
June 1, 2000

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By Patrick Bailey, President, INE

Date: Thu, 25 May 2000 16:08:49 -0700
From: "Bailey, Patrick" 
Subject: INE Status Report
To: "'Patrick Bailey (pgb)'" 
X-Rcpt-To: pgb@padrak.com
BCC:  INE_Members_Send_List [71 INE Members]

May 25, 2000

To the INE Membership

From Patrick Bailey
President, INE

I have decided to release a status report to all of the members of the INE, even 
though I do not yet all of the data and information that I would prefer to have 
available to me at this time.

As you may be aware, the INE has experienced several problems since December 
last year. This report will summarize what has happened, where we are now, and 
what is planned.

1. The Vision

The Institute for New Energy (the INE) is a unique non-profit organization that 
was created due to the combined interests and efforts of myself, Toby Grotz, and 
Hal Fox. The vision is to have an organization that receives, collects, and 
reviews all the theories, experiments, and devices of energy conversion devices 
- regardless of how crazy they might sound - and report on them to our 
membership, and to provide summary data on them on our website. In this way, 
experiments and devices that have worked or that possibly could work can 
stimulate further interest, and those that do not seem to work are politely said 
to "not work as advertised". The main ideas are to: (1) provide an open forum 
and a future for these devices, (2) collect and report on what we know, and (3) 
keep the doors open for any further developments.

The INE has so far lived up to this vision, as we have reported on probably over 
150 devices, and have over 130 of them currently summarized in the database on 
our website. Work on this vision continues, and you are an integral part of 
making this vision real and carrying it into the future. Thank you.

As far as those "new advanced energy conversion devices that will make us all 
rich" go - we are still looking for the diamonds in the "In Box". Several 
devices do show promise, some have been patented, others remain under someone's 
proprietary agreement, and others have been promised under various veils of 
secrecy. I will personally be satisfied if we can find one new working device 
out of every 100 that we review. 

Our yearly summer meetings offer an open forum for anyone to send in a paper or 
to personally attend and discuss their idea, experiment, or device. All of the 
papers presented at these meetings have been made available, either by the 
authors on paper or disk, or through the "Journal of New Energy". The next INE 
Conference is planned during September 8-9 in Salt Lake City. 

We need your support and ideas to keep this vision alive! 

2. INE Office Problems

Three major problems have occurred this year in the INE staff office in Salt 
Lake City. First and foremost is that the financial expectations of several 
funding projects through the Fusion Information Center (FIC) and other 
supportive organizations have not as yet materialized. This has placed a severe 
financial strain on the funds available to write, publish, and mail the New 
Energy News. Second, there has been a succession of computer problems and 
information transfer difficulties from the office to the members, including me. 
Third, there has been a problem with coordination among the office staff, and 
deadlines, and mailings and emails were either not sent out or not received. 
These last two problems have, hopefully, been finally fixed: Dineh at the INE 
office will be doing her best to insure that such problems do not reoccur, with 
Hal Fox's blessing. 

3. INE Financial Status

Our membership dues pay for the writing, publishing, and mailing of the New 
Energy News (NEN). The costs of doing this have always been more than the dues 
received from our approximately 350 members. The additional costs have been 
borne by the fusion Information Center (FIC) and other related organizations 
that are actively pursuing the obtainment of funds to assist our efforts. These 
funds, even when promised by specific dates, have yet to be received. Promises 
abound; however, the funds have not been received. The result is now that the 
INE is now in a "funding crunch", where we need to publish the NEN by ourselves, 
and hopefully distributing it via email. 

I am now assisting Dineh in figuring out the duration of each of our INE 
memberships. This will assist us in determining how much money we have at the 
present time for the writing and distribution of the NEN. 

4. INE Proposals

I have also been active in writing and submitting proposals to obtain funding 
from outside sources for the INE. I now plan to vastly accelerate my efforts in 
this area. I have been requesting cash donations, computer equipment, and 
internet support. A new non-profit library has opened in San Jose, near me, 
where I will be able to use their computers and databases to target various 
fundor organizations and submit formal proposals to them. I now plan to really 
"Go For It!" Any ideas or assistance that you may have to help me obtain non-
profit donations from such fundor organizations or donors would be very much 

5. The Next ISNE - September 8-9, 2000, Salt Palace, Salt Lake City 

The next INE Annual Conference will be during Friday-Saturday, September 8-9 
this year, in Salt Lake City, at the same location as last years conference. 
Toby has reserved a nice room within the Salt Palace, which worked out very well 
last year.

A Call for Papers was supposed to have been sent out, and will be sent out very 

Consider yourself and/or you paper invited. 

I urge all serious INE researchers to concentrate on reporting hard data and 
results. Theories are very interesting, and - in my opinion - lack the kind of 
pa-zazz that I want to see. I'd rather see some experiments that don't make 
sense. We'll create the theory later... 

6. The Website

I have not updated the INE Website since last November, as I did not receive the 
proper data to make new files for it. I finally received all the files this 
month. I plan to update the entire website this Memorial Day weekend. 
http://www.padrak.com/ine/ .

I have also thought of getting us our own internet domain name, like "ine.org", 
and I have been waiting to see if we can have one donated to us. Such a name is 
not expensive to get, but I would rather have a complete server with a dedicated 
line come with it, donated by a large computer or internet company.

7. Membership Information

All of our membership data is being reviewed for accuracy. We really need as 
many email addresses from our members as we can get. Currently (May 25), my 
records show that we have 344 active members, 72 with emails, and of the rest 
without email addresses 225 are within the US and 47 are international. As all 
of our mailings are to be first class, you can see how the NEN costs can ad up.

I will be writing a formal letter to all those without email addresses, 
including this letter, and hopefully we can increase the number of INE members 
that do have email. The cost of having an email internet account is now really 
very low in the US - I have seen unlimited use from $10/mth to $0/mth.

7. The New Energy News

Currently, our biggest concern is: What to do about the NEN? The problem is the 
cost of publishing and mailing it - even if only every other month. 

Our only solution at the present time is to create an email version, that you 
should have been receiving. Discussions with the INE Office indicate that the 
last issue that was printed and mailed was the November 1999 issue, Vol. 6, No. 
12. After that, two issues were to have been emailed: December (Vol. 6, No. 12), 
and January (Vol. 6 No. 13). We are now collecting articles for the next issue, 
which I guess will be May (Vol. 6, No. 14). 

If you (with email) have not received either of these email versions, please 
reply and let me know. I'll see that you get it/them. 

Hopefully, this temporary situation will be shortly resolved with an infusion of 

Please also email me any ideas or comments that you have regarding how you think 
we should proceed.

8. The Future

Is up to us. I personally hope that my proposal activities bear fruit in the 
immediate future. Perhaps you know of someone or some organization that you 
think could donate funds or equipment to assist us - the INE is absolutely 501-
3(C) tax exempt! If so - email me the data, and I will follow it up!

We also need more articles and inputs from you - our members, and your friends. 
Writing an article for the NEN is real easy: 

A Title, Author's name (or pseudo-name), Contact Address (if you want), and the 

all in a TEXT-ONLY email sent to me. (Text-Only means just that. ASCII. Not 
"Normal" from Word, Word Perfect, or Mac Write. Text-Only means that only 
keyboard characters are used, and that any word processor can read the text.)

With your assistance, we can keep the momentum that we have established with the 
INE, get through these minor financial problems, increase our membership, and 
make a big and real difference in the international scientific community.

Thank you for your support.



Patrick Bailey
President, Institute for New Energy

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