the website www.toupstech.com.
Respectfully, Hal Fox, Editor
Volume 4, Number 1, Summer 1999
The Physics of Nuclean Energies and Fuels According to Hadronic Mechanics
Section, Title, Page PAPER I: INSUFFICIENCIES OF QUANTUM MECHANICS, page 10 1. INTRODUCTION, page 10 1.1. The Fundamental Open Problem of the Emerging New Energies, 10 1.2. Definition of New Energies, 13 1.3. Statement of Objectives, 15 2. INSUFFICIENCIES OF QUANTUM MECHANICS IN VARIOUS FIELDS, 16 2.1. Conditions of Validity of a Given Theory, 17 2.2. Insufficiencies of Quantum Mechanics in Atomic Physics, 19 2.3. Insufficiencies of Quantum Mechanics in Nuclear Physics, 21 2.4. Insufficiencies of Quantum Mechanics in Particle Physics, 29 2.5. Insufficiencies of Quantum Mechanics in Superconductivity, 32 2.6. Insufficiencies of Quantum Mechanics in Gravitation, Astrophysics and Cosmology, 33 2.7. Insufficiencies of Quantum Mechanics in Chemistry, 33 2.8. Insufficiencies of Quantum Mechanics in Biology, 36 3. INSUFFICIENCIES OF SPECIAL AND GENERAL RELATIVITIES, 38 3.1. Statement of Objectives, 38 3.2. Insufficiencies of Special Relativity, 38 3.3. Inconsistencies of General Relativity, 40 PAPER II: THE NEW MECHANICS, 46 1. INTRODUCTION, 46 2. ORIGINS OF THE INSUFFICIENCIES OF QUANTUM MECHANICS, 49 3. THE "MAJESTIC" AXIOMATIC CONSISTENCY OF QUANTUM MECHANICS, 50 4. CATASTROPHIC INCONSISTENCY OF BROADER THEORIES BASED ON CONVENTIONAL MATHEMATICS, 52 5. HE NOVEL ISO-, GENO- AND HYPER-MATHEMATICS AND THEIR ISODUALS, 56 6. CLASSICAL AND OPERATOR ISO-, GENO-, AND HYPER-MECHANICS, 61 6.1. Introduction, 61 6.2. Nonrelativistic Classical Isomechanics, 62 6.3. Nonrelativistic Isoquantization, 63 6.4. Nonrelativistic Isomechanics, 64 6.5. Relativistic Isomechanics, 71 6.6. Geno- and Hyper-mechanics, 71 7. ISO-, GENO-, HYPER-RELATIVITIES AND COSMOLOGIES, 74 8. ISO-, GENO-, AND HYPER-CONDUCTIVITY, 79 9. ISO-, GENO- AND HYPER-CHEMISTRY, 80 10. SIMPLE CONSTRUCTION OF CLASSICAL AND OPERATOR GENERALIZED THEORIES, 80 PAPER III: NEUTRON STRUCTURE AND NEW ENERGIES OF CLASS I, 84 1. CLASSIFICATION OF NEW ENERGIES, 84 2. EXPERIMENTAL VERIFICATIONS OF HADRONIC MECHANICS IN PARTICLE PHYSICS, ASTROPHYSICS, AND COSMOLOGY, 87 2.1. Statement of Objectives, 87 2.2. Insufficiencies of Special Relativity and the Universality of its Isotopic Covering, 87 2.3. Experimental Verification with Data on the Local Speed of Light, 88 2.4. Experimental Verifications Via Phenomenological Calculations of Hadronic Media, 90 2.5. Experimental Verification with the Behavior of the Meanlife of Unstable Hadrons with Speed, 91 2.6. Experimental Verification Via Data on the Bose-Einstein Correlation, 95 2.7. Experimental Verifications in Gravitation, 99 2.8. Experimental Verifications in Astrophysics, 101 2.9. Experimental Verifications in Cosmology, 104 3. THE NEW STRUCTURE MODEL OF HADRONS WITH PHYSICAL CONSTITUENTS, 106 3.1. Statement of Objectives, 106 3.2. The Forgotten Legacy of Rutherford, 107 3.3. Hadronic Two-Body Bound States, 109 3.4. The Structure Model n = (e+, a ) HM, 114 3.5. The Structure Model n = (p+, e-) HM, 117 3.6. Don Borghi's Verifications of the Synthesis of the Neutron from Protons and Electrons, 123 3.7. Compatibility of the New Structure Model of Hadrons with SU(3)-Color Classification, 125 4. APPLICATION TO NEW ENERGIES OF CLASS I, 127 4.1. The Stimulated Decay of the Neutron, 127 4.2. Hadronic Energy (Copyrighted and Patent Pending), 129 4.3. Tsagas' Experimental Verification of Hadronic Energy, 133 4.4. Application to the Stimulated Decay of Nuclear Waste (Copyrighted and Patent Pending), 135 4.5. Physical Laws of New Energies of Class I (Copyrighted and Patent Pending), 137 5. PROPOSED NEW EXPERIMENTS FOR NEW ENERGIES, 138 PAPER IV: STRUCTURE OF NUCLEI AND NEW ENERGIES OF CLASS II, 143 1. INTRODUCTION, 143 1.1. Statement of Objectives, 143 1.2. Lack of Exact Character of Quantum Mechanics in Nuclear Physics, 146 1.2.1. Insufficiencies of quantum mechanics for the nuclear force, 146 1.2.2. Insufficiencies of quantum mechanics for the nuclear structure, 147 1.2.3. Insufficiencies of quantum mechanics for the representation of nuclear magnetic moments, 148 1.2.4. Insufficiencies of quantum mechanics for the representation of other nuclear data, 149 1.2.5. Insufficiencies of quantum mechanics for the representation of dissipative nuclear reactions, 150 1.3 . Primary Reasons for the Insufficiencies of Quantum Mechanics and the Selection of a Covering Theory, 150 2. APPLICATIONS AND VERIFICATIONS OF HADRONIC MECHANICS IN NUCLEAR PHYSICS, 153 2.1. Main Structural Lines, 153 2.2. Reconstruction of the Exact Isospin Symmetry, 155 2.3. Exact Representation of Total Nuclear Magnetic Moments, 158 2.3.1. The historical hypothesis, 159 2.3.2. Incompatibility of the historical hypothesis with the special relativity, 159 2.3.3. Compatibility of the historical hypothesis with the isospecial relativity, 160 2.3.4. The isodirac equation, 161 2.3.5. Conventional values of angular momentum and spin, yet mutated magnetic moments, 162 2.3.6. Exact representation of the deuteron magnetic moment, 163 2.3.7. Exact representation of all remaining nuclear magnetic moments, 165 2.4. Exact Representation of Rauch's 4rL Interferometric Measurements, 165 2.5. Hadronic Model of the Deuteron Structure, 171 2.5.1. Conceptual foundations for nuclei, 171 2.5.2. Conceptual foundations for the deuteron, 171 2.5.3. Deuteron stability, 173 2.5.4. Deuteron size, 173 2.5.5. Deuteron charge, 174 2.5.6. Deuteron spin, 175 2.5.7. Deuteron force, 176 2.5.8. Deuteron binding energy, 178 2.5.9. Deuteron total energy, 178 2.5.10. Deuteron magnetic moment, 180 2.5.11. Deuteron electric dipole moment and parity, 181 2.6. Nuclear Forces, 181 2.7. Nuclear Models, 182 3. PHYSICAL LAWS OF NEW ENERGIES OF CLASS II AS PREDICTED BY HADRONIC MECHANICS, 182 3.1. Basic Equations for stimulated Nuclear Transmutations, 182 3.2. Physical Laws of New Energies of Class II (Copyrighted and Patent Pending), 188 3.3. The Hadronic Lithium Reactor (Copyrighted and Patent Pending), 190 3.4. The Hadronic Helium Reactor (Copyrighted, Patent Pending), 195 3.5. The Hadronic Nitrogen Reactor (Copyrighted and Patent Pending), 198 3.6. Hadronic Reactor to Synthesize Natural Element (Copyrighted and Patent Pending), 202 3.7. Concluding Remarks, 202 PAPER V: STRUCTURE OF MOLECULES, NEW CLEAN FUELS, AND NEW CLEAN, ENERGIES OF CLASS III, 205 1. INTRODUCTION, 206 1.1. Statement of Objectives, 206 1.2. Major Environmental Problems Addressed by Toups Technology Licensing, 207 1.4. Hadronic Mechanics, Superconductivity, and Chemistry, and the New, Model of Electron Bonding, 215 1.5. The New Chemical Species of Magnecules, 222 2. EXPERIMENTAL VERIFICATION OF HADRONIC MECHANICS IN SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND CHEMISTRY, 228 2.1. Conceptual Foundations of Electron Bonding and Clustering, 228 2.2. Basic Equations for Electron Bonding and Clustering, 231 2.3. Experimental Verifications in Superconductivity, 235 2.4. Experimental Verifications in the Hydrogen Molecule, 239 2.5. Experimental Verification in the Water Molecule, 245 3. NEW COMBUSTIBLE GASES RESOLVING THE ALARMING ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS CAUSED BY FOSSIL FUELS DEVELOPED AT TOUPS TECHNOLOGY LICENSING (COPYRGHHTED AND PATENT PENDING), 249 3.1. Creation of Magnecules in Gases, 249 3.2. Definition of Magnecules and their Anomalies (Copyrighted and Patent Pending), 251 3.3. Necessary Conditions for the Detection of Magnecules (Copyrighted and Patent Pending), 253 3.4. Spectroscopic Evidence of Magnecules in Gases. (Copyrighted and Patent Pending), 255 3.5. Origin of Anomalous Energy Content (Copyrighted and Patent Pending), 269 3.6. Creation of Magnecules in Liquids (Copyrighted and Patent Pending), 270 3.7. Photographic Evidence of Magnecules in Liquids (Copyrighted and Patent Pending), 271 3.8. Spectroscopic Evidence of Magnecules in Liquids (Copyrighted and Patent Pending), 271 3 .9. Experimental Verification of Mutated Physical Characteristics (Copyrighted and Patent Pending), 274 3.10. Evidence of magnecules in solids (Copyrighted and Patent Pending), 282 3.11. Industrial Applications of the New TTL Technology of Magnetically Polarized Substances (Copyrighted and Patent Pending), 282 3.12. The New TTL 'MagneGas' Resolving the Alarming Environmental Problems Caused by Fossil Fuel (Copyright, TradeMark, and Patent Pending), 283 4. NEW CLEAN ENERGIES OF CLASS III, 287 4.1. Introduction, 287 4.2. Physical Laws of New Energies of Class III (Copyrighted and Patent Pending), 288 4.3. Application of Hadronic Mechanics to the Electromagnetically Pinched, Deuterium Energy (Copyrighted and Patent Pending), 289 4.4. Application of Hadronic Mechanics to Cold Fusion (Copyrighted and Patent Pending), 292 4.5. Application of Hadronic Mechanics to Mills' Blacklight (Copyrighted and Patent Pending), 304 5. CONCLUDING REMARKS, 307 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS, 308 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTES OF R.M. SANTILLI
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