
Nov. 8, 2001

See the INE/EEMF 2001 Conference Abstracts

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INE/EEMF Conference Summary

By Patrick Bailey and Hal Fox

From the New Energy News, Volume 8, Number 11, November 2001, Copyright 2001.

The Conference was held at the Quality Inn, SLC, UT, Oct. 26-27, in nice warm sunny weather.

The hotel and the hot tub were in great shape, the Pine Restaurant was closed, and the Mexican Restaurant near the Pine location (on the ground floor) was open for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

The conference attracted about 40-50 attendees. Almost everyone signed a public address list that will be available soon. Many attendees were old friends from last year and previous years.

The conference program was nearly exactly the same as that posted on the INE website, at http://www.padrak.com/ine/INECONF01.html, as listed above, except that the authors of the paper titled "Vortex Dynamics And Exploiting Energy From The Vacuum" (Xing-liu Jiang, et. al.) were not able to attend.

Abstracts of all of the papers that we have will be posted very soon on the INE website and in upcoming New Energy News. Selected papers will also be posted very soon on the INE website, after obtain the author's approvals.

Full papers will be published in the Journal of New Energy, from authors that can publish.

Hal Fox, Hal's wife, Sylvia, and Maria are to be very much congratulated for their planning, help, and assistance in making this conference as great as it was.

Highlights of the conference included:

All papers by their authors were videotaped.

Hal Fox summarized the "New Energy Devices That Will Change The World", and also discussed in his lead-off paper how "The greatest discovery of the 20th Century is the multiple, independent discovery of high-density electron charge clusters (HDCC) and their uses." After over twelve years of: "searching the world for new-energy devices that have a strong commercial potential, four have been identified." Of these, discussed in Hal's paper, is the HDCC and the work of Ken Shoulders.

Patrick Bailey summarized the now 145 (or so) devices that are now on the INE Database. He also noted that the NEW Database data (dated Oct. 24, 2001) has - been added for INE Member's access.

Dan Chicea summarized his successful "cold fusion" experimental results, and also noted that thin film metal cathodes seem to give a higher excess power density.

Moray King presented a dynamite slide show reviewing a lot of known and some unknown devices and patents, to promote his new idea that compressing a scalar field may the manner in which new potential (free, or zero point) energy could be created. This presentation needs to be made into a videotape real soon!

Ken Shoulders reviewed a lot of his previous work with EVs (high density charge clusters), and dazzled the conference with the many applications that he envisions today, most using simple plastics technologies! His workshop went into many technical details of such EV applications. His ideas for a very large 4-dot color flat TV screen would revolutionize the entertainment industry, and your living room!

Lev Sapogin and Yuri Ryabov traveled all the way from Moscow to present their paper! They have developed a new quantum theory model (UQT) that provides the theoretical basis for so-called "over-unity" devices and their development!

Tom Valone presented an in-depth review of magnetic motors, both circular and linear, and discussed the problems associated with the "back-EMF" that is usually generated (unfortunately) in such motor designs. The linear motors were very fascinating. A model of part of one such motor was demonstrated, where a wooden ramp had magnets along the inside edges (and not opposite from each other), so that a metal ball, when placed at the bottom of the ramp, would be pulled up the ramp! Is the resulting kinetic energy when the ball drops from the other end of the ramp really "free energy"? Can we close that loop and make a real over-unity device? Stay tuned...

Nick Nelson demonstrated some very interesting dynamics with small magnets, and some unbelievable effects with a small magnetic vortex that he found in the conference room, on the 2nd floor. As a past tour guide for many years at the "Oregon Vortex", he had more than a few very interesting stories about what magnetic vortices can do and how they are really constructed and operate.

Patrick Bailey presented a review of how voltage and current meters are calibrated to read RMS (0.707 of peak) values, so that you get the right power measurements (0.5 peak power) when simply multiplying these meter readings - ONLY when the voltage and current are in phase and are also sinusoidal waveforms. Otherwise, anyone can build an apparent "over-unity" device using such simple math - like possibly the Adams Motor in New Zealand and the new EM rotational device in NE Australia.

Bruce Harvey traveled from Birmingham, England, and presented a very good review as to why we can toss out almost all of Einstein's relativity, and especially the Lorenz Transformation. ("Goodbye Einstein": I liked that!) He is very knowledgeable in these areas, and presented very useful insights on how to fix these misconceptions in today's "physics" and how to get new E&M equations that will still work for the old historical data, and also the new advanced energy data!

H. Kozima is teaching at a University in Oregon, on loan from his laboratory Japan, and was able to present his results cold fusion phenomena in transition metals and deuterides. His research is also summarized at his website at http://web.pdx.edu/~pdx00210/.

All the other papers were summarized as much as possible, and almost all of them had handouts. All of the authors had many interesting things to say! Read their abstracts - and get their papers!

All of the papers presented by the authors had a full copy of the paper handed out to each conference attendee. Most of the summarized papers also had a handout, as did all of the ones presented and summarized by Patrick Bailey. These handouts include the author's address and email contact information.

Patrick Bailey will be submitting paperwork for the INE to get on the IRS formal approved non-profit corporation list, and he will be submitting a very large proposal to several corporations and agencies this year.

INE members are encouraged to submit advanced energy related new articles and emails each month to the NEN! Let's share whatever interesting information we find. URLs are required for articles from the internet.

The current list of INE Officers for 2001 was approved for 2002. Almost everyone felt that this conference is a great annual review of our research, and that it should be continued every year into the future. Hal's office will look for a August-October date for INE/EEMF 2002.

Additional insights from the conference will be posted in future New Energy News articles.


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