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CONTENTS FOR JULY 1998:  Vol. 6,  No. 3

FUSION BRIEFINGS ...............................2
   American Nuclear Society and
      the Cold Fusion Sessions .................2  Bailey, P.G.
   Thorium Transmutation .......................2  Celani, F. et. al.
   Cold Fusion Confusion Reigns in Washington ..3  Kaplan, Stephen
   Abstracts from ICCF-7 .......................4
   Cold Fusion Times Contents .................17
      (Vol. 6, No. 2, Spring 1998)
   Infinite Energy Papers .....................18
NUCLEAR WASTE .................................18
   Lawsuit over Hanford Site ..................18  Vesperman, G.
   Microbal Corrosion .........................18  Shamp, Richard
   Mixed Waste at Carlsbad ....................19  Shamp, Richard
   Whistle Blowers at the DOE .................19  Stang, John
MISCELLANEOUS  ................................19
   Scalar Waves ...............................19  Bearden, Tom
   A-55 Fuel ..................................21  Faile, Sam
   Cosmology Note .............................21  Hodowanec, Greg
   Light Matters... Really. ...................23  Tatterson, K.G.
   Waste in Commerce and Energy ...............23  Lambertson, Wingate
   Caspian Sea Oil Projects ...................24  Lambertson, Wingate
   Binding Forces .............................24  Grotz, Toby, et. al.
LETTERS  ......................................25
   RE Nelson Fink's Comments on
      Space-Energy Equivalence ................25  Wright, James
   Free Energy Coming Soon? ...................25  Dunlap, Jason
MEETINGS ......................................27
COMMERCIAL COLUMN .............................30
INFORMATION SOURCES ...........................30

CONTENTS FOR AUGUST 1998:  Vol. 6,  No. 4

WELCOME TO THE 1998 INE SYMPOSIUM ..............2  Bailey, Patrick
FUSION BRIEFINGS ...............................2
   A Note on Low Energy Nuclear Reactions
      in Condensed Matter  .....................2  Chicea, Dan
   Transmutation & XeCl Eximer Laser
      (Abstract) ...............................4  Nassisi, V.
   Titanium Produced / EINR Supported
      (Abstract) ...............................5  Iwamura, Y. el. al.
   Latest Word on Cold Fusion (Abstract) .......5  Storms, Edmond
   Transmutation of Toxic Isotopes (Abstract) ..5  Wallenius, Jan
   Theoretical Model Proposed (Abstract) .......5  Premuda, Francesco
   Producing Surface Craters (Abstract) ........6  Ohmori, T. et. al.
   Cold Fusion Times
      (Summary of Summer 1998 Issue) ...........7  CFT
RAD-WASTE ..........7
   Deep Geologic Disposal
      With Translations of DOE-Speak ...........7
   Radioactive Waste Disposal ..................7  Staff
   Waste Management or Cost Waste ..............8  Vespermann, Gary
MISCELLANEOUS ..................................8
   Latest from Future Technology
      Intelligence Report ......................8  Sutton, Antony
   Space Energy Journal & Testatika ............9  Kettner, Jim, and Kelly, Don
   Ampere is Still Correct .....................9  Phipps, Thomas, and
                                                     Valverde, J. G.
   There is an Aether ..........................9  Saumont, Renu
   Electric Power Shortage ....................10  AP Staff
   Neutrinos Have Mass ........................10  Suplee, Curt
   Cosmology Note .............................10  Hodowanes, Greg
   Faster Than Light ..........................12  Freedman, David
   Quantum Victory ............................12  Yurth, David
   Another Greenhouse Extinction ..............13  Ward, Peter
   March for Peaceful Energy ..................13  Lasken, Richard
BOOK REVIEWS ..................................15
   Motion: An Ancient Mystery Solved
      on the Work of Johann Bessler ...........15  Fox, Hal
   Stories of Great Inventions ................15  Fox, Hal
   Nucleon/Nucleon Interactions
      Faster Than Light .......................16  Fox, Hal
LETTERS .......................................17
   Dis-Information in the New Energy Field,
      Specifically with the Swiss M-L
      Converter (the Testatika) ...............17  Kelly, Don
   A New Web Sites with Theory and Data .......18  Chubb, Scott
   Zenergy:  Summary, Status, and Update ......18  Huish, Reed
MEETINGS ......................................19
COMMERCIAL COLUMN .............................21
INFORMATION SOURCES ...........................22

CONTENTS FOR SEPTEMBER 1998:  Vol. 6,  No. 5

   Two New Member Classes Are Approved
   Speakers and Messages
    Speakers and Summaries Of Their Messages
   Plans For INE-99 Symposium
   INE-98 Special Announcement
   Special Thanks For INE-98 Staff.
IMPORTANT EMAIL INFORMATION ....................4  Fox, Hal
   Email Addresses Wanted!
EMAIL POLICY FOR NEN ...........................4  Fox, Hal
FUSION BRIEFINGS ...............................4
   Patterns Of Failure .........................4  Swartz, Mitchell R.
      "Patterns of Failure
         in Cold Fusion Experiments"
   D2  Absorption  In  Ti  Plates ..............5  Olayo, et. al.
       "Absorption of Deuterium in Titanium
          Plates Induced by Electric Discharges"
   Liquid-Drop Model ...........................5  Fisher, John C.
       "Liquid-Drop Model for Extremely
          Neutron Rich Nuclei"
   Heavy Atomic Masses Produced ................5  Oriani, R. A.
       "Anomalous Heavy Atomic Masses
          Produced by Electrolysis"
   Nuclear Processes ...........................6  Stoppini, Gherardo
      "Nuclear Processes in Hydrogen-
         Loaded Metals"
   Infinite Energy June/July 1998 ..............6  Infinite Energy
RADWASTE ....................7
   DOE: $6.9 Billion For Glass Plant ...........7  Vesperman, Gary
      "Hanford unveils $6.9 billion project
         to treat radioactive waste"
   THE 10,000 YEAR PROBLEM .....................7  Webb, LaVar
      "Nuclear-Waste Dump Would Leave
         Lethal 10,000-year Legacy"
   Inertia As A Reaction .......................7  Reuda, et. al.
       "Inertia as Reaction of the Vacuum
         to Accelerated Motion"
   Waves Will Modify Relativity ................8  Rodrigues, et. al.
       "On the Existence of Undistorted Waves
         (UPWs) of Arbitrary Speeds in Nature"
   A Note On Y2K ...............................8  Simpson, Alan
   Flexible Magnets ............................9  New Scientist
       "Your Flexible Friend"
   Teleportation Of Photons ....................9  Bouwmeester, et. al.
       "Experimental Quantum Teleportation"
   Cosmology Notes ............................10  Hodowanec, Greg
   British Petroleum & Solar ..................10  Sutton, Anthony
       "British Petroleum in a Changing World"
   Yeast Rises To New Task ....................11  Purdue Univ.
   Longitudinal Forces &
      The Hutchison Effect ....................11  Hull, Richard
       "Longitudinal Forces"
   The Vace Experiments .......................11  Phipps, Jr., T. E.
       "Vace Experiments"
   Antigravity Experiments ....................12  Holwerda, Martin
      "Combined Antigravity Experiments"
   DOE Inventions Program .....................12  Staff
      "DOE Takes Over Energy-Related
         Inventions Program"
   New-Energy Politics ........................13  Miller, Tom
       "The Politics of New Energy"
   March For Peaceful Energy-Postponed ........13
BOOK REVIEW ...................................13  Fox, Hal
   Search for a New Energy Source,
      by Gary L. Johnson ......................13  Fox, Hal
LETTERS .......................................15
   INE-98 Thank You and Suggestions Letter ....15  Grotz, Toby
   On "How to Run Your Car on
      Zero-Point Energy" ......................15  Fox, Hal
      To Barry Hilton
   Can We Get a ZPE Car? ......................15  Nurnberger, Bernd
MEETINGS ......................................16
   Second International Symposium On ..........16
      Consciousness, New Medicine And
      New Energy
      November 26-27, 1998
      Ibuka Hall, Waseda University,
         Tokyo, Japan
   STAIF Breakthrough Propulsion Physics ......17
      Call For Papers:
      Held as part of the Space Technology &
         Applications International Forum
      January 31 - February 4, 1999,
         in Albuquerque, NM
         Emerging Physics Toward
            Propellantless Propulsion
         Emerging Physics Toward
            Hyper-Fast Space Travel
         Emerging Physics Toward
            Breakthrough Spacecraft Power
COMMERCIAL COLUMN .............................18
INFORMATION SOURCES ...........................19

(Note:  The NEN is now being released every two months.)

CONTENTS FOR NOVEMBER 1998:  Vol. 6,  No. 6

HOW TO FUND NEW-ENERGY .........................1  Fox, Hal
Great Losses To Our Field ......................2
FUSION BRIEFINGS ...............................2
"Update:  Case Catalytic Fusion Cell ...........2  Hess, Joe
Cold Fusion Real? ..............................2  Hess, Joe
Nuclear Solutions Radwaste Process .............3
Report On Infinite Energy's New Energy /
   Cold Fusion Symposium .......................3  Znidarsic, Frank
Hot Fusion Goes Broke ..........................4  Seife, C. And Hadfield, P.
Neutron Rich Nuclei ............................4  Fisher, John
Light Water Experiments ........................4  Orani, R. A.
Light Water Fusion .............................5  Stoppini, Gherardo
Fusion In Titanium-Deuteride ...................5  Katsuhiko, A., Et. Al.
Tritium Production .............................6  Szpak, S. And Mosier-Boss, P.
MISCELLANEOUS ..................................6
Institute For New Energy-Technologies Meeting ..6  Bahmann, Wolfram
New Gravitational Theory .......................7  Inomata, Shiuji
The Swiss Methernitha M-L Converter ............9  Kelly, Don
Role of The Messenger (Excerpts) ...............9  Lambertson, Wingate
Energy Challenge From Bush .....................9  Faile, Sam
Space Energy Journal, Sept 1998 ...............10
The Fifth Dimension ...........................11  Bennett, Chuck
First Atoms - Now Electrons ...................11  Bennett, Chuck
Oil Companies Agenda? A Novel Way
   To Get Donations ...........................11  Harrison, Rick
SCIENTIFIC PAPER ..............................13
Reactionless Propulsion And Active Force ......13  Frolov, Alexander
LETTERS .......................................16
Ramar Pillai Herbal Fuel ......................16  Bruce, Wesley
Letter From Evan Soule On Experimenter
   Jean-Louis Naudin Of France.................17  Soule, Evan
Letter From Tom Bearden:
   A Proven Cancer Cure And More ..............18  Bearden, Tom
MEETINGS          20
STAIF Breakthrough Propulsion Physics Sessions 20  NASA
34th IECEC ....................................21  IECEC
COMMERCIAL COLUMN .............................21
Company:  Product .............................21
Information Sources ...........................22

(Note:  The NEN is now being released every two months.)

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May 31, 2000.

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