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INE Symposium 1998 Papers and Abstracts

From the 1998 INE Symposium


By Hal Fox

Note: This is an early summary report sent to Patrick Bailey from Hal Fox summarizing the highlights of the INE symposium, held on August 14-15, 1998, in Salt Lake City, Utah. This report is for information transfer only. A more detailed report will be available soon.

From:     Hal Fox
Sent:     Friday, August 21, 1998 10:22 AM
To:       Bailey, Patrick
Subject:  INE Symp98

The INE 98 Symposium was held Friday and Saturday 14-15 August 1998 in the Saltaire Room at the University of Utah Union Building in Salt Lake City, Utah. This symposium is an extension of the New-Energy Conferences sponsored by the International Association of New Science (IANS) which organization is now defunct or at least, sleeping. This Symposium was also a meeting of the INE membership.

The new Officers of the INE are Dr. Patrick Bailey, President; Toby Grotz, Vice President; Robyn Harris, Treasurer; and Hal Fox, Editor of New Energy News. The office of secretary is to be announced later. Members of the Board of Directors are the following: Wolfram Bahmann (Germany), Pat Bailey, Hal Fox, Toby Grotz, Jeane Manning, Gary Vesperman and others [See note at end]. The trustees of the Institute of New Energy are Pat Bailey, Toby Grotz, and Hal Fox. The INE is a not-for-profit Utah corporation.


The types of membership in the INE are now the following: Member: Dues are $35 per year and include special membership privileges including discounts on publications and a free subscription to the New Energy News and Infinite Energy. Professional Member: Dues are $150 per year and include all Member's privileges plus four issues of the Journal of New Energy. Corporate Member: Dues are $1,000 per year and include the New Energy News, Infinite Energy, the Journal of New Energy, and two free attendees at the INE annual symposia.


The following are the speakers and summaries of their messages:

Tom Bearden: "EM Corrections Enabling a Practical Unified Field Theory with Emphasis on Time-Charging Interactions of Longitudinal EM Waves". This paper explored the time-density waves and how they were related to the standard EM longitudinal waves. Bearden also covered some of the experimental evidence for such waves. Tom Bearden is one of the more prolific writers about new energy topics and his Cagen humor is always enjoyed.

Toby Grotz: "Preliminary Results of Electron Microscopy and Electron Diffraction Spectroscopy of Carbon-Carbon Arc Experiments." Toby reported on the latest successful attempts to provide transmutation evidence in the arcing of carbon rods on carbon materials. The evidence for the production of iron was shown. Considerable care must be taken to properly clean the carbon rods or carbon granules before experiments.

Gary L. Johnson: "Requirements for Bringing a New-Energy Generator to Market". This presentation is essentially a verbal discussion of Chapter 8 of his book, The Search for a New Energy Source. This presentation presented a well-organized list of steps or challenges to be taken or met in getting a new-energy product to market. Recommended was that work should proceed, as soon as practical, on both home-sized and sub-station sized systems as soon as a working method is available.

Don Reed: "Excitation and Extraction of Vacuum Energy via EM-Torsion Field Coupling -- Theoretical Model". A historical survey of the torsion field was given. One aspect was explored mathematically to identify possible practical means by which the desired coupling between Electro-Magnetic Fields and the Torsion Fields can be accomplished for power production. This topic is of considerable interest due to the increasing papers coming from Russia on torsion fields.

Paul M. Brown: "Tritiated Amorphous Silicon Power Cells". This paper presented the application of tritiated amorphous silicon as an energy converter for betavoltaic devices. The recent resumption of the development of the nuclear battery was described. Batteries having a ten-year life (and no recharging) are possible using this technology.

Hal Fox & Shang Xian Jin: "Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions and High-Density Charge Clusters". The work sponsored by Trenergy, Inc. on the further development of the charge cluster technology originally discovered by Kenneth Shoulders was described. The paper discussed work with the LENT-1 reactor designed by the Cincinnati Group. One of the objectives of this work is to demonstrate that low-energy nuclear reactions can be used for the stabilization of radio-active wastes.

Patrick G. Bailey: "The Need for Accurate Reporting and Archival of Data for Advanced Energy Conversion Devices: the INE Date Base". This presentation was both a description of the current INE database and a plea for members to add to or correct this database. Over 100 devices or systems for the production of new energy are stored on the database and ranked from initial report to replicated and ready for commercialization. Pat Bailey is the webmaster and the financial support for the prize-winning New-Energy Website at

Moray B. King: "Overview of New-Energy Paradigms, Charge Clusters, and Torsion Fields". Moray gave an enthusiastic overview of various theoretical approaches to the tapping of zero-point energy. Various anomalies must be explained and appropriate experiments designed to buttress the further development of theory. Challenges to current experimenters to help provide data and or explanations for some of the observed results, especially with high-density charge clusters, was a part of the presentation.

David Yurth: "A New Approach to a Unified Field Theory". By viewing the Torsion Fields and the aether as the fundamental causes of electric fields, magnetic fields, and gravity fields, Yurth outlined a new view for a Unified Field Theory which must include the torsion fields. Yurth suggests that all fields are effects arising from a universal, holographic causal plane described as the Physical Vacuum. Developments in Russia where torsion field research has been ongoing for more than 25 years was cited and some of the results in the development of new materials was explored.

Hal Fox: "The Superluminal Velocity of Gravity Waves". Fox reported on the life work of Gregory Hodowanec and Bill Ramsay in developing and using gravity-wave fluctuation sensors. It was described that these sensors show that celestial events can be measured (such as the transit of planets through the zenith of the earth's rotation) and that such events appear to be recordable at information transfer rates far exceeding the speed of light. The probable close relationship between gravity waves and torsion fields was presented.

Xian Liu Jiang: "Channeling Effects and Nuclear Reactions in Electrochemical Systems". Jiang reported on experiments to advance the understanding of the low-energy nuclear reactions in cold fusion. Nuclear reactions has strong anisotropic behavior and indicated by the measurement of charged particle beams that have been observed. Processes may be capable of development in which this transient processes can be used to enhance the nuclear reactions by several orders of magnitude and bring about commercial applications.

Paul M. Brown: "Solving the Nuclear Waste Problem Through Applied Physics". The presentation was a tutorial on the effect of gamma rays on selected nuclear targets. Under appropriate energy levels a resonance conditions assist in the interaction between gamma photons and nuclear reactions. By providing gamma photons at X-Ray energy levels, the stabilization of selected radioactive wastes is being experimentally demonstrated.

Hal Fox: "New-Energy Anomalies". Laboratory findings, not consistent with current scientific models, were cited. The further exploration of these anomalies is one of the rewarding areas for scientific advancement. INE members were urged to share information on scientific anomalies.

Valarie Fredley: "A Brief Review of World-Wide Concern and Support for Underdeveloped Cultures". Valarie is an executive employee of the Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints. She described some of the national and international activities of the newly-formed LDS Charities organization and its world-wide support for the help of people in need. Valarie was Saturday's featured luncheon speaker.


Attendees held two separate sessions in which members could network with each other and shares their goals, objectives, and queries. One of the most important summaries of the ensuing discussions is that Kenneth Shoulders is achieving good successes with the further development of high-density, charge-cluster devices for producing energy. Another important new member of INE is David Yurth who is a key person in the funding for and planned development of torsion field generators and sensors. The consensus for new-energy device commercialization is the following: The Hydrosonic Pump is already in production and being marketed. BlackLight Power (Dr. Randall Mills) hydrogen gas development is being funded by at least two electric utility companies. Some solid-state devices are being developed that appear to tap vacuum energy. For the future, one of the most promising technologies is the high-density charge cluster technology.


Plans for INE-99 include the following: Summer 1999 in Salt Lake City, Utah with date to be established. Symposium to be coupled with new-energy exhibits open to the public. New-Energy companies will be invited to purchase booth space to demonstrate their products. Products are expected to range from publications to working new-energy devices and support equipment. A Call for Papers will be published soon.


Trenergy, Inc. (one of the corporate supporters of INE-98) announced its affiliation with the WHY Group and Nu Omicron Technologies, Inc. A two-year, two-million dollar, development agreement has been signed. The project will emphasize the development of torsion field generators and sensors. An eight- to ten-person development team is being assembled. A suitable building is being purchased, Development work is expected to begin this fall. Trenergy, Inc. is a public company currently selling it shares in Utah and Nevada. David Yurth is CEO of the WHY Group. Hal Fox is President and S.X. Jin is the chief scientist for Trenergy. Trenergy plans to have a Website.


The directors, officers, and members wish to thank the staff of INE-98 with special thanks to Robyn Harris (INE-Treasurer and Office Manager of Fusion Information Center); Dineh Torres (Graphics Specialist); and Ede. Ede is a special INE volunteer who has helped in all of the previous new-energy conferences. In addition, Derrick Nakarishi gave freely of his time and talents to assist in making the conference a success.

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Sept. 8, 1998.