
Oct. 23, 2001

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Friday and Saturday, October 26-27, 2001
Quality Inn - City Center, Downtown Salt Lake City, Utah

An INE Board of Director's Meeting will be held on October 27 in the afternoon.

Updated Oct. 23, 2001 (The Final Information.)

The INE 2001 Symposium For New Energy is jointly sponsored by the Institute for New Energy and EEMF (the Emerging Energy Marketing Firm). Details of the conference have been announced in the September issue of NEN. A Preliminary Program will be announced in the October NEN, due to emailed during the first week of October.

The registration fee is $100.00 if received by September 28, and will be $150.00 after that date.

The conference will be held at:

Quality Inn City Center, 154 W 600 South, Salt Lake City, UT 84101, 801-521-2930.

A block of rooms has been set aside with a special room rate of $55.00 for a single or $62.00 for a double (plus 6.6% sales tax) [You must ask for the INSTITUTE FOR NEW ENERGY block of rooms when making your room reservation to get these special low rates!] Also, the hotel requires guests to pay for the room by credit card at the time of registration.

Also, a shuttle van can be aranged to go from the SLC airport to the Hotel, and return, by calling the hotel in advance.

The hotel has a great hot tub, whose hours are listed as 10:00 AM - 10:00 PM.

Final Status of the October 2001 INE/EEMF Conference: Updated Oct. 23, 2001

Submitted by Patrick Bailey and Hal Fox

Note that the day and time of these papers still may change!

This year's INE/EEMF (INE and Emerging Energy Marketing Firm) conference will be held during Friday and Saturday, October 26-27 at the Quality Inn City Center in Salt Lake City. Registration Fees: $100 by September 28 th 2001 and $150 after that date. Payment should be mailed to:
INE, 3084 E 3300 So., Salt Lake City, UT 84109.

All of the available conference information can be found at:


An INE Board of Director's Meeting will be held on October 27 in the afternoon.

The Preliminary Program for the Conference is shown below:

[Other papers have also been requested, and may be included]

Authors identified with a [C] have confirmed to be present at the conference.

Authors identified with a [NC] have confirmed to be not coming the conference.


Presentation time slots include introductions, presentation, questions, and short breaks.

Paper copies are expected to be available in print by the authors at the Conference for all attendees (At least 30 recommended).

Friday - Oct. 26, 2001

8:00 AM - Registration

8:30 AM - Introductions / Opening Remarks / Announcements

9:00 AM (45 Min. Each)

"A Summary of The Latest Developments Of High-Density, Charge-Cluster Technology", Hal Fox (EEMF) [C].

"Status Of The INE Devices Database, and the Interest and Commercialization Criteria Rankings", Dr. Patrick Bailey (INE) [C].

"Comments On An Interesting Experimental Feature In Electrolysis Loading Experiments", Dr. Dan Chicea (University Lucian Blaga, Physics Dept., Romania) [C].

"Scalar Compression" Moray B. King [C].

12:00 Noon - Lunch

1:30 PM

"An Introduction to the EV Workshop", Kenneth Shoulders [C] (45 Min.).

"New Sources Of Energy From The Point Of Unitary Quantum Theory", Lev Sapogin, Yuri Ryabov, and Valery Graboshnikov (Russia) [C, Sapogin & Graboshnikov] (45 Min.).

"Magnetic Motors", Tom Valone [C] (45 Min.).

"Magnetic Vortex Domains and Structures - Insights from Research at the Oregon Vortex", Nick Nelson [C] (75 Min.).

5:00 PM - Dinner

7:00 PM - On

"A Discussion of EVs, and Audience Participation Workshop", Kenneth Shoulders [C].

Saturday - Oct. 27, 2001

8:00 AM - Registration

8:30 AM - Introductions / Opening Remarks / Announcements

9:00 AM (45 Min. each)

"Dangers of Using Volt and Amp Meters to Measure Device Efficiency: Examples of Fraudulent Over-Unity Claims", Patrick Bailey (INE) [C].

"Vortex Dynamics And Exploiting Energy From The Vacuum", Xing-liu Jiang, Jin-zhi Lei, Chang-ye Chen, Xiong-wei Wen (Science School , Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing, China) and Li-jun Han (Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing, China) [C, Jiang & Gao].

"Cold Fusion Phenomenon And Atomic Processes In Transiton-Metal Hydrides And Deuterides", H. Kozima and J. Warner (Low Energy Nuclear Laboratory, Portland State University, Portland, OR) [C, Kozima].

"Goodbye Einstein", Bruce Harvey [C].

12:00 Noon - Lunch

1:00 PM (10-15 minutes each) - Papers Sent In, Authors Not Expect: To Be Summarized (By):

"High-Density Tidal Energy Powering Ahead", Michael Maser, Blue Energy Canada [?] (PB).

"A New Paradigm For Time - Evidence from Empirical and Esoteric Sources", Donald Reed [NC] (HF).

"Water is the main power carrier of future power engineering" Ph.M. Kanarev, The Kuban State Agrarian University, Department of Theoretical Mechanics, Krasnodar (1 Hr) [NC] (HF).

"Twisting & Untwisting Of Spirals Of Ether And Fractal Vortices Connecting Dynamic Ethers", Chiharu Sano (International Club of Scientists, St.-Petersburg, Russia) [NC] (HF).

"Perspectives of the Torsion Technologies", V. F. Panov [NC] (HF).

"Fusion by Sound Waves", Gabriel Ducrey [NC] (HF).

"Energy Stored in a Gravitational Field", Mahmoud A. Melehy [NC] (HF).

"Shape Power Anti-Gravitation Breakthrough" Dan A. Davidson, RIVAS [NC] (PB).

"Why Exotic Inventions Don't Make It Into The Public Domain", Dan A. Davidson, RIVAS [NC] (PB).

3:00 - 4:00 PM (10-15 minutes each) Discussions of other Papers and Recent Books

"DIRAC'S EQUATION - A Relativistic Generalization of the Schrodinger Wave Equation - The Other Half", Don Hotson [NC] (PB).

"Free Energy Surprize" & "Occult Ether Physics: Tesla's Hidden Space Propulsion System and the Conspiracy to Conceal It", William Lyne [NC] (PB).

"Universal Laws, Keely's Secrets, and Atlin", Dale Pond [NC] (PB).

"A Possibility of Control of Gravity in Photoluminescent Materials", Fran de Aquino (Brazil), [NC] (HF).


5:00 PM - EEMF BOARD MEETING (Private)

Additional papers may also be included: Interested authors should send an abstract of their paper to both Hal Fox halfox@qwest.net and Patrick Bailey ine@padrak.com as soon as possible, in order to be included in this year's INE/EEMF Conference and its formal Proceedings, which will be published in the Journal of New Energy.

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