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Proceedings Of The Fourth International Symposium On New Energy

Sponsored by the Academy for New Energy [IANS]

Denver, Colorado

May 23-26, 1997

[From the:

Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on New Energy
May 23-26, 1997
Denver, Colorado

Scanned and formatted by Dr. Patrick G. Bailey, President,
the Institute for New Energy,, Sept. 1997]

ISBN [?]

Copyright 1997 by International Association for New Science
All Rights Reserved
Printed in the United States of America

The text of this publication may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission from the copyright holder.

Quotations that are properly acknowledged are welcome.

Please contact:

The International Association for New Science
216 Commerce Drive, #4
Fort Collins, Colorado 80524

Tel 970-482-3731
Fax 970-482-3120



There has been much evolution within the New Energy arena since last year's symposium event. Reason for excitement continues to grow, and the validations of previous phenomena, as well as the promise of new, holds our awe captive.

There has been more verification of the transmutation of elements within Cold Fusion cells; patents have been applied for regarding the neutralization of radioactive elements within such cells; carbon-arc discharges within water hold promise for possible over-unity phenomena; over-unity hydrosonic heating of water gets the attention of NASA; and gravitational mass reduction above superconducting fields appears more of a reality, to name but a few.

The community of New Energy research also continues to solidify itself in many ways. More qualified researchers ally themselves with the passion and purpose of bringing new devices within the grasp of societal usage.

Yet there is a warning to the wise over becoming too relaxed regarding our situation at this critical time. It is obvious that much more technical work lies ahead for all of us who have dedicated a significant portion of our lives to the realization of Free Energy devices. However, the battle of organized resistance is a battle that may be just beginning.

In this country, we have been guaranteed a spectrum of inalienable rights under The Constitution of the United States. Historically, the explicit definition of these rights is contrasted against the period of time in question - what are the specifics of societal needs, conditions, technologies, politics, and accrued legislation on the state and federal levels. As we confront the end of this century, it is readily easy to extrapolate that one of those guaranteed, inalienable rights is our right to generate and extract Free Energy from any universal source that we are capable, and do so on an individual basis.

Since 'The Genie is out of the bottle," as my friend Eugene Mallove has accurately stated regarding the Free Energy phenomena, individual suppression by organized forces is not practical anymore. The only effective methods of retarding the inertia of Free Energy research is through the legislative branches of State and Federal governments. This is not an outlandish concept. I personally have not forgotten the warnings of my parental generation as to the use of legislative weapons to control individual freedoms, as globally demonstrated upon Asian and European societies just fifty years ago. It is a much easier task to legislate away our rights to energy production.

It is only through a grass-roots movement that such pitfalls can be avoided. The individual's education and awareness of such matters is paramount. The individual's personal responsibility to act once this knowledge is attained is fundamental to any positive change occurring within a democratic republic.

I call upon and encourage all individuals, professional and non-professional, to Act . The call is to all those who demonstrate interest by attending these symposiums, who read the literature and hear media interviews and are inspired, who demand a quality of living within this world nothing short of our maximum potential. These gifts of freedom are in nature volatile and are preserved only through the nourishment of individual awareness and active participation.

Whether it be writing to elected officials, taking time to speak within lower and higher institutions of education to students and faculty, spending time to convince a neighbor, forming community groups which meet periodically, or making a public stand for a better society and world, the responsibility stops with each of us as individuals. I hope that the Spirit that has captivated many of us already within the New Energy field can also find a place in the hearts of the yet uninitiated. That Spirit has the power to drive one's passion and purpose, which in turn will realize the kind of World that we all truly deserve and can truly have.

Joseph P. Maize, President
Academy For New Energy
May 17, 1997

The International Association for New Science
216 Commerce Drive, #4
Fort Collins, Colorado 80524

Tel 970-482-3731
Fax 970-482-3120




Table of Contents

Proceedings of The Fourth International Symposium on New Energy

Denver, Colorado

May 23-26, 1997

Table of Contents

Converting From a Petroleum Economy to a Hydrogen Economy
     by Maurice L. Albertson, Ph.D., PE                               1

Energy Flow, Collection, and Dissipation in Overunity EM Devices
     by Thomas E. Bearden                                             5

Empowerment - The Life Force of the Energy Revolution
     by Mike Fisher                                                  53

Charge Cluster Transmutation
     by Hal Fox                                                      59

     by Extracting Intermolecular Bond Energy from Water
Peter Graneau, Ph.D.                                                 65

Overview of Inventions
     by Moray B. King                                                71

Photovoltaic and Solar Thermal Hybrid For High
Efficiency and Low Cost
     by M.A.K. Lodhi                                                 87

How We Won The Cold Fusion War
     by Eugene F. Mallove, Sc.D.                                    101

Safe and Dependable Hydrogen Storage
     by Roy E. McAlister                                            109

Scalars Waves Reviewed
     by Andrew Michrowski                                           115

Brown's Gas - Current Research Report
     by Andrew Michrowski                                           121

An Emerging Revolutionary Electromagnetic Technology:
     The Energy Machine of Joseph Newman
     by Joseph Newman                                               125

Planetary Zero-Point Energies
     by Daniel Alexander Nightwolf, Ph.D.                           131

Gyromagnetic Gain From Absolute Motion
     by Alexis Guy Obolensky                                        145

Roots of the Vibratory Etheric Tree or the Creation, Transmission and
     Reception of Vibrations
     by Dale Pond                                                   157

Design Considerations for the Rapid Commercial Development of
     Fleischmann-Pons Reactions
     by Chip Ransford                                               179

The Vortex as Topological Archtype - A Key to New Paradigms in
     Physics and Energy Science
     by Donald Reed                                                 207

A Bioassay for Negative Gaussian Fields Associated with
     Geometric Patterns
     by Glen Rein, Ph.D.                                            225

The Controlled Blowout Method of Gas and Oil Production and World Peace
     by Austin R. Rust, DMD, MPA                                    233

Electromagnetism from Nothing: Joseph Newman and the New Technology
     of Light
     by Austin R. Rust, DMD, MPA                                    245

Hyperspace Crystallography
     by Saul-Paul Sirag                                             263

A God's Eye View of Cold Fusion
     by Edmund Storms, Ph.D.                                        271

The First Free Energy Documentary "Race to Zero Point"
     by Thomas Valone, P.E.                                         289

Evidence of Possible Field Propulsion Technology by Transient
     Luminescent Phenomena in the Wallkill River Valley of
     New York State
     by Marc Whitford                                               297

Analysis of the Cylindrical Capacitors Found Within the Hendershot
     Fuelless Generator
     by Layne L. Wright, BSEE, BA Physics                           313


Please contact the ISNE.

The International Association for New Science
216 Commerce Drive, #4
Fort Collins, Colorado 80524

Tel 970-482-3731
Fax 970-482-3120


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Sept. 10, 1997.