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CONTENTS FOR JULY 1997:  Vol. 5,  No. 3

LOW-ENERGY BULK-PROCESS ALCHEMY:  ..............1  Fox, Hal
   News Release, Monday, June 16,1 997
FUSION BRIEFINGS  ..............................3
   The C.F. Revolution  ........................3  Rothwell, Jed
   Energy Gain and Transmutation  ..............4  Hora & Miley
   Miracle - Not Mistake  ......................4  Mallove, Eugene
   Patterson Cold Fusion Cell on TV  ...........5  Bhadkamkar, Atul
   A Cell for Huizenga  ........................5  Mallove, Eugene
   Keys to Understanding  ......................6  Samgin & Vakarin
   Arthur C. Clarke, friend of New Energy  .....6  Arthur C. Clarke
   3 Papers by Dr. Arata  ......................6  Arata & Zhang
SPACE ENERGY  ..................................8
   Creation of Energy & Matter  ................8  Tewari, Paramahamsha
OIL ENERGY  ...................................10
   Extracts from Global Energy Outlook  .......10  Moody, Gordon
   Good for Gunnerman .........................11  Sacramento Bee
RADWASTE  .....................................11
   Atomic Waste   DOE Cover-Up  ...............11  Sutton, Anthony
   Handling Spent Fuel Pellets  ...............11  Shamp, Richard
MISCELLANEOUS  ................................12
   Washington  - Tougher EPA Rules          .  12  NY Times Staff
   Gravity Waves Research Project  ............13  Ramsay, Bill
   Constructing Anti-Gravity Device  ..........13  Sinclaire, Pierre
   Light is the Ghost of Mass  ................13  Bennett, Chuck
   Electron  - Happy 100th Birthday  ..........15  Chevalier, Remy
EDITORIAL  ....................................15
   Scientific Anomaly  ........................15  Fox, Hal
LETTERS  ......................................17
   Apology to the Salt lake Tribune  ..........17  Fox, Hal
   My Vacuum Energy Source Does Not  ..........17  Lamberson, Wingate
      Have To Be Polarized
   Hans Coler Devices to be Described in  .....19  Kelly, Don
      the Next Issue of Space Energy Journal
   Linking the MRA, M-L, Hans Coler,  .........19  Holwerda, Martin
      and the Alpha-Theta Systems
MEETINGS  .....................................21
COMMERCIAL COLUMN  ............................22
INFORMATION SOURCES  ..........................23

CONTENTS FOR AUGUST 1997:  Vol. 5,  No. 4

LOW-ENERGY BULK-PROCESS ALCHEMY:  ..............1  Fox, Hal
THE FIRST AETHER CONFERENCE  ...................1  Fox, Hal
CONFERENCE  ....................................4
32ND IECEC Conference Abstracts  ...............4  Abstracts
   "Innovative Concepts (CT-06) Sessions"
FUSION BRIEFINGS  .............................11
Sonoluminescence goes Table Top  ..............11  Moss, William et. al.
ELECTRIC VEHICLES  ............................12
Zinc-Air Batteries in Las Vegas  ..............12  McCall, Ken
MISCELLANEOUS  ................................12
Smells like a Little Technology  ..............12  Sanders, Bill
ARTICLES  .....................................13
Is the Vacuum Polarized?  .....................13  Lambertson, Wingate
Spinning Ring Model of Fundamental  ...........14  Coon, Vincent
   Subatomic Particles
Space Energy Receivers Booklet  ...............14  Simplified tech.
EDITORIAL  ....................................15
Why Expect Neutrons?  .........................15  Fox, Hal
LETTERS  ......................................17
Errors in Hodonowec Cosmology Article  ........17  Kramer, Mark
Response to the Above "Errors" Letter  ........18  Hodonowec, Greg
Thoughts On Magnetic Systems and  .............19  Stewart, Roy
   Possible Aether Vortex Anti-Gravity
MEETINGS  .....................................20
COMMERCIAL COLUMN  ............................22
INFORMATION SOURCES  ..........................23

CONTENTS FOR SEPTEMBER 1997:  Vol. 5,  No. 5

   Model 1 (Now Available!)
IN MEMORIAM - STEFAN MARINOV                    1
   My Scientific Testament                      1  Marinov, Stephen
   A Strong Voice Is Missing:                   2  Marinov, Stephen
      His Last Will and Testament
   Letter on Stefan Marinov's Tragic Death      2  Schneeberger, Erwin
   Letter on Stefan Marinov's Suicide           3  Robert W. Bass
FUSION BRIEFINGS                                4
   The Legacy of Cold Fusion                    4
   Really "Cold" Fusion                         5  Steve Roen
   Cold Fusion Theory                           5  Sada, Hidetaka
   Co-Depositon Of Pd & D2                      5  Swartz, Mitchell
   Infinite Energy Magazine,                    5  IE Magazine
      vol 3, nos 13 & 14 Double issue
   Elemental Energy aka "Cold Fusion"           6  Green, Wayne
SPACE ENERGY                                    6
   Space Energy For Space Flight                6  Puthoff, Hal
   ZPF - Inertia, Gravity, & Mass               7  Puthoff, Hal
MISCELLANEOUS                                   7
   Running On French Fries                      7  Tickell, Kaia and Joshua
   7 Nuclear Power Plants To Close              7  Staff, AP
   DOD - Who Are You Going To Bomb?             8  Lorraine Woellert
ARTICLES                                        8
   Cosmology Notes                              8  Hodonowec, Greg
      GW Signal Detector Unit
         (Demo and Apps. of Ckt. A)
   Cosmology Notes 2                           10  Hodonowec, Greg
      GW Signal Detector Unit
         (Procedures and Notes of Ckt. A)
   Aneutronic Nuclear Reactions                13  Fox, Hal, and Jin, Shang-Xian
    Benign Neglect                             16  Lambertson, Wingate
LETTERS                                        17
   Compliments and Personal Insights           17  McKelvey, Shane
      on the INE Web Site
   Characteristics of the Aether               18  Groenendijk, Bas
   Request for Low-Tech Energy Production      19  Zarick, Nik
MEETINGS                                       19
COMMERCIAL COLUMN                              21
INFORMATION SOURCES                            21

CONTENTS FOR OCTOBER 1997:  Vol. 5,  No. 6

In Memorium:  Chris Tinsley Dies in UK  ........3  Rothwell, Jed
Research Contacts Wanted  ......................4  Bailey, Patrick
FUSION BRIEFINGS  ..............................4
   Absence of Tritium Yield  ...................4  Bertin, A., et. al.
   Magnetically Catalyzed Fusion  ..............4  Heyl, J.S., et. al.
   Pd-Black Assist Tritium Production  .........5  Bellanger, G., et. al.
   Spheromak-Like Forms  .......................5  Kukushkin, A.B., et. al.
   A Short Review:  A.B. Kukushikin's Paper  ...5  Jin, Dr.
   The James Patterson 4 Mar 1997 Patent  ......6  El. Energy Mag. (CF)
   TNCF Analysis of Excess Heat in Ni/H/K Sys.  6  Kozima, H., et. al.
   On the Reduced Radioactivity of Tritium
      Adsorbed by Titanium  ....................6  Kozima, H.
   Explanation of Experimental Data of X-ray,
      Heat Excess and He-4 in a PdDx/Li System  6  Kozima, H., et. al.
   The Physics of the Cold Fusion Phenomena  ...7  Kozima, H., et. al.
   Ultra-Low Energy Nuclear Reactions  .........7  Okamoto, M., et. al.
   Termination of Original
      Pons-Fleischmann License  ................7  ENECO
   dt- and d3He-Systems  .......................7  Popov, V.S., et. al.
   Atom Acceleration in Nonequilibrium Crystals 8  Sugakov, V.I., et. al.
SPACE ENERGY  ..................................8
   Torsion Fields Models  ......................8  Akimov, A.E., et. al.
   Space Power for Space Travel  ...............9  Millis, Marc (NASA)
MISCELLANEOUS  ................................10
   New Particle Models  .......................10  Bergman, D.
   Energy Systems of Tomorrow  ................10  Carrell, M.
   Nuclear Thermalization  ....................10  Cavinato, M., et. al.
   Cleanup of Hanford Site Delayed  ...........10  AP Staff
   Energy Efficiency Conference Report  .......11  Johnson Controls
   Future Technology Intelligence Report  .....11  FTIR
   Latin America Energy Independence?  ........11  Moody, G.
   DOE Report on Rad-Wastes  ..................12  Tech. Rev. Board
   Infinite Energy & Transmutation  ...........13  Inf. Emergy Mag.
   Global Warming - $150 Billion Fix?  ........14  Moody, G.
   Origins of Laws Sought  ....................15  Wolff, M.
   Net Journal  ...............................15  Net Journal Mag.
   Energy Synthesis  ..........................16  Wakeman, F.
   Energy Profits, Number One  ................16  Global Energy Outlook
   Trenergy to Sell Shares  ...................16  Trenergy
   Antigravity News  ..........................17  AntiGravity News
ARTICLES  .....................................17
   The Emperor's Virtual Clothes  .............17  Lambertson, W.
LETTERS  ......................................18
   Aether Flow into Massive Bodies  ...........18  Hassel, W.F.
   Condolences on the Death of Stefan Marinov  19  Inomata, S.
   On the Torsion Research by A.E. Akimov  ....19  Reed, D.
   On Why the Photon Does Not Exist  ..........20  Schreiber, B.
MEETINGS  .....................................20
   The Meeting of the Minds:  Oct. 24-26,
      1997, Hidden Valley, AK  ................20
   ICCF-7:  April 19-24, 1998, Vancouver   ....21
   18th Symposium on Discharges & Electrical
      Insulation in Vacuum, Aug. 17-21, 1998,
      Eindhoven, The Netherlands  .............21
   33rd IECEC, August 2-6, 1998,
      Colorado Springs, CO  ...................22
COMMERCIAL COLUMN  ............................22
INFORMATION SOURCES  ..........................23

CONTENTS FOR NOVEMBER 1997:  Vol. 5,  No. 7

   LENT-1 EXPERIMENTS  .........................1  Fox, Hal
IN MEMORIAM:  Bruce DePalma  ...................2  Twain, M.
IN MEMORIAM:  Chris Tinsley  ...................3  Bass, Robert
FUSION BRIEFINGS  ..............................4
   Success & Small Grain Pd  ...................4  Chubb, S. & T.
   Paired-Particle Coherence  ..................4  Chubb, S. & T.
   2-Deuteron Wave Function  ...................4  Chubb, S. & T.
   Ion Band States, Many Body Effects  .........5  Chubb, S. & T.
   Overlap Properties  .........................5  Chubb, S. & T.
   Results in Cold Fusion  .....................5  Kozima, H.
   Status of Cold Fusion  ......................5  Nagel, David
MISCELLANEOUS  .................................6
   Understanding the Dropping of the  ..........6  DePalma, Bruce
     Spinning Ball Experiment
   Yucca Mountain Waste Storage: A No Brainer   8  Editorial
   Global Energy Outlook Tidbits  ..............9  Moody, Gordon
   Gravity Drop Experiment  ...................10  FIC
   Big Bang Under Fire  .......................11  Mitchell, William
   Industrial Transition to New Energy  .......11  Myers, Stanley
   Electric Spacecraft Journal  ...............11  ESJ
      (Contents Reviewed)
      Fusor Neutron Generators  ...............11  Kulba, Leslee
      Red and Green Energy  ...................11  ESJ
      Hertz' Equations of Electrodynamics  ....12  Phillips, Jr., Thomas
      Electric Field Propulsion Concepts  .....12  Yost, Charles
         from Independent Researchers
      Aether and Concentric Capacitors  .......12  Holwerda, Martin
   Electrifying Times (Review Articles)  ......12  ET
LETTERS  ......................................13
   Importance of New Energy Applications  .....13  Cooke, David
   Insights and Comments on Science and  ......14  Bockris, John O'M.
      Results from Cold Fusion Research
   Politics Is Not Science  ...................16  Bockris, John O'M.
MEETINGS  .....................................16
COMMERCIAL COLUMN  ............................18
INFORMATION SOURCES  ..........................19

CONTENTS FOR DECEMBER 1997:  Vol. 5,  No. 8

OUR HOLIDAY SEASON'S GIFT TO YOU  ..............1  NEN Staff
FUSION BRIEFINGS  ..............................2
Bockris Letter of Interest to All  .............2  Bockris, John
First LENT-1 Gamma Spectra  ....................5  Trenergy, Inc.
Swartz Attempts To Teach Murray  ...............6  Swartz, Mitchell
Honesty On The Internet  .......................6  NEN Staff
Cold Fusion Bibliography  ......................7  NEN Staff
MISCELLANEOUS  .................................8
AntiGravity News Review  .......................8  Fox, Hal
Good Info on Proton Accelerators  ..............9  NEN Staff
35-Year-Old Nuclear Plant Closes  ..............9  Shamp, Richard
Air Pollution to Kill 700,000?  ...............10  Boston Globe Staff
What is Swirling, the Aether?  ................10  AP Staff
National Public Radio on Nuclear Waste  .......11  NPR
Sale of Uranium-Enrichment Agency  ............11  Shamp, Richard
Sci-Fi or E.T. Science?  ......................11  Fox, Hal
Listen To The Cosmic Connection  ..............12  FIC Staff
Electro-Magnetic Wave Misnomer  ...............13  Silliman, Norman
WEB SPACE  ....................................15
LETTERS  ......................................16
ZPE News Blackout - A National Shame  .........16  Lambertson, Win
Super-Pooper Vortex  ..........................17  Obolensky, Alexis
MEETINGS  .....................................18
Mysterious Magnetic Spinner  ..................19  NEN Staff
COMMERCIAL COLUMN  ............................20
INFORMATION SOURCES  ..........................21
LENT-1 Low Energy Nuclear Transmutation Kit  ..23  NEN Staff

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Dec. 10, 1997.