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CONTENTS FOR JANUARY 2000 (or Jan/Feb 2000):  Vol. 6,  No. 14

This issue was emailed out to a few members in January and/or February, and
was formally withdrawn after it was found to be essentially the same as the
Nov. 1999 NEN issue.

CONTENTS FOR JUNE 2000: Vol. 6, No. 14 (Actually Un-numbered, emailed on June 5, 2000) REPORT ON ICCF8, ITALY, by Hal Fox: About 150 attendees were at the ICCF8 conference in Larici, Italy. During the four days, May 22-25, about 30 papers were presented. Another 90 papers were given three minutes for presentations and posted as poster papers. Summary of Papers presented at ICCF8, by Hal Fox. The Fleischmann-Pons effect in a novel electrolytic configuration. Authors E. Del Giudice, A. De Ninno. A. Frattolillo, G. Preparata, F. Scaramuzzi, A. Bulfone, M. Cola, C. Giannetti. A Model for Past Ion Emission in Metal Deuterides Author: Peter L. Hagelstein. High Hydrogen Loading of Thin Palladium Wires Through Alkaline-earth Carbonate precipitation on the Cathodic Surface: Evidence for New Phases in the Pd-H System. Unexpected Problematics due to Bacteria Contamination in Heavy Water. Authors: F. Celani. A. Spallone, P. Marini, V. di Stefano, M. Nakamura, A. Mancini, S. Pace, P. Tripodi, D. Di Gioacchino, C. Catena, G. D'Agostaro, R. Petraroli, P. Quercia, E. Righi, G. Trenta. Nuclear Products and their Time Dependence Induced by Continuous Diffusion of Deuterium through Multi-layer Palladium Containing Low Work Function Material Authors: Yasuhiro lwamura, Takehiko ltoh, and Mitsuru Sakano. The hydrex concept - Effect on heavy nuclei. Authors: J.J. Dufour. D. Murat, X. Dufour, J. Foos. Effect of Cold Work on the Amount of Excess Heat Produced during the Electrolysis of Heavy Water with Titanium Cathodes Authors: J. Wamer and J. Dash. The Emergence of a Coherent Explanation for Anomalies Observed in D/Pd and H/Pd Systems. Authors: M. McKubre. F. Tanzella, P. Tripodi, P. Hagelstein. Low Energy Nuclear Reactions in Solids Authors: J. Kasagi, H. Yuki, T. Baba and T. Noda. Excess Power using Thin Layers of Palladium on Inert Substrates Author: Edmund Storms. Nuclear Physics for Nuclear Fusion Authors: Xing Z. Li. Ming Y. Mei, J. Tian, Shu X. Zheng, Chong X. Li. Advances in Thin-Film electrode Experiments Author: George H. Miley, Univ of Illinois. An Energy Amplifier Device Author: Ubaldo Mastromatteo. High Hydrogen/Deuterium Loading in Thin Palladium Wires and Preliminary Calorimetric Results Obtained in Electrolytic Cells Authors: D. Azzarone, F. Fontana, D. Garbelli.

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Aug. 23, 2000.

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